Chapter 509 - Where It All Began


Upon hearing his last remarks, Zoey knitted her brows together as she tilted her head to the side. She blinked her eyes ever so slowly, bearing question marks beneath them.

"Nothing," Matthew shook his head sideways. 

The side of his lips curled into a subtle smile. He reached over her head and patted it gently with a soft smile on his lips. 

"It's not important now." He whispered.

"Yes," Zoey nodded, a smile slowly resurfacing on her lips. She was still puzzled by his remarks. 

She didn't dwell on it, though.

"Right! You haven't eaten anything! I'll get something for you to eat! Wait for me here! Paul must have instructed the chefs to make something for you!" Zoey exclaimed as she clasped her hand together and hopped out of the bed in urgency. "I'll be back very quick!" 

She remarked, turning her head back to him before she rushed outside the room to get what he needed.

Matthew watched her figure scoot away like a bolt of lightning. He could not help but smile seeing her worried figure go out to get him something to eat -- although he didn't have an appetite.

When the door closed behind her, Matthew kept staring at it for a long time. After a while, he finally averted his eyes away and turned them towards the window. His eyes that were initially gentle gradually turned cold.

'I'm selfish, aren't I?' He whispered internally as a glint of bitterness and pain flickered across his eyes. 

"And shameless…" He added out aloud.

He curled his hand into a fist until it trembled as he closed his eyes. "It's not important now, isn't it? It's seven years… I can still change it." 

Matthew's eyes flashed with determination. He clenched his jaw before he loosened his grip and his shoulders lowered. 

Indeed, what happened before could be changed because the current circumstances gave him a chance to. 

"After all, I'm still alive." Matthew whispered, nodding his head lightly as he took a deep breath.

[What memory struck Matthew before he fell into a deep slumber for six days: a memory of his previous life]

During Matthew and Zoey's honeymoon, while Zoey was busy roaming around the city while shopping, Matthew found himself a seat to rest on.

"She's so hyper." He whispered, staring at Zoey's figure as she entered one of the stalls while he rested on the seats not far away from the boutique. 

His eyes softened seeing his wife through the transparent glass from outside. That was his wife. No matter how much he hated shopping and how tiring it was to follow her around. The exhausting activity of carrying her shopping bags and keeping up with her energy vanished if she was this happy.

"I bet it is."

Just then, a familiar voice from behind him reached his ears. Matthew's body immediately stiffened, raising all his guards as his heart raced in panic. 

"Brother, be at ease. I didn't come to cause you trouble." the man added as he sensed Matthew's hostility. "I heard you got married, so I came here to send my best wishes." 

Matthew's eyes darkened as they glinted menacingly and his jaw tightened. 

"Inigo, don't think you can use my wife to put a leash on me." His words traveled coldly along the air.

He fixed his eyes on Zoey's figure inside the boutique, following the sales clerk while holding clothes on their arms. Zoey seemed like she would try a lot of clothes as the clerk's and her arm were filled with dresses.

"Haha! How I wish that is possible." Inigo chuckled as he shook his head sideways. "But that's worth a try, right?" 

Matthew remained silent. The temperature immediately dropped to negative, bringing air of danger in his vicinity. Inigo immediately sensed the suffocating air suppressing him which ironically made the side of his lips to tilt up into a smirk.

���I'm kidding, brother. Even if I want to kill your wife, I would've done it before she took shelter under your wing," Inigo sighed heavily as he leaned his back against the cold bench. 

Yet, Inigo didn't stop spouting his nonsense.

"You worry me as your big brother. You, marrying someone on a whim without knowing her fully -- or her past, I'm worried. I really want her head." 

Surprisingly enough, Matthew remained silent and composed despite the threat Inigo spouted. He knew speaking to this man was pointless. After all, Inigo did everything he wanted and no one could stop him unless Matthew used force. 

That had always been with Inigo. Only Matthew was the one successful in stopping Inigo's plans and still alive. 

Probably, it was because they were sworn brothers that Inigo and Matthew were still alive despite their differences now. After all, deep down, regardless of their different beliefs and perspective in life now, both still respect each other.

"A person's past is not important, Inigo." Matthew's lips finally parted as words followed. "What's important is the present and the future."

His eyes still on the boutique, although Zoey still didn't exit the boutique's fitting room. Matthew slowly leaned his back against the bench languidly.

"What's so good in revenge if it will only give birth to more hatred and angst? Inigo, the only reason you're alive until now despite killing Dredd is because I knew the other reason why you did so. However, touching my wife and meddling with my life now will not guarantee your safety anymore." 

Matthew's eyes flickered with menacing determination. His cold words bore weight that Inigo wouldn't dare treat as a joke. He was serious about protecting what was precious to him now. 

"You really changed, huh?" Inigo chuckled briefly, letting out a deep sigh as he looked up. "However, I beg to disagree regarding the people's past. Your wife���"

Inigo paused while licking his bottom lip. "Zia, that's her name in the underworld. She initially worked under the Silva Family as a foot soldier -- although her skills are not suited for a mere foot soldier."

Inigo glanced on his shoulders with a smirk on his lips. He knew he shouldn't be saying this, but giving Matthew a heads up would at least give him ease.

"My long term plans will soon be executed. Knowing Niko -- you met him already -- he will force her again to take up her gun. If you want to protect her, you should take her far away from here. Ivan already met her."


Just then, Zoey mouthed as she waved excitedly from the boutique. Matthew smiled back with a nod.

"If she decides to take part in my war with the Silva Family, I wouldn't stop just because she is your wife. She'll just be another casualty. However, knowing those snakes she had been trusting, they will force her to take me down." 

Slowly, Inigo assisted himself up as he tossed the newspaper she was holding. "Take care, my brother. I'm glad to chat with you again."


Just as Inigo began taking strides away from Matthew, Zoey finally exited the boutique with a ton of paper bags in her hand. Matthew smiled, slowly standing from his seat and strode to meet his wife halfway.

'You too, brother..' As he approached Zoey, Matthew bid his farewell to his sworn brother in his mind as he knew this would be the last time he would be able to talk to him.