Chapter 486 - He Didn't Like Cora, Right?

"Darling!" Upon the realization, Zoey didn't care about the rest but immediately turned to Matthew. "Don't eat it!" She hollered in urgency, trying to stop him from eating.

However, Matthew didn't stop and continued on eating. Everyone around the table including Zoey watched him in disbelief. Ivan's reaction was too wholesome as he covered his wide open mouth, watching this noble person eat the poison willingly.

"The chefs were out this morning. This is the only breakfast prepared for everyone." As Matthew sensed their intent gaze at him, he paused and raised his head. "There are millions of people dying of starvation, don't disrespect those people by wasting food prepared for you." He added, his tone commanding as ever before he continued to eat the soup.

Upon hearing their boss, Owen and Ryan wept internally as they knew they had no option. Carter, on the other hand, pursed his lips into a thin line as he gulped a mouthful of saliva. Their bowls weren't that big, but just staring at it, he felt full already.

However, Carter had experienced starving almost to death. Therefore, he didn't want to waste food. Therefore, although the taste of Zoey's cooking was out of this world in a terrible sense, he still ate it.

The only people who didn't eat were Zoey, Ivan, and Angelo. Ivan couldn't believe his eyes as they all started eating. If Zoey's cooking was being respectful, he would rather disrespect the world as he couldn't eat this food. Angelo, on the other hand, didn't share the same perspective as him as he also started eating.

"Everyone…" Moved by their gesture, Zoey's eyes softened. "You don't have to…" Her words trailed off, biting her lower lip as she felt utterly touched by Matthew's words.

Although Zoey was well-aware how bad it was, she was still moved by this. After all, the efforts she put into preparing this breakfast was sincere. Therefore, even though she didn't like her own cooking, she started digging in as well to show her support.

She believed that by eating and finishing her portion, it would give her a good lesson to practice more. Maybe, by doing this, the strong taste of this soup and everything would remind her to check the taste of every time she wanted to cook.

In the end, everyone ate except Ivan. He really couldn't bring himself to eat breakfast as he would rather starve for the day. Not that he would die literally. But, if ever he would, at the very least, he wouldn't tell himself he should've a proper meal before dying.


When the meal was done, Matthew's men immediately departed the dining area to regain their senses. Matthew was also called away by an important call, so he had excused himself from the kitchen. Thus, the only ones that were left in the dining area were Ivan, Zoey, and Angelo.

'Boss, you wouldn't need me today?" Angelo, who seemed immune by the terrible breakfast, regained his senses quickly as he asked.

"No," Zoey shook her head sideways, as she found her cooking more acceptable after eating more. "I'll only need to video call the office before I need to meet Professor Meng of Zoid Solution." She explained, leaning her back against the chair's backrest as she sighed.

"It's really bad." She muttered, her eyes scanning the bowl of soup she made that was now empty. Zoey could not believe that everything she prepared today was consumed till the last drop despite how awful it was.

"Are you sure?" Angelo arched his right brow, ignoring her murmurings as they already ate it. The damage in everyone's stomach and tongue has been made and she wouldn't return the time nor the food that they're already digesting.


"No, I mean, meeting the Zoid Solution's representative." Angelo shook his head sideways, clarifying what he meant by his question. "Why are you insisting on proposing a deal with them if we're currently catering to the Feng Estate's orders?" He asked, curious as Zoey had been insisting on this matter despite knowing that they lack manpower at the moment. 

"Hmm…" Zoey pursed her lips in a thin line, glancing at Angelo whose curiosity was plastered across his face. "In two months, Zoid Solution would celebrate its anniversary. I need to be there." In a matter-of-fact tone, Zoey shrugged her shoulders. 

"For a possible alibi and I want to confirm something." As she rubbed her chin, pondering on how to word her explanation, Zoey raised her eyes once again. 

"An alibi? For?" 

"Why does a person need an alibi?" Zoey raised her right eyebrow, returning the question in a knowing tone laced with sarcasm. 

"Ahh…" Upon hearing her sarcasm, Angelo rolled his eyes as he shook his head. Obviously, someone needed an alibi to get away from a crime. What else? The only question was, what kind of crime would she be involved with? 

"Anyway -- "

"Aish!" Just as Zoey was about to speak, Ivan grumbled loudly, catching the attention of Zoey and Angelo. He then sprung up from his seat, storming out of the dining room annoyed at something.

"Huh?" Her brows knitted together, blinking her eyes as she turned to Angelo who also looked at her bearing questioning eyes. "What happened to him?" She asked, the latter answered with a shrug as he didn't know why Ivan was suddenly annoyed after remaining silent this entire time.

"Maybe, he's hungry?"

"Hungry, so he's angry?" Zoey cocked her head to the side, smacking her lips as she couldn't bring herself to believe that. "I don't think so." She murmured, rubbing her chin lightly as she pondered over what was happening to Ivan.

Well, Ivan was her number one hater in her cooking. However, she noticed that he was being extra hateful, as if he was just venting his frustration from something else to their breakfast. Zoey knew Ivan more than he knew himself. Therefore, Zoey could easily notice the difference. She just chose to ignore it, thinking to confront him later.

"Or maybe…" Angelo paused, furrowing his brows as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously. 

"Maybe, what?"

"Your friend." Angelo suddenly turned to Zoey. "That girl with short hair and glasses." He described Cora which made Zoey arch her right brow.

"What about her?"

"I don't know. But I think she's the reason." In a matter-of-fact tone, Angelo concluded as he heard Ivan had been following her. Even last night, Ivan told him about her but the only detail he said was about Cora drinking more than she could ever drink.

"Uh…" When Zoey heard Angelo's last remarks, she was rendered speechless as she turned her eyes back to where Ivan left off. "Cora, huh…" She whispered under her breath, keeping her silence while her mind was processing faster than usual.

"He doesn't like Cora, right?" After a moment of silence, Zoey wondered as she spoke her thoughts aloud.

"Who knows?"

"No, he shouldn't." Just as Angelo answered, she shook her head because Cora and Zion were meant to be for each other.. "That shouldn't happen…" She repeated, sighing heavily as her eyes glinted.