Chapter 669 - In-laws


"Why did Madam Xi invite us here?" Sarah asked her husband upon arriving at the private restaurant Vivian had invited them to.

Zachery was already there when she arrived. He had rushed from the Kwan Hospital while Sarah came there from home. There was this mixed excitement and nervousness creeping in their hearts. 

Who wouldn't be nervous? Vivian was akin to the country's first lady and they would be having lunch with her!

"Maybe, it's because of Zion." Zachery shrugged, keeping himself composed and positive at this sudden invitation.

"Did you think our son did something?" Sarah inquired. "Say, did Zion tell you what Young Master Xi's condition was? He had stepped down, after all. It might be because his health is not as simple as it seems?" 

Sarah couldn't help but bombard her husband with her series of questions. It had been a week since her son had comed home. Although they kept in touch, Zion never detailed Matthew's condition.

"I don't know. You better keep your questions for later." Cold as always, Zachery cleared his throat as he sipped a glass of water.

Seeing her husband's nonchalance made Sarah roll her eyes. With that being said, the couple remained silent as they waited for Vivian.

Thirty minutes later, Vivian finally arrived. Yes, Vivian was rather late. However, they patiently waited for her despite being dissatisfied by this lack of respect for their time.

"I'm sorry, Mister and Missus Kwan." As soon as Vivian came in, she sported a slight apologetic look.

Zachery was quick to conceal his displeasure as he stood up from his seat. Sarah as well.

"No, it's fine, Madam Xi." said Zachery with a bow. "We understand that Madam Xi is busy. I'm just glad you made it."

"Yes, Madam Xi. You don't have to apologize." Sarah backed her husband.

"Oh, you two." Vivian let out a chuckle as she strode towards the chair across them. "Please, take a seat."

Vivian beckoned as she sat down. As instructed, the couple sat down and raised their gaze at the elegant woman across them.

They had seen Vivian in her interviews in the past; especially back when she was active in the business. Even after years, Vivian's beauty didn't fade away. She aged gracefully and Zachery could not help but be in awe at the close sight of her.

Taking notice of the fascination in Zachery's eyes, Vivian smiled at him. She then glanced at Sarah who was smiling delicately.

"Have you ordered? I think we should order food first." Vivian requested. Both husband and wife looked at each other awkwardly before nodding to Vivian's suggestion.

"Please, be at ease. Given our future relationship, I think it's best to begin getting along." Vivian chuckled, sensing the awkwardness from the two.

Sarah and Zachery furrowed their brows, but held back from asking what she meant. Instead, they let Vivian order food for the three of them in silence.

Once Vivian was done, she raised her head as her meek smile still plastered on her lips.

"Madam Xi, what do you mean by our future relationship?" Zachery inquired upon sensing the perfect time to throw his query. Sarah stared at Vivian earnestly, patiently waiting for the latter's response.

Yet, Vivian didn't respond immediately. Instead, she darted her eyes from Zachery's countenance to Sarah's and smiled.

"You seem like you're not worried." Vivian commented. "I heard Little Z hasn't been in her office or at home for a week now."

"Zoey?" Zachery furrowed his brows as he didn't expect Zoey would be discussed.

"Yes. Your daughter, Mister Kwan." Vivian nodded, smiling subtly as she stressed Zoey's relationship with Zachery.

Zachery cleared his throat, trying not to jump into conclusion at Vivian's words. After all, Zoey was already part of the Kwan from other people's perspective; not biologically, though.

"Little Zoey doesn't always contact us aside from her brother, Madam Xi." Zachery explained after throwing the other assumptions to the back of his head. 

"Zoey likes keeping things private and she's an independent girl. She doesn't like telling us what she's up to. She didn't want to trouble us. Such a silly girl making her parents worry." 

Zachery added with a faint chuckle. Sarah glanced at her husband's side profile and chuckled awkwardly.

"Yes, little Z is a silly girl. She thinks helping her will be a burden to us, that's why she always tries not to worry us. But she worries us even more because she's so independent that she makes us feel so useless." Sarah shook her head as she let out a faint sigh.

Hearing their claims, Vivian arched her brow briefly. She knew about that. She ran a background check that night when she had a talk with her son about these Kwan parents.

"She's amazing, isn't she?" Vivian leaned forward, linking her hands together as she rested her chip on the back of her linked hands. "Despite the sad childhood and origins, little Z is someone who deserves my respect."

"Hehe. You're so kind, Madam Xi." Pleased, Zachery humored as his shoulder eased up.

'That brat finally did something right in her pathetic life.' Yet, his mind thought of something else.

Little did he know, Vivian could read his vile thoughts flickering in his eyes. Although Vivian was unsure, staring at these two proved that they never loved Zoey nor they cared about her.

She's a mother, after all. Hence, Vivian could tell as a parent that these two didn't treasure Zoey just like what they claimed. What a shame.

Vivian pursed her lips as she stretched her lips upward. "Anyway, I'm sorry to pry. But, I've grown fond of little Z. Hence, I had taken interest in her history."

As soon as they heard Vivian's remark, Zachery and Sarah furrowed their brows.

"What do you mean, Madam? You ran a background check on us?" asked Sarah as she instinctively glanced at her husband.

"It piqued my interest.Your son, hasn't he told you yet?" 

"Tell us?" Zachery queried, a little confused just like his wife.

"That we could possibly be in-laws." Vivian shrugged. "Although you haven't legally adopted little Z, you're still blood related, right?"

Vivian watched as Zachery and Sarah's complexion paled. She smirked as it seemed her intuition was correct. Sarah already knew about it.

"I heard Madam Kwan gave birth to twins.. Sadly, the other one was proclaimed dead?" Vivian arched her brow as she had found interesting facts about Sarah and Zachery's marriage history.