Chapter 535 - Can You Trust Me?

Zoey shook her head as she shrugged the bad feeling she was having upon seeing Matthew's smirk. Well, whatever he had in mind, Matthew wouldn't cause trouble for her, right?

Thus, the two remained silent as they waited for their turn to come up. Zoey glanced at Matthew's side profile as he seemed bored while waiting. No one would make this young master wait on any occasion, but since he was Zoey's plus one and she wasn't an important guest, all they could do was wait.

As she averted her eyes away from him, Zoey turned her head to the tinted window and sighed faintly. She recalled their discussion before heading in here.

[Short Flashback]

"You said you will become my wife… can't you trust your husband this time?"

Zoey tightened her fist upon hearing his remarks. She slowly raised her head, staring in his russet eyes that bore inexplicable emotions.

For some reason, she felt that she was talking to her husband and not his younger version. If this was their previous life, Matthew would surely say the same words.

'How?" After a long minute of silence, Zoey finally spoke. "How can I forget everything?"

Zoey's jaw tightened as she swallowed her own saliva. If forgetting was easy, she would have done it a long time ago. However, it was easier said than done.

She would never forget the hell she had gone through. Thus, she wanted to avoid experiencing it all over again. Zoey was already on an unstoppable train. She couldn't just stop midway even if she wanted to. She could only move forward.

"I trust you, but that doesn't mean I have to stop. I can't." Zoey uttered as she shook her head. Her eyes flickered with unfaltering resolve, which no one could break easily. 

"Inigo's target is me. You don't know what he could do --"

Before Zoey could continue her argument, her words were pushed back as Matthew sealed her lips with a kiss. Zoey's eyes slowly widened as she unconsciously held onto his broad shoulders.

His action truly caught her off guard, causing her mind to stop functioning momentarily. Slowly, Matthew drew away as his eyes were fixed on hers.

"Can you trust me?" Matthew asked as his face was palm-length away from Zoey's. "Yes or no?"

Zoey stared at his pair of determined eyes as he asked such a question. Obviously, she trusted him more than she trusted herself. However, she couldn't answer immediately because choosing either of those options would bring far dire consequences.

After a minute, Matthew sighed as he hung his head low while his hands on the armrest tightened. "Please…" 

He muttered under his breath. Matthew's shoulder shuddered as he closed his eyes. He needed to retain his composure and make her agree with his plans -- although she was clueless whatever they were. 

All he needed was her trust. He would do the rest.

Zoey bit her lower lip until she had tasted the iron taste of her own blood. For some reason, even though she couldn't see his eyes, Zoey could feel his desperation.


She answered after a moment of pondering and nodded. Zoey was well-aware that she was putting everything at risk. But, she decided to trust him without further questions.

"However, I can't promise that I'll just sit still when everything is going south. It's not that I don't trust you, I just don't want to lose what's important to me again." Zoey added as a heavy sigh slipped past her lips.

[End of the short flashback]


'We didn't talk about it after that because we would get late.' Zoey uttered internally as she recalled that Matthew remained silent.

Still, it was evident that he was pleased with her answer. After that, everything proceeded as if nothing happened. And they were in this place now and talked every once in a while.

'He really changed overnight.' Zoey whispered internally as she remembered that Matthew began acting differently the moment he woke up.

Although he still looked the same and sometimes acts the same, there was still a change in his demeanor. It was as if something happened that everyone had missed. Whatever it was, Zoey was unsure whether it was good or bad.

'So, what now?" She asked herself as she already told him she would put a pause on everything. 

Be it clashing head-on against Inigo, meddling with Cecil's business, or her plans on creating allegiance with the Silva Family, Zoey had no concrete plans. Just like what she had thought, she was already on an unstoppable train.

'And there's Angelo…' Upon thinking about everything that involved her initial plans, Zoey felt like having a headache.

She massaged her temples. As she did so, Zoey turned her head to the culprit of what was troubling her. 

"What?" Matthew asked as he sensed her sharp glares. He furrowed his brows and tilted his head to the side as he sensed that she was blaming her about something.

"Oh, it's our turn." Before Zoey could lash out on him, Matthew exclaimed as he drove slowly to the entrance of the hotel.

Out of instinct, Matthew had guessed it had something related to their previous discussion. Thus, he played with the accelerator and brake. 

"Hey!" Zoey called out through her gritted teeth as she swung back and forth. Fortunately she was buckled up that stilled her in her position. But, Matthew continued the synapses until they reached the entrance.

"Is that car broken?" 

"Maybe the driver is drunk? Whose guest could it be?"

"The car seems to be too average. Maybe it was just a guest that the host invited out of pity?"

"They said Professor Meng of Zoid Solution Inc always opens doors of opportunity to promising businessmen. Maybe, it is just another person riding on his coattails."

"Whoever it was, I still need a scoop. Rich people don't always flex -- who knows you might offend someone you shouldn't by judging their appearance."

One after another, the people who were watching Zoey and Matthew's vehicle move at a weird pace filled the air with their utterance. Some showed interest in the people inside the vehicle while most of them didn't pay attention to it.

"Hey, what are you doing?" When they finally stopped, Zoey's eyes widened seeing Matthew unbuckle his seat. 

"I will escort you out.." Without blinking an eye, Matthew answered which made his brows furrow because Zoey gasped in disbelief.