Chapter 435 - Last Man Standing

"The rules of the game are simple; the last man standing who has successfully protected their bullseye will be the victor. A shot in the bullseye is equivalent to death. Hence, that means you're out of the game. Each time you get a graze will be counted as a point and will be timed as if you're injured -- considering you bleeding out by the time the game ends. In case none was grazed or hit by the bullseye, we will conduct a special round." Paul briefed the three who were busy scanning the entire first floor of the mansion.

There were a few markings that were akin to a red dot on their skin. The markings were placed on their vitals which indicated an instant death if they were shot by a real bullet.

"Wait," Ryan turned to Paul, bearing questioning eyes. "What if we destroy Master's stuff?" He asked, scratching the back of his hand.

Although the entire first floor was more spacious with other things moved out earlier, there was still stuff inside. In other words, their colleagues only moved out a few things but there were still important antiques and rare goods that Matthew had obtained through black market options.

"You will have full immunization if you break anything on the first floor." Paul answered, watching Ryan nod his head in understanding. "You will be given ten minutes to prepare and choose your loadouts. After ten minutes, you will need to place your tinted visors." He informed, laying his hand on the desk that had tons of different weapons laid on top of it.

"Wow…" Owen awed, staring at the desk in amusement. "I feel like we're in a game." He said, gliding towards the desk to choose one for himself.

"Hah! Isn't this a game?" Ryan snickered, teasing Owen as he walked closer to him. "But this is rather interesting…" When he stopped on the other side of the table where a variety of weapons rested, he added as he glanced at the other side where Carter stood.

"Is everyone watching?" Just then, Carter raised his gaze towards Paul whose face bore zero expression. His question obviously caught Owen and Ryan's attention as they instinctively looked up to Paul at the same time.

"Yes," After a second of silence, Paul nodded his head. "Every movement of yours, your scoreboards, and anything that will be going on inside will be broadcasted to your comrades. Not only the Master will see every movement of yours, but also everyone else." He explained, adding details so everything would be clear to them.

"I see…" Carter, as usual, just nodded his head and said nothing. He then gazed down, and started picking up equipment he wanted to use.

"Hey! Don't get everything all for yourself!" The second Owen saw that Carter picked up a pistol, he exaggerated. With that being said, the three began picking what they think they needed in their battle.


Meanwhile, inside the entertainment room that was just a floor above the three, Zoey and Matthew watched the three preparing.

"How did you come up with this game?" Matthew glanced at Zoey, averting his gaze away from the monitor before them as he asked.

"Hehe." Zoey chuckled, the side of her lips stretched from ear to ear. "I used to play it." She said, not hesitating to answer his question in full honesty. 

Zoey didn't feel the need to lie. Why? Because she was already shocked at how Matthew prepared the game. Not to mention, seeing those weapons being stored in this place made her want to open up a little.

After all, Matthew has been very transparent with her. Therefore, she wanted to take the chance and see more of him by sharing the same transparency.

"Where?" His right brow arched, obviously interested at the answer he didn't expect.

"Not where?" Zoey shook her head, clicking her tongue in disappointment. "The question is, why?" She corrected, casting him a knowing look as the side of her lips crooked into a grin.

"This game is pretty simple, but also, a great training for the three." She explained, pausing as she leaned her back on the lazy couch languidly. "Their marksmanship might be undeniably precise, but what if they couldn't see their targets?" She queried, casting him a side eye who was listening intently to her.

"Precision needs sight." In a matter-of-fact tone, Matthew argued.

"Yes," Surprisingly enough, Zoey didn't disagree but nodded her head approvingly. "But, in a real mission, you can't always rely on your sense of sight." She explained, her eyes fixated on the three men on the screen.

"It's easy to shoot the bullseye, but not when you're another person's bullseye. That's a different game." Her voice lowered, and a chilling glint flashed across her eyes which made him narrow his eyes.

Matthew wanted to ask about the keyword she dropped: real mission. However, for some reason, he decided to let it slip by because he didn't want to sound pushy by probing further. Slowly, they needed to take time slowly just like what they were doing so far.

"Who do you think will win?' Just then, Zoey inquired as she turned her head to him.

"A draw." Matthew didn't bat an eye as he answered.

"Aiya!" Once again, Zoey clicked her tongue in disappointment as she shook her head sideways. "You underestimate your own men?" She asked sarcastically.

"I don't. That's why I assume it's a draw." He shrugged, justifying his answer through a simple argument.

"Hehe…" Yet, Zoey just snickered which caused his brows to furrow. "Why are you laughing?" He inquired, bearing a puzzled look plastered across his face. Surely, no one baffled him to this extent except her. Thus, although he was curious, he was amused at the same time.

"I'm just excited to see your reaction once someone wins." Zoey shrugged, giggling as if she was looking forward to something more exciting than the game.

"We'll see." 

"Hey," As the timer on the screen hit the last minute, Zoey turned her head towards Matthew who was waiting for it to start. 

Slowly, he turned his head in her direction. "Hmm?" Humming a low questioning tune.

"Just a heads up, this will be a vicious show to watch." Zoey said, giving him a heads up so he wouldn't get frustrated -- if ever he would be.. Yet, Zoey was certain there would be a few people who would feel upset as the participants could bend the rules by its loopholes.