Chapter 491 - Done Deal


"Professor Meng," As Zoey made her entrance, she greeted, bowing her head slightly. 

"Oh, Miss Zhou!" Slowly, Professor Meng turned to Zoey and called. He assisted himself up from his laid back sitting position and spread his arms wide. "We started discussing things as you were running late." He added, honest as ever as he stressed her late entrance -- although she was only late for about two minutes.

"My apologies, Professor Meng." Instead of cooking up lame excuses, Zoey apologized immediately.

"Professor Meng, Miss Zhou is not late. I bumped into her and spilled my juice on her pants. So, it was my fault." Just then, Richard chimed in. He lied, cooking up excuses just so Professor Meng wouldn't get a bad impression of her and then glanced at Zoey and winked.

"Oh, is that so?" Upon hearing Richard's explanation, Professor Meng nodded his head in understanding. Slowly, his lips stretched into a subtle smile. "Then, it��s understandable." He uttered, his hand gesturing for her to take the empty seat around the table. 

"Why don't you take a seat, Miss Zhou?" Professor Meng suggested.

Zoey, for a moment, remained silent as she glanced at the empty seat. However, she didn't move an inch as she raised her head and stared directly at Professor Meng. "Professor Meng, I did bump into Mr. Sun, but that wasn't the reason I was late. I'm looking for my assistant." She explained, indirectly rejecting Richard's help.

"Oh…" Upon hearing her own version of explanation, Professor Meng nodded his head and then glanced at Richard with a frown on his face. Richard just shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, as if he was not bothered that she ratted him out.

"So…" Before she could speak once again, her voice trailed off as Professor Meng suddenly laughed out loud. 

"Hahaha! I like you, Miss Zhou!" Professor Meng clapped his hands, cackling to his heart's content. "Come, take a seat. Let's forget about that and move on." In between his gleeful laughs, Professor Meng offered the empty seat once again.

'Heh, easy.' Inside her mind, Zoey chuckled as she knew how to please the old man. Although Professor Meng often acted cool and goofy, he had a sharp instinct. Obviously, why would he believe Richard?

Professor Meng was just pretending to buy the lie since it wasn't that grave. Moreover, the said professor trusted Richard. Thus, he was certain there was a particular reason Richard tried to cover for her.

"Miss Zhou, since you're here I won't go around in circles. I heard you're already doing business with the Feng Estate." The second Zoey perched on the seat, Professor Meng immediately got down to business which she already expected.

"How can Z Image Group cater to our orders if ever you closed this deal?" Professor Meng added, tilting his head a little to the side. Although Zoey hadn't started convincing him yet to sign a contract with him, he already asked one of his concerns.

After all, as far as he knew, Z Image Group was a struggling small company. Although it was surprising that they got to make the Feng Estate sign with them despite the price difference, Professor Meng didn't care about that. His primary concern was whether the Z Image Group would give them a headache from the lack of manpower.

If they were a big company with a solid foundation, Professor Meng wouldn't worry himself if his orders would be done in the allotted time. However, since he was aware of the current state of Zoey's company, he was more or less reluctant to do business with her.

The only reason Professor Meng agreed to this meeting was because he heard about the Z Image Group and the Feng Estate. He was intrigued by what kind of person Zoey Zhou was to convince Jimmy Feng to do business with her.

So far, in Professor Meng's eyes, he liked her. She's honest and seemed to be a smart individual. 

"Professor Meng, I know my company is small. However, I wouldn't face you and try to do business with you knowing I'll be digging a grave for myself." Cool and calm, Zoey offered a subtle smile as her gaze never left the middle-aged man. "If your worries are that we would lack manpower to finish the project with the Zoid Solution Inc., I can assure you that won't be a problem." In a matter-of-fact tone, Zoey reassured.

For a moment, Professor Meng squinted his eyes without uttering a word. He studied her confident demeanor, nodding his head approvingly as it seemed she was prepared to do big projects. 

"Alright, show me the designs -- you did your research, correct?" After a while, Professor Meng uttered and then raised his head with his brows arching. 

"Of course," Zoey smiled, nodding her head as she knew that there was a new branch that the Zoid Solution was working on. She wouldn't go there empty handed, nor she planned to leave without gaining anything. After all, Zoey's eyes were on this company and not at the Feng Estate.

"Great!" Upon hearing her answer, Professor Meng grinned as Zoey started giving him the designs and plans of the new building of the Zoid Solution Inc.

Meanwhile, as they discussed, Richard had his eyes fixed on Zoey. His eyes glinted, as the side of his lips curled into a smile. 'How sexy…' he thought internally, seeing her dedication and seriousness in the business as Zoey being sexy.

Soon, the meeting came to an end with Zoey and Professor Meng having mutual understanding. "Well, since you've impressed me with your proposal, I'd be a fool if I don't shake your hands." Professor Meng expressed, bearing a bright smile on his slightly wrinkled face.

"I look forward to doing business with you, Miss Zhou." He said, stretching his arms as he offered his hand for a handshake.

"My pleasure," Zoey replied, accepting the kind hand and shook it lightly.

"No wonder that old Feng agreed to do business with you. Hah! Just when I deemed him hopeless in doing business; I guess he finally woke up to his senses." Professor Meng humored, chuckling at his own joke. 

Zoey just smiled. She didn't want to pop the old man's bubble that Jimmy Feng was still foolish and sold his soul to the devil. Well, not that it was her business to meddle with Jimmy Feng as it was the result of his greediness that he became Cecil's puppet.

"Anyway, since you're now a business associate of mine, I would like to invite you to my birthday party in a week!" As Professor Meng retracted his hand away, he clasped his hands together as he was reminded about his incoming party.

Upon hearing that, her eyes glinted as this was what she was waiting for. "Of course, Professor Meng. It'll be an honor.." Yet, Zoey didn't act hastily as she accepted the offer with modesty.