Chapter 519 - Surprise, Surprise!

Both young men didn't know that they would trust and protect each other like brothers. However, good times always come to an end. After a year after their alliance, Matthew and Inigo parted ways. 

The name Joker didn't appear in the underworld anymore. Folks in the said community assumed that the infamous underground broker had died after messing with a formidable mafia. Others said he was held captive where he was being tortured every second of his life.

But those were just speculations without concrete proof. Over time, the name Joker appeared once again. However, the second Joker moved and negotiated differently unlike the first Joker everyone knew.

Not that the second Joker was more or less evil. They were just different. Just like in the deck of cards, there were always two Jokers. Nonetheless, the world moved on as always. The secret of Matthew and Inigo remained hidden within themselves.


"Alright," After a long silence, Inigo nodded as he pondered over the condition Matthew had given him. He glanced up at Matthew who was walking towards the door.

"By the way, how about those guys?" 

Matthew stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around. "They're mine."

"Yours to kill?" Inigo clarified as he arched his right brow. Matthew remained silent as he stared at the puzzled man before him.

'I don't know.' Matthew replied internally.

To be honest, Matthew didn't know what to do with the people involved in the mess that would happen seven years from now. After all, it was too early for everyone to scheme behind him and Matthew thought there was a huge chance he could change it without more blood being shed.

"That Ivan you killed seven years later… geez, f*cking Niko for blaming me for everyone's death. Good thing he died — serves him right." Inigo muttered lazily as he chuckled at the thought of the memories etched in his mind.

However, his last remarks caused Matthew's brows to furrow. "What did you say?"

Inigo's laughter halted as he raised his head and met Matthew's eyes. He tilted his head to the side and blinked his eyes many times.

"Oh! You didn't know because you died one year earlier!" Inigo nodded in understanding as he nearly forgot about the crucial part. With that being said, he cleared his throat and informed Matthew about the unexpected ending of their previous life.

"When Zia pulled the trigger which sent her to this world, I…" 

Matthew's eyes slowly widened in disbelief as his complexion paled. He didn't expect that name to come up. He felt like someone splashed cold water on him upon hearing that name Inigo mentioned.

"Surprise, surprise!" Inigo humored as he studied the reaction on Matthew's face. "I had the same expression. Although a part of me is interested. I mean, have you ever thought that person is capable of doing that?" 

Inigo grinned as if he didn't fall victim to the subject they were talking about. Well, he was still alive and had his memories. Thus, he knew he had the upper hand in this lifetime. There's no way he would fall for the same trick ever.

"I didn't." Inigo answered the question he asked towards Matthew. "Although it's too early for him right now, just watch out."

"You don't want to kill him?" Matthew asked, knitting his brows as he scrutinized Inigo's indifferent stance.

"Nope," Inigo shook his head as he pressed his lips in a thin line. "You will protect him, won't you? Even after knowing he outsmarted everyone, you will still protect him. Man, your personality is too odd; I will never understand that part of you." 

Inigo sighed heavily as he knew Matthew more than he knew himself. After all, they were brothers. Inigo was not the best and understanding person, but the latter would always listen to his reasoning behind the things he had done.

That was the reason why Inigo got away even after killing Dredd. Matthew was just like that: a person example of a leader who wouldn't be affected by his emotions in making judgement.

"However," Just then, Inigo's grin grew twisted as it flickered menacingly. "I can't guarantee I wouldn't make his life a living hell. No matter how many times you try and drag him out of hell, I'll always pull him back." Inigo stared at Matthew solemnly.

The smirk on his lips bore vengeance he was itching to achieve. "Don't try to meddle too much, brother. You might get caught in the fire."

Matthew studied the twisted expression plastered on Inigo's front. Slowly, he turned around and resumed in his steps.

"I won't," Matthew uttered upon reaching the door. "He would already feel blessed that I am not the one who's after him."

With that being said, Matthew opened the door and left. Inigo, who was left alone in the apartment, could not help but laugh at Matthew's last remarks.

"Yeah..." Inigo muttered in between his chuckles. He shook his head before he stared at the door where Matthew left. "That's for sure."

Inigo laughed and drank the rest of the beer he was drinking. He then turned his head towards the picture frame on the desk which Matthew was staring at earlier. "My brother is funny, isn't he?"

"Sherly, I will avenge you and my brother's death… although he is alive, you're not. I don't want to lose another person again. You won't get mad, right?" Inigo whispered as he smiled at the picture of the woman. His eyes softened before he closed them and tilted his head back.

Inigo remained silent as he covered his closed eyes by his arm. The twisted air circulating around the apartment gradually turned gloomily silent.


Matthew's hands tightened around the steering wheel as he stepped on the pedal harder. The name that Inigo dropped kept repeating inside his head which caused his eyes to sharpen.

Just as Matthew was driving aimlessly to clear his mind, he felt his phone inside his suit pocket vibrate. He didn't answer, but it kept vibrating. Thus, after refusing to pick up the phone, Matthew gave in as he pulled over.

As he took out the phone, his chaotic mind suddenly turned still as it cleared. "Darling, where are you?! Didn't I say you should rest first? Why did you leave the second we left the house?"

Matthew listened to the enraged Zoey. However, his eyes softened as he heaved a sigh of relief.

"Where are you?" He asked gently.

Zoey was slightly taken aback at the gentleness from the other end of the line. Still, she answered. "In the mansion but I'm off to Z Image again. Ivan forgot something so we have to return."

"I see… I'll pick you up after the party. See you." Before she could argue, Matthew hung up so she couldn't retort.

Zoey, who was about to argue heard the line being cut. "Hmm? He sounds weird." 

She muttered as she tilted her head to the side as Matthew sounded differently. It was as if she was talking to the adult version of Matthew.

"Hey sis! You'll be late!" Ivan called out, sounding annoyed at Zoey who was standing outside the car,

"Wow! The nerve!" Zoey sassed as she threw the thought at the back of her head and hitched inside the car.. She didn't dwell on the matter that far as she assumed Matthew was probably maturing.