Chapter 495 - An Argument

Two hours later, Matthew and Zoey reached his mansion. Their entire trip was spent in silence as Zoey delved deep in her thoughts while Matthew still had the questions in his mind. He wondered what Inigo wanted exactly and why he said Zoey was foolish and would be the death of him. 

Since only Inigo could clarify that and Zoey seemed to be consumed by utter hatred towards Inigo, Matthew believed she wouldn't be able to clarify everything. After all, deep down, he felt that something was amiss but couldn't point it out.

"Master," As they stopped at the mansion's driveway, Paul greeted Matthew as soon as he hitched outside the car. Matthew glanced at him and furrowed his brows as he discerned something was wrong. 

At the same time, Zoey went out of the car and instinctively turned her head towards their direction. "We had a few casualties during the training." Without further ado, Zoey heard Paul deliver the news which made her brows twitch.

'I told them to take it easy!' She hollered internally, not surprised that the two probably went overboard.

"I see…" Unlike her inner reaction, Matthew just nodded his head and glanced over her. "Let's go." He said, started walking inside with Paul following from behind.

Soon, the three arrived at the training ground. To Zoey and Matthew's surprise, the scene wasn't what they had expected. They expected to see Ivan and Angelo defeating everyone in their sparring.

However, that wasn't the case. What they were seeing was Ivan and Angelo in the middle of the training ground. By the looks of it, they were the one who were sparring. So, how did Matthew's men get dragged in this?

"What's happening?' Puzzled, Matthew knitted his brows as he asked, without looking back at Paul who was standing just steps away behind him.

"Apparently, Ivan and Angelo got into a heated argument. Our men tried to stop them but in the end…" Paul didn't get to finish his explanation as he was humiliated at how the two men easily defeated a few of their men. 

All men under Matthew were trained professionals in their field. However, before the raging Ivan and Angelo, they didn't get a chance to take either of the two. Instead, they were the one who inflicted injuries because the two didn't want any disturbance.

"Argument?" Zoey repeated in a questioning note, furrowing her brows as she tilted her head to the side. "They were arguing about?" She queried, wondering what could possibly be the reason for these two to fight.

After all, Zoey knew Ivan and Angelo were sworn brothers. She had witnessed how Ivan got worried about Angelo's condition. Even when she suspected him as a traitor, Ivan didn't. He trusted the man. So, what happened during their absence?

"Their beliefs and advice." Without further ado, Paul answered her question based on what he heard this entire time. "Ivan and Angelo's lessons were contradicting each other. Thus, they were fighting." Paul explained it in the simplest summarization as always.

"Oh…" Upon hearing the petty reason, the side of Zoey's lips twitched. How could she overlook this matter? Although Ivan and Angelo never argued during her time with them, Zoey knew that these two had different beliefs and ways to execute their orders.

Despite the difference, since they were partners, they tried to compromise and meet halfway. But now, this situation was different as Zoey entrusted them to train Matthew's men. Thus, their different beliefs and perspective on life would surely clash since it was an 'individual' task.

"Geez…" Zoey sighed heavily, massaging her temples as she recalled telling them to train her darling's men and not fight each other!

Meanwhile, when Matthew absorbed the information given by Paul, he nodded his head in understanding. "How about the squad captains?" He asked, not averting his eyes away from Ivan and Angelo's unmoving figure as the two stared at each other.

Even from the distance, he could sense the dreadful air surrounding the two. They weren't doing anything yet aside from staring at each other, but the air gradually grew thicker and intense.

"They gave up and let the two settle their fight." In a matter-of-fact tone, Paul replied. "After trying to stop them that cost some of our men injuries, we all decided to let them be and wait for you and Miss Zhou." He added.

Matthew nodded his head once again. "I see…" He muttered, not questioning their decision as it was only right to do so. After all, butting in would only trigger the two and vent their frustration to his men. Therefore, to avoid more casualties, Matthew understood that they made the right decision.

"Serve two masters?" After a long silence, Ivan finally spoke. His tone laced with mockery, repeating the root of this heated argument. "Say, Gelo, my friend, you sound experienced being a double agent. Have you been serving two masters all this time?" Ivan smirked, his eyes glinted with killing intent upon his last question.

"Ivan, that's not the point at all. What I've been pointing out is, if the situation calls it, serving two masters to benefit your real master will be effective at some point." Angelo's tone, although didn't have the touch of ridicule just like Ivan's, his was more stern and unwavering.

"That is what you call flexibility to adapt to the situation." Angelo added, staring at Ivan dead in the eye. "I guess there's no point in explaining because you're too narrow-minded to accept other people's point of view." After a second, he scoffed as he shook his head.

"Narrow-minded, huh?" Under his breath, Ivan repeated and chuckled for a second. "I'll show you what this narrow-minded can do to shut your trap." Slowly, he raised his head, smirking as the air grew dead silent.

After a beat of nothing but silence, a woosh sound of air was heard as Ivan sprinted forward like a bolt of lighting. With his fist aiming for Angelo's head, he jabbed it but to no avail, Angelo docked and landed a punch towards Ivan's abdomen. However, before Angelo's fist could land on Ivan's stomach, the latter raised his knees, blocking his arm.

"Not so fast." Without further ado, Ivan made a chopping move and the first blow landed on Angelo's shoulder.. Everything happened within one minute frame that everyone was rendered speechless by their speed.