Chapter 683 - Auction II

[Little Yacht]

The event was rather bustling than what Zoey had expected. There were more guests, as if it was like those usual yacht elite parties. Everyone, equally graceful and elegant men and women, were wearing masks.

Some wore a full mask, others wore something that covered half of their face: lower part or upper, some covered the right part of their faces. Hence, guests took this as a battle of elegance and demeanor.

Zoey glanced at the man beside her. Nikolai was wearing a full mask, but somehow, she sensed that he was smirking as he offered her a glass of champagne.

She accepted it with a subtle smile. "What a way to conceal your business."

"Well, it won't be fun if everything revolves around the auction -- although that's the meaning of this." Nikolai said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Since the yacht was large to cater everyone without making it feel crowded, Zoey looked around discreetly. Among these guests, Matthew and his men were surely in here.

Among these people, Matthew and Nikolai's men were surrounding this mega yacht. Just where  were they? With these masks masquerading everyone, Zoey searched for Matthew.

"Don't be so obvious, sweetheart." Nikolai leaned closer, whispering in her ear. "They will show themselves later."

"Will you open fire?" Zoey blurted out before she pressed her lips in a thin line upon the realization.

"I gave you my word, didn't I?" 

Zoey remained silent as she tightened her grip on his arm. "Alright." She nodded.

The two of them joined the crowd on the deck, acting normal just like everyone else. Zoey forced herself to focus on Nikolai and conversed with him about just anything.

When a waiter approached them, Zoey glanced at the small box given to them. She looked around and saw other waiters were giving the guests the same small boxes.

As she watched the nearby guest open hers, Zoey saw that the lady picked up the small earrings which made her happy. She moved her gaze to the person next to the lady and received a card.

"You better hide yours, sweetheart." Zoey snapped upon Nikolai's remarks.

Upon gazing at him, Nikolai was placing an earpiece inside his ear. He gestured to her to open hers which she did.

Once she opened the box in front of her, Zoey saw it was a ring. For a moment, Zoey froze as she gazed at Nikolai. Even though his face was hiding behind his mask, Zoey felt him smirk.

"Will you marry me?" He asked, leaning closer to her.

No. was what she wanted to say. She'd say that in a heartbeat if not for the reason that Matthew's life was in Nikolai's hands.

"Hesitant now?" Nikolai cocked his head to the side, but his tone remained the same.

"Well," Zoey sported a smile on her lips. "I'm just surprised you didn't come up with something outrageous for a proposal."


Zoey chuckled as she laid her hand on the table, acting natural since she was being watched -- they were being watched. If she wanted to end this, she might as well act as if she wanted to end it.

"Like putting the ring inside a cake, or in the wine." Zoey humored as she shrugged. "But, you're not that… silly."

The corner of her lips curled bitterly. Remembering how Matthew put a ring on her in their previous life, he just slid it in without a short notice. Then, his proposal followed. Thinking about it, Zoey could not help but smile.

Matthew… his way of proposing was something she didn't expect. But for her, that was the sweetest proposal. No cameras around to capture the moment, no grand preparations, or anything of the sort.

It was simple yet worth remembering because  what made that proposal grand for her was Matthew offering his sincere heart to her. Despite the wealth and power he had, his heart was something that he could only flaunt.

She'll forever cherish all their memories. Forever -- Matthew would remain in her heart and only Matthew could own her heart. She might give up her body and freedom to Nikolai.

But her heart... it'll forever be with Matthew.

"Aren't you going to put it on me?" Zoey inquired seeing that Nikolai was just staring at her. "Hesitant now? Having second thoughts that your bachelor days would be over soon?"

"Well," Nikolai shrugged as he reached for the box. "I'm just wondering what expression lies behind that mask right now."

Nikolai muttered as he took out the ring from the box. He then carefully held her hand, sliding the ring on her finger.

"Are you crying behind that smile? It's good that I don't see it, I'll hate it for sure." 

Zoey swallowed upon hearing his remarks. She thought the same. Because right now, the task of acting happy for a proposal she never wanted was hard to keep.

"The auction will start soon." Nikolai informed her. Zoey looked around briefly.

Some guests were leaving the deck, but some remained as if they didn't know anything. Just that made Zoey know that they were participants in the auction.

At the same time, Nikolai stood on his feet. He offered his hand for her to clasp.

"Shall we?" He asked.

Zoey nodded and carefully slid her hand that had a ring on it in his hand. Before she could stand, Nikolai leaned down, lifting his mask up a little as he placed a soft peck on the back of her hand.

"This ring suits your hand perfectly."

Again, Zoey bit her inner lips as she forced it to stretch into a smile. 

"Don't tell me it's a match made in heaven. That's cringe." She hid the urge to refute by humoring him.

Zoey then stood up with his help. Carefully, Nikolai guided her hand around his arm and they walked inside.



"That's her." Zion mumbled as his eyes focused on a couple not on the lower deck heading inside. They might be wearing masks just like everyone else, but he could tell that it was Zoey.

"Man, you better stay away when you hear guns being fired." Ivan warned, tugging his shoulders as they joined the crowd. "All guests in the auction are inside. Once it starts, no one will take care of you. Do you understand?"

Yet, Zion's eyes remained on the pair until he couldn't see them anymore.

"Hey," Ivan snapped  but kept his tone low.

"Zoey…" Zion whispered. "She's crying accepting that ring."

Zion's heart sank seeing Zoey sacrifice herself. Although she was wearing a mask, Zion glimpsed at the fake smile on her lips. Zoey was his sister. Thus, Zion could tell that Zoey was doing what she thought was right no matter how painful it was for her.

"I'm… sorry."

"Tell her that once we have rescued her." Ivan annoyingly pulled Zion by the shoulder. When Zion faced him, Ivan ground his teeth and pointed at him.

"Keep your head together, alright?"

Zion watched Ivan ground his teeth. The latter's presence emanated menace as if he was barely keeping it together himself.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Zion nodded, breathing in and out to calm himself. Ivan knew as much. This was not the time to get emotional and dwell in what they had seen.

"I'll stay alive no matter what. I'll use anyone's body to shield myself if that is what it takes to stay alive.." Zion reassured, his eyes glinting with resolve as he threw all rational and humane emotions out of the window.