Chapter 449 - Protect Her

"You can't go back now." Matthew whispered, slowly leaning forward to leave a peck on her lips.

Zoey pursed her lips into a thin line, nodding her head as she fixed her eyes on him. "Okay…" She repeated, trying to gather her thoughts as her heart was moved.

The last year of her previous life had been a hell of a ride. For her, it felt like an eternal struggle; trapped in a loop that the only escape for her was death. It tired her, and technically, this time-traveling felt like a continuation of that loop.

The only difference was that she wasn't just seeking answers for her husband's and friend's death. Her standing right now was to protect them. Still, that was tiring. Zoey might not want to admit it, but her mind and body could only take that much.

She had been forcing herself to get up everyday, plan her steps ahead of everyone, all the while trying not to implicate them in the bloody road that awaited her. Her future would certainly change; she wouldn't be the Zhou Zoey, founder and CEO of the flourishing Z Image Group.

Instead, the path she had chosen was to be a nobody. Someone who would look after them in this lifetime. If changing her future and facing the realities that were hidden in this lifetime was the answer to keep everyone alive, then Zoey would take it, every chance she got. 

So, having someone who unconsciously understood her exhaustion deep down brought ripples in her heart. It moved her to tears, as if she could finally have a day to breathe.

Despite trying to hold back her tears, Zoey failed miserably. Tears rolled down her cheeks while she bit her lower lip as hard as she could. 

"Don't cry," He said, wiping her tears by the back of his hand. For some reason, Matthew felt his heart clench. But, at the same time, he was relieved that she was accepting.

He could feel that she was exhausted, too tired dealing with whatever she was dealing. Not to mention, this determination in his heart that neither Matthew could understand where the source was coming from filled his heart with absolute determination.

He wanted to protect her, share her burdens, and spend her achievements with her. But above all, he just wanted her to be happy with him in it. Maybe, it was not that he thought he was in love… he had fallen deeply without realizing it.

"You will be fine… we will be." He reassured in a gentle tone, staring at her straight in the eye upon his utterance.

"Yes…" Zoey meekly responded, nodding her head slightly as she sniffled.

"Come here," Slowly, Matthew guided her head to his lap. This time, Zoey let him do as he pleased as she rested her head on his lap.

Matthew didn't say anything but brushed her hair gently. Zoey could not help but blink her eyes ever so slowly, feeling a little sleepy with every stroke on her head. She was still hiccuping like a child, but she remained silent.

Zoey didn't realize that with his every stoke through her hair caused her eyelids to drop until she fell asleep. She had a long day yesterday, and another sleepless night thinking about what occurred. Thus, finally having the sense of security that she was safe, Zoey fell in her slumber almost instantly.

Meanwhile, as she slept on his lap, Matthew gazed down. He stared at her side profile, blinking his eyes ever so slowly as the only break from looking at her. 

"Did I tell you that in my dreams… I seem to love you deeply." After several minutes of silence, his voice filled the still air. "Although, I am uncertain if those are real or just my mind playing tricks on me, what I am sure about is I want to protect you now." He added, the back of his hand caressed her cheek lovingly.

"I never had the strong emotion to protect something, but now…" He paused, gulping down a mouthful of saliva as his heart slowly filled with foreign emotions. "...but now, I won't let anyone harm you." His pair of russet eyes flickered menacingly.

"Just stop pushing me away… and let me in." This time, Matthew's voice lowered as a bitter smile resurfaced in his lips. It might not seem obvious, but Zoey closing herself, guarding her heart from everyone somehow hurt him.

Matthew was used to getting what he wanted without lifting a finger. Everyone was willing to serve the king, everyone would suck up to him, and would accept his offers -- especially fair ones -- in a heartbeat.

Thus, when he had an inkling towards her, everything seemed new to him. At the same time, it also felt very familiar. Weird, but that was what he felt at that time. He kept testing these foreign feelings, experimenting with his every interaction with her.

However, the more he interacted with her, the more these feelings grew stronger. It was eating him from inside and out -- playing with his moods and emotions whenever he felt that she didn't feel the same.

"Just tell me why, how, and who… I will solve everything for you." He whispered, kissing his middle and forefinger and then placed it on her cheek -- an indirect kiss as he didn't want to take advantage of her.

Zoey rarely showed her vulnerable state. It was as if even if she slept, she was still aware of her surroundings. But now, this moment, this was different. Zoey slept peacefully in his lap. He didn't want to destroy the trust she put in him by showing her unguarded state.

"Dredd," Just then, Matthew raised his head to the corner of the room where Dredd was resting.

Dredd immediately let out a low growl, as if an answer to his master's call. "I don't know her, but my heart recognizes her." He paused, brushing Zoey's hair again and gazed down on her as he stared at her side profile.

"Protect her.." Matthew didn't look at Dredd anymore, but the lion just stared at their direction, blinking its eyes slowly before he rested his chin on the back of his paws.