Chapter 517 - Joker


On the day of the underground auction, Matthew, who was still after the chip despite knowing the dangers, proceeded to execute his mission. 

"Master, General Bai is on the move." Paul informed as the window rolled down. Matthew was inside the car parked not far away from where the auction was being held.

A small monitor was set up in front of Matthew. Brokers in the underworld who didn't attend personally had the privilege to watch the broadcast and participate. 

"When they arrive, make sure to proceed with the plan. Tell our men to be careful." Matthew ordered without averting his eyes away from the monitor.

"Yes," Paul bowed his head and walked a few steps away from the car. He gave out the orders who were on standby and waiting for the green signal for them to start.

"How sick!" Matthew whispered as he stared at the monitor.

Currently, the item on the stage was a woman who they claimed had the blood of a royalty. Matthew could not help but chuckle at the ridiculousness of the other 'goods', and how absurd it was that some were interested and kept bidding.

Blood of a royal family? What was that for? The world had changed and most of those people above the upper echelon didn't carry any noble blood in them. The modern world revolved around those who had wealth and power -- not around those people who claimed their blood was superior to everyone.

They were all humans, after all. 

"Going once, going twice, sold! Item number 12 is sold for ten million dollars to guest number 212!" The auctioneer announced the winning bid before he slammed the gavel as he closed the bidding.

"What a waste of money." Matthew shook his head lightly. Yet, he didn't feel remorse on the woman who was considered as nothing but an item.

This was the real face of the underworld. Those who had power and money could do anything they wanted and could get away from their unforgivable acts. On the other hand, those victims who were weak and got themselves in this twisted world could not even choose how they would die.

It was a cruel world. A very cruel one that existed in this world. Matthew had seen more horrible things, yet it was not enough for him to stop himself from getting involved in it.

Many people had asked Matthew his reason. Matthew would either ignore the question or just give them a vague answer. If they knew he was just curious about how dark this world could be, they would surely think he was sick in the head.

Maybe, he was. 

"Now, onto our next item!" As the auctioneer began introducing one of the grand items for tonight's event, the drum roll followed. 

Even from the monitor screen, Matthew could feel the hype for the event. Meanwhile, his pair of russet eyes glinted as his long wait would finally come to an end. Once he got his hands on the chip, he could leave as this sick auction was just… boring.

"This chip is a powerful program! It is a program where you can control even the military's intelligence system! A valuable item that could change the world! Bidding starts at ten million dollars!"

"Fifteen million,"


The second the bidding began, the price raised faster than any other item. Although the chip's effect was still unknown and incomplete, a lot of people were interested. In just a span of minutes, the starting bid of ten million dollars had raised to fifty!

Matthew watched the chip as the voices and the amount of the chip skyrocketed. As the price skyrocketed, he noticed that those who were already past their budget had stopped bidding. 

If he didn't have any other plans, Matthew would have already ended the bidding by multiplying the amount by ten. The perks of having too much money. However, he didn't plan on spending that much if everything was bound to be confiscated by the government.

"Going once, going twice, sol--"

"Put your hands in the air where we can see them…!" 

Before the auctioneer could officially close the bidding, a number of policemen in their complete gear busted inside the venue. As soon as they intruded the place, screams and shouts from the people inside resonated across the entire venue.

Matthew smirked as General Bai's men surrounded the place. He glanced at the car's window and saw choppers hovering above the building not far away from his spot.

"Paul," Matthew called out and Paul's voice was heard on the walkie talkie placed beside Matthew.

"Yes, young master." Paul answered and Matthew heard the former give out the green signal.

Matthew returned his gaze back to the screen. A panic was already taking place and unlike the threat that the government bodies gave out, people ran for their lives. Even the auctioneer started running away and took advantage of the panic.

The side of Matthew's lips tilted into a smirk as he had already foreseen this reaction. Everyone involved in this had their alias known and had enough forces. Thus, they wouldn't let themselves get caught up and get arrested easily.

Matthew had entrusted his men to recover the chip at any cost. Therefore, he would only need to wait for good news. What a way to obtain something he wanted without spending millions.

After all, every item in this auction was stolen. It was just a battle of evil versus evil.

While Matthew waited inside the car, he heard a knock from outside the car. For some reason, he didn't turn his head to where the knocking came from. Instead, he reached his hand to the pistol lying beside the walkie-talkie.

"Hey, hey hey, I didn't come here to fight. I don't have a death wish!" As Matthew reached for the pistol, he heard an unfamiliar voice from the walkie-talkie.

"Then, why did you attack my men?" 

Matthew's eyes sharpened as he cocked the pistol. He didn't know these men and their intentions. But, if they got Paul's walkie-talkie, that only meant they were formidable forces that managed to break through his defense line.

"Ey… you make it sound like I killed them. They're just unconscious. Why don't you listen to my proposal? I know what you want, Joker.." The man talking through the walkie-talkie cackled as he addressed Matthew with his infamous alias.