Chapter 574 - Shopping Spree

Meanwhile on Zoey's side, she was inside a luxury boutique with the one and only Vivian at present. Everything around her was precious, costing half the price of a car. Zoey didn't need to check the price tags to know how much those clothes cost.

It was one of the most popular luxury brands and only the elites of the elites could afford. For Zoey, with her current standing in the society, it would be a dream to even step foot inside this grandiose shop. 

However, knowing the future, Zoey didn't see this place as it appeared. In two years, Patrizio Moretti would top all the sales of the luxury brands. She would be the co-owner of the brand and Zoey would have all exclusive designs Patrizio designed for her.

But, Zoey never wore them even once. She just liked the fact that she was earning and could get some clothes for free! She's a cheapskate, after all. That's why all those exclusive beautiful designs that elite women would die for remained in Patrizio's collection that were never up for sale.

Patrizio only set them on display and exhibits. But everyone knew someone already owned them. Who it was? No one knew except the muse and the designer itself.

"Put your hand like this." Vivian faced Zoey, holding her arms up as cast Zoey a knowing look to do what she was doing.

"Uh!" Without a word, Zoey suspiciously mimicked Vivian's pose. 

After doing so, Vivian smiled gleefully and nodded. "Good. Now follow me." 

Still holding her arms up, Zoey followed VIvian's tracks as they were being guided by the shop's manager. 

"You don't have to follow me." Vivian turned to the manager with a subtle smile on her lips. She informed her that her assistance was not needed because she had other plans.

Understanding their VVIP client's request, the manager bowed and stepped back as if she had been practicing the ancient era's custom. Zoey darted her eyes from Vivian to the Manager before she followed her mother-in-law while keeping her pose.

"This, this… oh this one is nice too…" 

Soon, Vivian started picking dresses, coats, and other outfits and used Zoey's arms to hang the clothes she chose. The weight on her arms gradually felt heavier and the side of Zoey's lips started twitching.

'This is a lighter punishment.' Zoey muttered in her head as she gritted her teeth and withstood the weight of the clothes.

Little did she know, it was just the beginning of Vivian's shopping spree. The clothes kept piling up until it was over her chin. 

Zoey couldn't keep a straight face as she underestimated Vivian's shopping! They didn't shop like this in the past. Vivian was used to being more picky in choosing her clothes. The price was never a problem, but Vivian often told her she only had eyes on masterpieces and not on regular designer clothes.

So, where did that mentality go? By the looks of it, Vivian was also grabbing clothes that were smaller than her size.

"Heels!" Vivian snapped her fingers as she almost emptied the dress section. Thus, her delight was superb upon laying her eyes on the displayed heels on the stand.

"Wai--" Before Zoey could call for help, Vivian already scooted away as she glided and grabbed the heels.

"Uh…" In distress while carrying the 'entire closet' of a woman, Zoey struggled to follow Vivian.

Since the clothes piled up to her eyes, Zoey had to be extra cautious. Else, she might push something precious and break it. She didn't want to trouble Vivian even though it would practically be her fault if that ever happened.

"Young Miss, let me help you carry…" Seeing Zoey struggle through the crazy shopping spree of Vivian, the manager finally approached Zoey and offered help.

However, the manager's voice trailed off upon hearing Vivian's sweet yet menacing tone. "Oh, Miss Zhou~ come here."

"Madam Xi, I'll just help Young Miss Zhou to --"

"Now, Miss Zhou. You need to see them right now." Vivian stressed, widening her eyes.

Despite not telling her, the manager felt the warning just from Vivian's sharp eyes. Thus, she slowly retrived her helping hand and glanced at Zoey apologetically.

Zoey only offered a smile as if telling her it was fine and her thoughts were appreciated. After a beat, Zoey walked towards Vivian's direction with utter caution.

However, her luck on keeping it up until now ran out. Zoey, suddenly knocked a nearby vase that immediately fell on the marbled floor and produced a startling noise. Startled. Zoey tried to evade the scattered glasses but to no avail.

Zoey forgot that she was carrying a heavy pile of clothes which caused her to stumble on the side and fall along with the clothes.

"Ah!" Zoey squealed as she fell down.

In the brief moment of falling down, Zoey's mind immediately thought of tossing the clothes further so they wouldn't get ruined. But, as she did so, she neglected to protect herself. Thus, her palm landed on a small piece of the broken vase that immediately penetrated her skin, causing her to wince.

"Ughh…!" Zoey ground her teeth from the pain as her hand shuddered.

"Oh my gosh!" When Vivian snapped back to what happened, she gasped and covered her mouth.

"Miss Zhou!" The manager called out in panic, rushing to Zoey carefully so she wouldn't share the same fate as hers.

"Oh gosh… Are you okay?!" Just like the manager, Vivian rushed to Zoey and squatted down in worry.

"Hehe, yes!" Despite the sweat that instantly broke out from her forehead, Zoey smiled and reassured the worried Vivian.

"Yes?! But you're… bleeding!" Vivian's voice shook as her eyes widened at the smeared blood on the floor.

Vivian was horrified at the sight of it. It didn't seem like it was just a small piece! By the looks of it, it was bigger than they thought as the blood kept on appearing underneath her trembling hand.

"Oh, but it's nothin…"

Before Zoey could reassure Vivian that it wasn't that painful than her initial thought, Vivian already went hysterical.

"Call an ambulance! NOW! If you want your shop to operate in this country!"