Chapter 562 - I’m Into You.

"I like handsome."

Upon reading that simple sentence, his heart pounded. He didn't expect it was what she had been writing this whole hour. More than that, he didn't expect that she would confess.

In retrospect, Ivan discerned that Cora was someone who wouldn't express her feelings. She had been in love with Zion, but she didn't have the courage to confess. She was bullied in her previous work because she didn't stand up for herself.

Thus, why was she suddenly telling him she liked him? It was too sudden that Ivan had no idea how to respond. This time, she totally caught him off guard.

"No decide for me." Cora sported a determined look on her face, shaking her head stubbornly as she hated the thought of people telling her what she should and shouldn't do.

"Uh, I…" His words trailed off, wanting to argue with her but his words stuck inside his throat.

All he could do was stare at her determined front, speechless at the sight of her. She seemed mad, but more than that, she seemed… hurt?

"I ignore what I hear. I know Zoey. I know she's secret but I not care because Zoey my friend."

With great difficulty and despite the knowledge that she probably sounded silly, Cora didn't care. As long as she made her point across, that's good enough for her.

After all, she had discerned that Zoey was not just an ordinary lady. Yet, Cora never probed what happened and where Zoey had been before she reappeared in the Kwan's mansion.

Cora liked Zoey as a person. Whatever secrets Zoey held, no matter how dark it was, Cora didn't care. What's important to her was she knew Zoey -- the Zoey that she had befriended a long time ago.

She knew that no matter what, Cora would stick as Zoey's friend. Thus, if Zoey didn't dictate her to stay away, she wouldn't let Ivan tell her to do so. Thus, she decided to tell him he liked him.

Whether he perceived it romantically or just Cora liking him as a person, she was fine with anything. As long as he understood she wouldn't just go away just because he told her so.

"..." Ivan was rendered speechless, getting the grasp of her point.

He didn't say anything as he just stared at her in silence. Cora didn't avert her eyes this time. She maintained her eye contact without blushing or caring about her pounding heart.

"Understand?" She affirmed in a questioning tone as she raised her brows.

"Uh, okay…?" Still speechless, Ivan nodded with his brows furrowed.

"Okay." Satisfied with his answer, Cora smiled before she felt that it was time for her to go back inside the room and attempt to sleep like she didn't say she liked him.

Just as she was back on her feet and sauntered towards the door, her steps halted as she heard his voice from behind.

"You like… me?" Ivan blurted out without thinking. He only realized it once he heard himself and saw her back stiffen.

Cora didn't turn around as she curled her hands into a fist. Having the language barrier, Cora didn't know how to reason out and save herself by lying that she liked him as a person and not romantically.

Therefore, she could only nod and admit it. She already did what she did and there's no turning back.

Upon seeing her nod, Ivan didn't say anything anymore as she resumed in her steps. He blinked his eyes, pinching the space between his brows in distress.

For some reason, he didn't feel worried or anything of the sort. If anything, there was this unexplainable feeling circling inside his heart he never felt before.

"Wait." Out of impulse, Ivan hurriedly raised his head and stopped her as she reached for the doorknob.

Slowly, the side of his lips tilted into the most genuine smile he had ever had in his entire life. "Want to try it?" 

He asked, causing her brows to furrow. Cora turned her head back to him, cocking her head to the side.


"Dating." Ivan blurted out as he sprung from his seat. 

Cora peered at him from head to toe; her jaw dropped at the suggestion. 

"Date? Like…" 

She held both her forefingers up, putting them side by side as a gesture of two people being together. Was he serious? Or she was just hearing things?

"Yes!" Ivan affirmed, snapping his finger to confirm the confusion.

"No!" As soon as he did, Cora immediately refused with a raised voice.

"Yes! Why not?!" Ivan's face distorted, stubbornly decided for her as he peered at her in dismay. If she liked him and he liked her, why couldn't they try?

Ivan must have lost his mind knowing his position. However, does it matter? Just like Cora, Ivan despised people deciding for himself. The reason Zoey didn't tell him directly her thoughts about Ivan and Cora being together. 

But Cora's courage inspired him to just go for it. He was capable and skills that surpassed others. Ivan was certain he could protect her if his enemies used Cora against him.

"No!" Cora shook her head profusely as she scooted inside the room.

"Hey! Are you crazy?!" Seeing her action and escaping, Ivan sprinted towards the door and knocked on it. "Come on! Let's make it official!"

Ivan grumbled in distress. She just told him she liked him and yet refused to date him? He truly couldn't understand her. It was frustrating.

"Hey!" Just as he was about to knock on the door, Ivan paused as he held himself back and sighed.

"Fine." He uttered, turning around as he leaned his back against the door. He slowly slid down, sighing heavily as he got over excited at the thought of dating someone he was sincerely interested with.

"I'm sorry." He muttered, resting his arms on his bended knees.

Cora, from inside the room pursed her lips in a thin line. She clasped on her chest, calming her racing heart as she didn't expect that things could escalate that quickly.

Slowly, she dropped on the floor, sitting in front of the door. She raised her hand, placing her palm on the door as she heard him apologize.

"I know I'm acting out of impulse. We can't even communicate -- I don't even put an effort on trying to learn your language and just pressuring you to learn mine. What a d*ck." Ivan scoffed before licking his lips.

"But, I'm into you. So, you just wait until I can speak to you without a problem. I have a ton of things to tell you. Ready your ears because I will scold you non stop once I can speak Mandarin! You hear me?"

Despite that she didn't understand him, she could not help but smile.. She whispered, "Okay."