Chapter 656 - When She Falls Apart

Zoey didn't tremble as hard as this one. She was mad, furious, and regretful. She couldn't help but blame herself — solely herself for what happened. And she would never forgive herself.

Matthew held her tightly. He knew that when Zoey told him not to let her go, she would do something crazy — something reckless. Kenneth was a friend and a family. Even Matthew had to calm himself down upon hearing the news.

"Everything will be fine. It will be." He whispered, stroking Zoey's back.

Meanwhile, Ivan watched them before looking away. He didn't know Kenneth, but Ivan knew Zoey very well. He couldn't sympathize with Kenneth, but he felt guilt for Zoey.

"Matthew," Several minutes later, General Bai came back and called Matthew.

Slowly, Matthew drew away from Zoey and they both turned their attention to General Bai. 

"Can you spare me a minute?" General Bai inquired in which Matthew agreed.

"I'll come back." Matthew patted Zoey's head lovingly. "Promise to stay here?"

Zoey offered a forced smile before nodding. Matthew bitterly smiled but then followed General Bai.

As she watched them walk away, Ivan came up to her side.

"Sis," Ivan called out but Zoey didn't leave her gaze from Matthew's retreating back.

"Are you… okay?"

"Do I look like I am?" without casting him a glance, Zoey replied in a deadpan tone. "Ivan, did you do it?"

Slowly, Zoey faced Ivan, whose eyes instantly went wide. 

"What?" Ivan asked, aghast at what he had heard. "Are you seriously blaming me? I was in the Z Image Building for the entire day!" 

"Are you involved in this?" Zoey stressed once again, unfazed at Ivan's excuse.

Ivan scoffed under the pair of instigating eyes. He took a step back, shaking his head in disbelief. 

"I can't believe I'm hearing this." He muttered as he let out another faint huff.

"Why can't you say no?" Zoey let out a deep sigh as she looked away. "Just say no, if you're not involved in any of this, Ivan."

Zoey ran her fingers through her hair and pushed it back. Taking a step back as she wanted to hear him say no. 

She knew Ivan too well. This selfish bastard wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice other people for his own and his family's own good. Thus, Zoey wondered if Ivan had something to do with it.

She hoped he would deny it. She hoped that Ivan had really changed for Cora. That his love for her would make him a better person.


"If I were you, go. If you stay another second, I'll f*cking kill you." Zoey warned, taking a few steps back to create distance.

"I didn't do it nor am I involved with any of this." Ivan scoffed in dismay. "But I won't lie about not knowing about this. I mean, Niko had warned me. He told me he would take out Matthew's friends and family one by one. I didn't expect him to take action immediately."

Zoey remained silent as her eyes on Ivan. In her eyes, she could tell if the latter was lying or not. And by the looks of it, he wasn't.

"What's your new mission?" Zoey inquired flatly.

"You mean my last mission?" Ivan let out another sigh. "Get Matthew's trust and make him kill your brother. Happy?"

Ivan chuckled in mockery. The order may have sounded strange, but there were ways to execute it. However, Ivan might've disliked Zion, but the latter was still Zoey's brother and Cora's friend.

Ivan couldn't do that to them. He couldn't betray Zoey, nor put Cora in pain. He was serious when he said he would protect Cora; that included her heart.

"If you think everyone here is out to kill you, well, maybe they all had reasons. But, can't you trust those people who sided with you? Can't you also trust me, sis?"

"I want to, Ivan. I badly want to."

"Then, why can't you trust me as well?"

"Because I know you." Zoey immediately answered, which rendered him speechless. "I know if you have an option, you wouldn't betray me. But, you know Niko. He will reduce all your options until there's none to choose from."

Zoey explained, relaying her thoughts about it. For her, it would be better to give others little trust and faith.

"I'm not saying it's good or bad. I'm only saying that don't harm Cora or anyone around me. If worse comes to worst, kill me first. Because if you don't, I'll hunt every single one of you." Zoey warned.

Zoey didn't want to close the possibility that Ivan would betray her in the future. However, she would accept the betrayal as long as it was meant directly to her. Because if Ivan harmed anyone important to her, she'd kill him herself.

As long as she lived, she'd do anything to protect her loved ones. If ever she failed just like today, she wouldn't rest until they paid the price.

After her last remarks, there was nothing but silence. Ivan, conflicted on which emotion should overtake him as his emotions at the moment were jumbled.

Meanwhile, Zoey remained silent before she started trudging away. Upon seeing her walking away, Ivan called out.

"Where are you going? Boss Matt said you'd stay here."

"Don't worry. I'll just go out for a walk." Zoey responded without looking back. "If you want to come, go ahead. I'm not going to meet Niko and act like Johnny Rambo."

Ivan furrowed his brows, hesitant to follow her. In the end, he did follow Zoey but kept a meter distance with her.

Zoey and Ivan then went out to the open area outside the military hospital camp. As Zoey breathed in some night air, she looked around.

She remembered this place. This place where she first met Kenneth for the first time in her previous life. It was a place where a strong friendship started even after Matthew's death.

Ivan glanced at Zoey before fishing out his phone. It was a little late and he wanted to check on his girl. Therefore, Ivan distanced himself from Zoey to make a call.

As he did so, Zoey's phone rang. She knitted her brows and took out her phone. Upon seeing an unregistered number, Zoey arched her brow and picked it up.

When Zoey placed the phone in front of her ear, her eyes sharpened as it glinted with killing intent.

"Niko," She muttered coldly, her grip on the phone tightened until it trembled.


Author's Note:

Support my new work, Wild Young Princess: Mister, let's sleep? Synopsis in Author's Note below. Please send powerstone to my new work instead <3 Thank you!