Chapter 571 - I Said, I Love You. <3

Zoey and Matthew spent time talking and being preached separately by the monks for an hour and a half. But the entire time the monk talked to them and executed their rituals, Zoey and Matthew's thoughts were wandering.

"Oh, there they are!" Vivian exclaimed upon seeing Matthew and Zoey walk towards her.

Zoey glanced at Matthew and the latter did the same. As their gaze met, neither of them said a word as they looked ahead and approached Vivian.

Vivian noticed their strange silence. As the two stopped before her, she narrowed her eyes as she scrutinized their figures.

'It worked?' Vivian wondered as she didn't really expect them to act as if they were truly repenting.

"Madam, Young Master and Young Miss should come more often and…" 

"Of course," Before the monk could finish his sentence, Vivian interrupted as she already decided upon seeing the two that they would need to drop by and pray. "Butler Yi will let you know the schedule since these kids were busy. Don't worry, though. They will make time for their visits."

Vivian reassure with a satisfied smile on their lips. Zoey and Matthew didn't object. They only glanced at Vivian but said nothing.

Unbeknownst to the two, they were thinking the same. Maybe, they could meet the dumpling and the grim reaper again. If she appeared once again, she would answer more of their questions to gain more clarity of the situation because her appearance was too short this time around.

"I see. I'll be expecting Young Master and Young Miss, then. It would also be good if they join our charity events and feeding programs." The monk suggested calmly and Vivian smiled.

"They will. I'll arrange everything." 

Vivian and the monk exchanged flattering words and Vivian's satisfaction on the result of her son and Zoey's counseling. After a while, they finally bid their farewell and left the temple.

Zoey and Matthew were still silent as their thoughts were about the words from the flying dumpling. They followed Vivian back to the car without saying a single word while Vivian was just spouting nonsense on the way.

When they reached the car, Vivian suddenly stopped in her tracks and turned to face the two. "Why are you still here?"

She asked, her eyes directly at Matthew. The latter snapped as he furrowed his brows and cocked his head a little to the side.

"You can go. Our company is in your hands." In a matter-of-fact tone, Vivian explained as she arched her right brow.

"Right," Matthew nodded in understanding, surprising Vivian to the core as he wasn't arguing. "I'll drop you off…"

"No. She stays with me." As Matthew turned to Zoey, Vivian chimed in, waving her finger sideways.

"With you? Where?" 

"To places." Vivian perked her chin up as she actually didn't know where to take Zoey. 

To be honest, Vivian just wanted to test and see what kind of person Zoey was. She already had this in mind when Zoey and Matthew were being cleansed of their sins.

Matthew's face was straight and emotionless. He stared at his mother before his eyes shifted to Zoey. 

"I'll see you later?" He asked, asking Zoey standing to his side.

"Mhmm." Zoey only hummed a soft tune and nodded.

"Then, it's settled. Let's go, girl." Since there was no objection from both sides, Vivian was pleased as she clasped her hands excitedly.

Without further ado, Vivian hitched inside while Zoey and Matthew stayed outside for a minute.

"I'll pick you up later, okay?" Matthew turned to Zoey, brushing her hair before he tucked her hair behind her ear and his gaze settled on her eyes.

"Okay. I'll see you later." Zoey only smiled lovingly as they stared at each other as if they would be separated for a long time.

Meanwhile, as the two stared at each other with a loving smile on their lips, Vivian rolled her eyes and shouted, "Let's go!"

"Oops! I got to go." Upon hearing Vivian's annoyed voice from inside the car, Zoey snapped as she hastily turned and walked towards the backseat.

As soon as Vivian's bodyguard opened the door for Zoey, she froze. Her hand was on the door but she turned her head to look back at Matthew's figure.

He had his hands inside his pockets, smiling at her as his eyes gleamed with love. As if nature wanted to add more beauty to him, a mild breeze tickled her ears as some leaves fell and floated beautifully in the air.


"I said, I love you." Matthew repeated gently.

Not only Zoey was surprised by his last remarks, but also Vivian. Although Matthew had already told her that he was in love with Zoey, hearing him say those words to Zoey felt different. It came from the bottom of his heart; the most genuine words that escaped his lips in his entire life.

Slowly, the corner of her lips tilted into a subtle smile as her eyes softened. "I love you too. See you later."

Zoey didn't hesitate to reply even if Vivian could hear her. Matthew had been expressing himself even before, but this time, it felt different. She could feel butterflies in her stomach as her heart skipped a beat.

She found it sweet of him and Zoey would never let him go in this lifetime. If only she didn't love and respect Vivian, she wouldn't go and would stay by Matthew's side. She would even ditch work so she could spend all their lost time together.

With that being said, Zoey entered the car and the bodyguard closed the door. She kept her eyes on his figure even when the engine started and they started moving. 

'Take care, you two!' Matthew mouthed, waving them goodbye. He didn't leave until they were not in his sight anymore.

When his mother's car left, Paul suddenly came up from behind him. "Right on time. Speak."

Matthew uttered as he could recognize Paul's presence even with his eyes closed. Slowly, he turned and faced Paul, who just arrived at the temple several minutes ago because Matthew called him to pick 'them' up.

Paul cleared his throat before he spoke, "We discovered that Professor Meng of Zoid Solution was acquainted with the man named Nikolai Silvestri. Nikolai Silvestri is the head of an underground organization, but it seemed like Professor Meng didn't know about that."


"It seems that Nikolai Silvestri asked Professor Meng a favor to open doors of opportunity for Miss Zhou's company. However, since Miss Zhou already signed a contract with the Feng Estate, the effect was less." Paul explained in one go as Matthew ordered him to dig information about Professor Meng and Nikolai Silvestri's relation last night.

"I see…" Matthew nodded in understanding, as a heavy sigh slipped past his lips. 

"Master, I researched the Silvestri Family but we only discovered a little information about them. They're people we should stay away from." In utter seriousness, Paul spoke his mind as he stared at Matthew's pair of russet eyes.

"Huh," Matthew scoffed as he shook his head sideways and turned around. He looked up, breathing in and out as Paul's words sounded like a joke. "It's not me who should stay away from him. He should stay away from my territory." 

A smirk resurfaced on Matthew's lips as his eyes glinted. This time, he wouldn't make the same mistake.

"Nikolai Silvestri… he will regret ever stepping his foot in this country. Block all the exits in this country for him.. Make sure he never gets to leave the country."