Chapter 462 - Human Contact

Zoey carefully stepped outside the bathroom. She was wearing the exact same shirt he was wearing. The only difference was the color yet they were the same shade as grey. She held her hand behind her as her eyes wandered where he could be this time.

Just then, Zoey saw his figure through the glass door leading to the balcony. Matthew was just sitting there with a bottle and a glass of wine to his side. She could only see his back, the soft ray of the moon shone upon him.

She stayed in her spot, just staring at the seemingly magical view of a lonesome king. 

A picture of a man who stood at the top just like a true king. 

People respect and bring their guard up, taking caution around him. Even among his men, there was a distinct line between Matthew and them. 

'He must be so sad all alone up there...' Her subconscious mind whispered in her ear.

"He must be..." She whispered in the air, her eyes softened as she felt her heart clench.

In her previous life, Zoey had never felt such a melancholic air around him. Although the thirty-year-old Matthew and his younger version were almost similar in appearance, their personality seemed to be the complete opposite. 

The thirty-year-old Matthew had a solid wall around him. It was thick and hard, as if nothing could penetrate it. Still, he wasn't as much of a tyrant and as overbearing as the younger version. If anything, he knew how to control his powers and didn't abuse it. 

On the other hand, the younger version was akin to a mad king. He abused his powers, without batting an eyelid as he delivered his judgement. He was arrogant and only thought that his words were the only thing that mattered.

There may be times that both of them acted like the same person, still, Zoey couldn't overlook what the current Matthew was showing her. Nevertheless, her heart still beat the same for him. 

'I'm foolish, aren't I?' She asked herself silently, the side of her lips tilted into a bitter smile. 

'Foolishly in love...' She added, still staring at his figure on the balcony. 

'Damn... he looks so lonely, I want to tear up!' Zoey bit her lower lip, taking a step towards the balcony where he was at. 

In comparison to the older version of her husband, this younger version emanated longing and loneliness. Perhaps, the reason Zoey never noticed this side of him in their previous life was because Matthew got used to it and already learned to enjoy his own company. 

And what she was seeing right now, was just an example of how that indifferent thirty-year-old Matthew dealt with being alone. Before he learned and moved forward, Matthew experienced this stage of utter emptiness. 

"You'll catch a cold if you stay here for long." Without a thought, Zoey intruded the balcony and spoke softly. 

Slowly, Matthew turned around. Upon laying his eyes on her, it softened as the side of his lips hooked into a gentle smile. 

He didn't speak, but she saw him approach her. Usually, Zoey's body would instinctively take a step back. However, this time, she didn't. 

Her eyes fixated on him, watching him come closer and closer until he was a step away from her. "Hmm?" She hummed in a low tone, raising her head up as her eyes blinked continuously. 

Just then, Matthew suddenly slid his arms around her waist, pulling her closer as he rested his chin on her shoulder. "That's nice..." He whispered in her ear. 

Zoey, although taken aback, didn't move a muscle. "Nice?" She asked, letting him have a feel of her body heat as she could feel the coldness of his arms and cheek. 

"Mhmm..." He hummed, nodding his head slightly. 

"About?" She queried almost instantly, sounding natural, allowing him to have human contact this time. 

For a moment, Matthew didn't answer as he remained in that position. "Having someone to tell me not to catch a cold." After a moment of silence, he finally answered. 

His answer obviously sent ripples in her heart. She was moved, causing her entire body to just melt on him. 

"I'm afraid that once I go in, you won't care anymore." Out of nowhere, Matthew said in a low tone. 

He didn't truly plan this to happen. To him, he was just spending another night staring at the nothingness and to breathe some fresh air like usual. 

Matthew expected that while he was out, she would take advantage of it and sleep — or at least, pretend to sleep to avoid him. Who would have thought that instead of doing what he had expected, Zoey called him to come inside like a wife calling her husband. 

Indeed, Matthew was low maintenance. He didn't need much from Zoey aside from affection. Yet, Zoey was so fickle that he felt confused most of the time. 

"I won't." Zoey pursed her lips into a thin line, patting his shoulders lightly. "I will always care." She muttered, letting her heart speak for her. 

To her, Matthew was like a child. He needed affection and attention. Although he had been showered with attention, it was not the same as what he was seeking for. 

Upon hearing her last remarks, the corner of his lips stretched into a smile. "Mhmm," He hummed in a low tune. 

However, as soon as he did, Matthew, without further ado, carried her back inside the room. "Kya!" Zoey squealed, surprised by him. 

"Hey! Where are you —!"

"See? You changed." In a matter-of-fact tone, Matthew glanced down at her before he tossed her on the bed with him. 

As Matthew almost jumped on the bed with her, he ended up laying on her top. Fortunately, his elbows supported him or else, he would definitely crush her. 

"Xi Matthew! Oy! I'm not being naughty…!" Her words trailed off as he suddenly rested his forehead against her. 

"I'm just sleepy..." He closed his eyes, her breath wafting his nose. "I told you, I wouldn't do anything silly. But, if you don't shut up, I'll make you." His mild threats caused her to press her lips together, swallowing down a mouthful of saliva.

'That's tempting, I want to shout!' Yet, inside her mind, Zoey's real feelings screamed in frustration!