Chapter 687 - Auction VI

"If you don't play poker, bet on those who know the game." Matthew paused, holding the door still. "There's this quote I've learned playing poker with my grandfather; It says, 'Life is not always a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes playing a poor hand well.'"

Zoey furrowed her brows as she stared at his broad back. Her eyes remained in his direction until the door shut itself.

"Poker…" Zoey mumbled as her eyelashes fluttered ever so slowly.

She retracted her eyes away from the door, gazing down at the small box he had tossed towards her. Zoey hesitatingly picked it up and opened it.

"Hah," She smiled, letting out a soft and short chuckle. The diamond on the ring was in a heart shape. Surely, Matthew didn't just get this in the past week.

"Had he always been planning to propose?" She mumbled, shaking her head before taking out the ring out of the box.

Zoey raised it in front of her, staring at it for a long time. "It's so pretty." She whispered with a smile.

Although Nikolai's ring that was on her finger was stunning, there's just this difference between the two. Nikolai had bought the ring which she could assume was his intention for buying the most expensive one.

This one from Matthew, on the other hand, was crafted meticulously as per Matthew's preference. A diamond ring in a heart shape.

She could not help but smile at the thought. A ring that was in a heart shape, as if he was telling her this was his heart. Instead of saying "will you marry me?", this ring told her, "please hold my heart for a lifetime."

"Matty," Zoey whispered. Her subtle smile slowly grew bitter as she raised the hand where Nikolai had put a ring on.

She wanted to take it out and wear Matthew's. However, Zoey noticed that this ring had significance for some reason; the guards previously stared at it for a long time.

"Bet on the players, huh?" She muttered, parsing Matthew's last remarks. "Why are you so stubborn, Matty?"

Zoey sighed as put down the ring given by Matthew. She then stared at Nikolai's ring that was on her finger. Caressing and playing with it for a while.

"But he won't stop no matter what I say, huh?" Zoey whispered as she slowly took out the ring out of her finger.

Matthew had made it clear. Even if Zoey gave up and her spirit to fight was broken, Matthew wouldn't change his plans.

Zoey put down Nikolai's ring and picked up Matthew's. As she slid it in her finger, she mumbled.

"Let's just die together, then. Don't blame me if  all this fails."


"Boss Matt, our men are on standby. Everyone is in their position. We're just waiting for the signal." Angelo spoke through Matthew's earpiece.

"Mhm." Matthew hummed a tune as he casually perched in the lobby with his mask back on "Ivan?"

"I'm bored." Ivan was heard from the other end of the line. "Damn. That Zion better not f*cking bother me."

"It's my sister." 

"So what?" 

"I'd sacrifice everyone just to save her. Bothering you will not help her." 

"Good riddance, are you seriously fighting now? I thought you two had become best friends?" Angelo's nose scrunched up, moving his scope around the yacht's upper deck, checking the flow and every movement in the yacht.

Although Angelo had good skills in close combat, he was still better at being a sniper. Hence, he was the one tasked to stay away from the yacht along with Ryan and other members of their temporary squad.

Still, Angelo's location and the rest of his members were scattered around different locations so there wouldn't be blind spots.

"Best friends?" Ivan's face distorted. "Since when did you become delusional, man?"

Meanwhile, Ivan was just around the lower deck -- neither close or far from Matthew's standpoint. Ivan was tasked to lead the men on-site with the help of Owen and Carter.

Every single one of them had scattered around. Some disguised as guests, some were guards, and some were just discreetly hiding until the time came.

Inigo, on the other hand, had a different task. 

Before Matthew could hear their bickering while waiting for the signal, he spoke.

"I met her." 

As soon as they heard him, there was dead silence. Silence only lasted for ten seconds before Ivan asked.

"What did she say?"

"She asked me to go away. She didn't need us." Matthew took a deep breath, his hand slowly curled into a fist. 

"What?" In disbelief, Zion asked. "Why would she say that? Zoey won't…"

"Man, are you hearing yourself? She's saying things against her will because we're f*cked." Before Zion could finish, Ivan hissed.

"You don't know Nik, but I practically grew up with the man. He surely knows we're here. I wouldn't be surprised if they know exactly where we are and have been watching us since the second we entered this yacht."

Ivan's tone grew solemn. He may not know things accurately, but he grew up with Nikolai and Zoey. She wouldn't concede that easily if Nikolai's cards were weak.

"What…?" Zion whispered as she cautiously looked around the party on the upper deck.

"My, my! What a nice spot, Gel. That super yacht looks cute from here!" Suddenly, they heard a voice from their earpiece which made them all freeze.

Angelo, who was in a prone position slowly drew his eyes away from the scope. Even without turning around, he recognized the voice.

"Patrizio." Angelo called his name and he heard a gun being cocked.

"Angelo…?!" Ivan raised his voice, pressing his earpiece inside his ear.

"I heard you talking. Was it Ivan?" Patrizio smiled as he placed a foot on Angelo's back. Without further ado, Patriozio bent down and took Angelo's earpiece and placed it in his ear.

"Hey, Ivan. Nik already gave you the liberty you've asked for. So, why did you work for his enemies?"

"F*ck!" Ivan cursed as he paced back and forth. "Pat, don't you --"

"Nik said to leave the brother and the Xi guy alone. For Ivan, let him live, but cripple him from waist down below." Patrizio casually informed them about the orders from his boss.

"Lastly, kill everyone else. Sorry, Angelo." 


"Angelo!" Ivan and Zion shouted but the line was suddenly cut off. Meanwhile Matthew slowly closed his eyes.. His fist trembled as his teeth produced a gritting sound as he ground them together.