Chapter 632 - Thank Me Later

"Brother, I forgot to say something to that girl. I'll be back."

"Uh, Z…" Before Zion could call Zoey, she had already rushed outside without looking back.

"Ay… is she always like this?" Kenneth clicked his tongue, shifting his attention to Zion.

Zion just smiled subtly, shrugging his shoulders. "Sometimes. Zoey likes doing things in her unique style."

"Well, Big Bro, your sister is really unique. I guess she and Kath will be good friends." Kenneth nodded in understanding, adding his conclusion as Katherine and Zoey more or less were similar.

Although  Katherine's character was more on the psychotic side, Zoey was way dangerous than what meets the eye. At the very least, this fact was distinct in Kenneth's perspective because he knew both women very well.

"Miss Quin seems like a good person." Zion commented.

Kenneth's face immediately distorted upon hearing Zion's comment. He knew that Zion was just being nice because they all knew that she doesn't seem nice at all nor was she 'good'.

While Kenneth and Zion engaged in a conversation, Enzo still had his eyes affixed on the entrance of the lounge. After a minute, he retracted his gaze from the door to Zion and Kenneth, and sported a polite smile.

"Big brothers, I forgot I need to make a call." 

"Hey, superstar, you promised to celebrate with me on my 2 year anniversary of being single. Now, it's not just me who is celebrating this -- Big Brother Zion as well. Make sure you're not just using this as an excuse to leave, ah?!" 

Kenneth warned. Enzo shook his head and chuckled.

"I won't. I'm not Lucas." Enzo humored, causing Kenneth to burst out of laughter as he nodded.

"You know, Big Brother Zion, his cousin, Lucas, is the type of guy who leaves in the middle of the party. So, when he says he'll take a piss, that means he will sneak out! Unbelievable, is he not?" 

After recovering from his laughter, Kenneth tattled Lucas Xi to Zion. Zion listened and laughed along with Kenneth. Surely, these two had found common denominators as they clicked almost instantly.

As the two conversed, Enzo took this time to leave the VIP Lounge. He glanced at the empty hall going in this room. After a sigh, Enzo trudged away from the room but didn't actually know where he was going.


Meanwhile, Katherine pouted as she hated being summoned home. Just when she found an interesting person and perhaps, her potential girl best friend, the opportunity of making a new 'friend' was being robbed from her hands.

Upon reaching the parking space of the establishment, Katherine arched her right brow. There were three cars parked there, waiting for her.

"Where's my car?" She asked, glancing at the bodyguard standing behind her.

"Your father instructed us to make sure that Miss Quin will return home at once. So, we already sent your car home." One bodyguard answered and beckoned a neck bow.

"Hah," Katherine scoffed, moving her sharp eyes across the new bodyguards. "Am I being summoned home or getting arrested?"

The bodyguards remained silent despite sensing the strong sarcasm in Katherine's voice. Used to receiving silence as a response, Katherine smirked.

"Either way, that place is just as suffocating as prison."

"Miss Quin, if you please." Instead of focusing on her sarcasm, one bodyguard stretched his arm and gestured to her to enter the car.

Katherine let out another scoff, rolling her eyes as she already knew that she must go home. Whether she was against it or not, they would bring her home if her father ordered them to take her home.

"Gosh… they should just leave me alone since we all hate each other." She mumbled, turning her back against the bodyguards and trudged towards the open back passenger seat door.

When Katherine was inside, she glanced at the driver's seat and then moved her eyes to the bodyguard outside the door. She sneered upon meeting the bodyguard's eyes but he didn't give her any reaction.

Slowly, the bodyguard closed the door and Katherine retracted her gaze away from the door. She immediately searched her bag and looked for her earplugs; when she found them, she placed them in her ear and searched for music to calm her mind.

"Hey," Just as Katherine was searching for a song in her phone, the door suddenly opened and Zoey's voice reached her ear.

Katherine slowly moved her gaze to the person standing outside. Her eyes flickered with puzzlement upon seeing Zoey resting her arm on the door and smiling at her.

"You said you want to go shopping together? Why don't we do it now?" Still bearing her smile, Zoey suggested.

"Oh…" Surprised at Zoey's sudden invitation, Katherine nodded slowly. However, as quick as the excitement was bubbling in her stomach, the realization that she must go home flashed across her mind.

"Miss, Miss Quin is being summoned home by the president." The bodyguard chimed in sternly even before Katherine could reject or agree.

"Big sis, I would love to shop with you but maybe, next time?" Conflicted because Zoey might have changed her mind, Katherine awkwardly raised her brows and cast Zoey eyes full of hope.

"You see, my dad wants me home. I'm not as cool as you." 

Katherine added, explaining that she couldn't disobey her father's orders. She could, like always, but in important situations, she didn't have the power.

"Is that so?" Zoey inquired, nodding slowly as she raised her gaze to the bodyguard.

When the bodyguard was about to close the car door, Zoey placed her hand on top of the door and smiled. "What do you guys think you're doing?"

Zoey asked. The bodyguard furrowed his brows but didn't have much change in his stoic expression. "I'm merely doing my job, Miss."

"Big sis --" Before Katherine could chime in, Zoey suddenly shut the door.

"Tell Him this country is not his playground." Without looking away from the bodyguard, Zoey reminded. "Abducting this lady will be a mistake he will regret in the future. Thank me later."

Zoey said, smirking at the bodyguard who remained unfazed. Yet, his eyes told Zoey they were on the same page.

After a beat, the back passenger seat door opened once again. "Big sis, why did you…"

"Come. These guys seem to be more sensible than I thought." Zoey glanced at the baffled Katherine before Zoey cocked her head, gesturing to her to get out of the car.

"Really?!" Instantly, Katherine's eyes lit up as she immediately hitched outside the car. 

Zoey glanced at the bodyguard before she started walking away. With a grin, Katherine scoffed at the bodyguard and skipped her steps as she followed Zoey's tracks.

While the ladies walked away, the bodyguard slowly shifted his eyes to Zoey's retreating back. The corner of his lips tilted into a smirk.

"Tell the boss we failed to bring the woman who interfered with his plans."