Chapter 584 - Dinner With The Kwan II

"Little Zoey! Oh, dear! It's good to see you again! I missed you!" Sarah exclaimed as she gracefully treaded towards Zoey and gave her the warmest hug. 

"I missed you too, Mom." Zoey whispered, returning the warm embrace before Sarah let go. 

Zoey smiled upon seeing the loving pair of eyes staring at her. Without a shadow of doubt, Sarah was indeed the perfect mother that Zoey would love to have if she would ever live again.

How nice would it be if Zoey was the legitimate daughter of Zachery and Sarah. However, no one could ever choose their parents. 

Even if Zachery was an utter scum, he wasn't that bad towards his son and wife. He was selfish, but there were times he would compromise for Zion and Sarah.

"Sit, little Z. I prepared all your favorites!" Elated that Zoey was finally with them again, Sarah assisted Zoey to take a seat next to Zion and started serving her. 

Zoey just smiled and watched Sarah serve her with a bright smile. Zion, on the other hand, was also glad at what he was seeing. 

"Mom had been nagging me for the past week, asking if you'll really come home." Zion stated as he picked up his cutlery and glanced at Zoey. 

"Oh dear, that's because little Zoey wouldn't even attend family gatherings and her aunts and cousin have been asking me about her!" Sarah explained.

Although that was true, Sarah was just excited at Zoey's homecoming. Zoey was her daughter, even if not by blood, but in her heart, Zoey would always be the young miss of the Kwan Family. 

"Starting a company is harder than I thought. So, I can only come home now that it's doing good." Zoey explained softly as she watched Sarah perch on the seat across her. 

"Aww. So, Z Image Group is doing great now! I know you can do it, little Z!" Delighted at Zoey's achievement, Sarah's smile grew wider and brighter. 


However, unlike the three, Zachery who was on the head seat, didn't share the same energy. He was, obviously, not pleased judging by the loud scoff he let out. 

"Oh dear, don't be so hard on yourself. I know you're just as happy and proud as we are." Sarah placed her hand on top of Zachery's fist as she smiled gently. 

Indeed, his evident displeasure was seen as him just trying to get Zoey's attention. Both Sarah and Zion perceived it as Zachery's strong facade. 

Little did they know, Zoey and Zachery understood one thing. The latter was not truly pleased at Zoey's presence as he despised her. 

Zoey was his sin. The sin he painstakingly didn't want to remember. But, she kept coming back, haunting him just by her mere existence. 

"Father has been coming home late because of work. But today, he arrived so early." Zion humored as he turned to Zoey. 

Both Sarah and Zion chuckled softly while Zoey rode the flow. This innocent pair believed that this situation was real. 

The laughters, the light atmosphere, the picturesque scene of a happy family; they loved this peace. 

A grumpy father who wouldn't express himself. A supportive brother and a loving mother; then a beloved innocent daughter. How nice would it be if it was all real?

They continued their meal, catching up and reminiscing about the past. Zachery remained quiet the entire time and got teased by his wife every once in a while. 

"Nanny Jean said someone dropped you off. Why didn't you invite him in?" 

In the middle of their dinner, Zachery finally turned his full attention to Zoey and asked. Zion raised his brows and turned to his side where Zoey was sitting, while Sarah too bore the same puzzled expression. 

For a brief moment, everyone went silent as they waited for Zoey's answer. 

"I thought it's not a good time to introduce my lover since I just came home." 

"What? Little Z? You're dating?!" Upon hearing Zoey's answer, Sarah gasped in disbelief before her eyes sparkled. 

Meanwhile, Zion furrowed his brows, frowning as his little sister was dating and didn't tell him. Zachery, on the other hand, just scoffed secretly. 

"Yes, I am, Mom. I wanted to tell you properly but, well, it's already mentioned." Zoey awkwardly shrugged her shoulders, sporting an apologetic look on her face. 

"Who is it?" Zion asked sternly, catching Sarah and Zoey's attention by his cautious demeanor. 

"Yes, little Z! Who is it? Which family he came from? What kind of man managed to capture my little Z's heart?" Excited, Sarah let out a series of questions, showing her strong interest in Zoey's lover. 

As both Sarah and Zion were staring at Zoey, waiting for answers, Zachery suddenly spoke which spoiled the light mood around them. 

"The car that dropped you off is expensive. There's only a few promising young bachelors who could afford such cars." Zachery tilted his head a little to the side, leaning back languidly with a glass of wine in his hand. 

"Who said he is young?" Zoey asked, blinking innocently as she rode on Zachery's delusion and indirect insult that reeked his last remark. 

Zachery never believed in Zoey's capabilities. Or rather, he would wish for her misfortune. Therefore, he already decided that Zoey's lover was probably some useless young master who leeched in their family's wealth. 

The reason Zoey wanted to feed Zachery's ego and make it a little bigger. Maybe, he would die in happiness believing Zoey was dating a filthy old man who has riches. Hence, she said words that startled Sarah and Zion. 

'Well, Matthew is already in his 30's... at least, when I married him.' Zoey thought internally, justifying her little lie that had some truth in it. 



"Achoo!" Matthew sneezed while driving towards his mother's place. 

His shoulders suddenly shuddered as he felt a chill run down his spine. 

'Is a bad omen going to happen?' He muttered internally, shaking his head as he thought it was a sign of bad luck.