Chapter 719 - Wedding

Three days later, the wedding day had finally arrived. Guests had arrived and everything had been arranged the way Vivian planned this simple and yet memorable day for her son and daughter-in-law.

Zoey stared at herself in front of the mirror. Behind her stood Cora who was smiling at her with eyes tearing up.

"Z." Cora called out affectionately, feeling emotional seeing her best friend in her simple yet sophisticated light tone purple wedding dress.

"Don't cry. I might -- ahem!" Zoey cleared her throat as she held back her tears. "We can't ruin our makeup before the wedding starts." 

Slowly, Zoey faced her maid of honor with a smile. "Did you and Ivan make history?"

As soon as Zoey uttered her inquiry, Cora's face blushed. Zoey chuckled as soon as Cora's face turned red.

"I'm happy for the both of you." Zoey smiled, reaching for Cora's hand as she patted it gently. 

"Z…" Moved, Cora pursed her lips as she held her tears back. It was not Cora who was getting married, but she was more emotional than Zoey.

"Ivan is a silly guy. Sometimes, he had his way with his words -- most of the time, he's just brutally honest. He may not be the kindest, but my little brother is a good person. And I can see in his eyes, he loves you very much. So, take good care of him, will you?"

Zoey smiled, squeezing Cora's hand as she expressed her thoughts about Ivan and Cora. She might have not rooted for them initially because of their previous life. 

However, as time passed by, Zoey had entrusted their fate to the two of them. And she's happy staying away from it. The two had broken up, got separated for a year, but now, they're together again.

The past two days had been very hectic for them. At least, for Zoey and Matthew. And Zoey was aware that she'd be more busy in the upcoming days. Hence, she might not get the chance to tell Cora how happy she was for her best friend.

"Zoey…" Cora tried to hold her tears. But, with Zoey saying all that stuff to her now broke the last straw of restraint as tears rolled down from her eyes.

"How can you make me cry when it's you who should be crying in happiness? It's your day! You're so unfair!" 

Cora complained as she started sobbing. They had been very busy and barely talked. However, their friendship remained as strong as before. 

If not for the fact she didn't want to ruin Zoey's beautiful wedding dress, she would have hugged her with tears and mascara running along.

"Geez. Don't ruin your makeup." Zoey chuckled as she wiped Cora's tears with a smile.

"That's because you caught me off-guard. I should be the one telling you that I'm happy for you and so on to make you cry. But in the end, I'm the one crying." Cora added, looking up as she carefully wiped her tears.

"That's because you and Ivan have been locking yourselves up in your room. How the heck should I not say this before the wedding?" Zoey humored as she felt accomplished.

Slowly, Zoey then turned around and stared at herself in front of the mirror. In their previous life, Zoey and Matthew had had a civil wedding. After that, they planned their big wedding, but the baby came.

Hence, they had to postpone it for later. However, things happened and it escalated.

That's why, Zoey still didn't know what to feel right now that she's in her wedding dress. At one point, she wanted to cry seeing herself in a wedding dress, but no tears were coming out.

Part of her wanted to just laugh and giggle and a little part of her was just being nervous. Their wedding was not as grand as others, but it was a wedding that Zoey and Matthew agreed upon with an added twist of Vivian.

"Z, the wedding will start soon." After some time, Cora checked the time and informed Zoey.

Just as Cora said so, a knock from outside the room reached their ears. They didn't even speak when the door slowly creaked open.

"Z, are you ready to walk down the aisle?" As soon as the door opened, Zion's voice came in. 

Zoey turned to her brother standing by the door in his brown tux. When their eyes met, Zion smiled affectionately as he crossed his arms, leaning on the jamb.

Zion just stared at Zoey from head to toe, nodding approvingly at his mesmerizing little sister. 

"Why are you just standing there? Won't you escort the bride?" Cora teased, smiling brightly as she could tell the serene atmosphere between the siblings.

"I want to look at her just a bit more." Zion uttered with a smile. "Just a bit."

Upon his last remarks, Zion inhaled and exhaled deeply. He didn't know the reason, but as soon as he saw Zoey's gaze, he felt very emotional.

Although Zoey and Matthew had been legally married, this wedding didn't make them less emotional. Zion… he was very happy for her that his eyes started to sting.

If Zion spoke another word, he might tear up immediately. Cora smiled as she fanned herself, crying tears that Zion didn't want to release.

Meanwhile, Zoey smiled affectionately as she didn't break her gaze away from Zion. Even though Zion didn't say much, the emotions in her brother's eyes was enough for her to understand his unspoken words.

Her lips parted but no words came out. All her words were stuck in her throat. So, Zoey pressed her lips together and forced a smile.

"I'm happy." She expressed great effort not to cry. Zion nodded ever so slowly. 

"I know. You deserve to be."

Zoey once again smiled as a tension started building up in her throat. There's just this strong emotion that she couldn't tell what exactly. But what she was certain of was that they're all positive emotions.

"Hey hey hey!" Suddenly, Ivan's voice came in as he came from behind Zion. 

Ivan hooked his arms over Zion's shoulder and darted his eyes from Cora to Zoey. A grin immediately appeared when he set his eyes onto Cora. But a stunned emotion appeared upon his face as he settled his eyes on Zoey.

"Wow, sis… I almost didn't recognize you!" Ivan teased, livening up the mood in the room. "Gosh… I feel like a dad who's about to walk my daughter down the aisle. I'm so happy."

Ivan muttered with a bright smile. He then turned to Zion and said, "Bro, can I walk my sister down the aisle? I feel like I'm cut out to walk my sis down the aisle." 

"Know your place." Without looking at Ivan, Zion answered. 

Instantly, the smile on Ivan's face faded away. "But I got all the emotions, though."

Seeing Ivan's dejected reaction and his obvious closeness with Zion, made Zoey and Cora chuckle. Zion also chuckled as he raised his brow and cocked his head towards Ivan.

"Call me big brother. Maybe, I'll reconsider." Zion teased with a wicked smirk.

"Ew. Know your place." Ivan spat back in dismay. And their laughter resonated across the room.


Meanwhile, in the Groom's room.

"Boss Matt, you shouldn't let Boss Z decide on the wedding's motif. Look at us! We all look like golden retrievers." Owen complained as he gazed at his colleague's and the groom's suit.

The color theme of the wedding was brown and purple. It was an odd combination -- at least, everyone agreed with that. But, Zoey strongly fought for these colors.

"My little Z is a very talented girl. She also has a great sense of style. But I can't think of any reason why she paired up these two colors." Vivian who was in the same room as she sighed heavily, shaking her head.

Not that there was a problem and they all looked good. However, the colors just didn't match perfectly. Vivian wanted to make this wedding perfect while abiding by Zoey's wishes to have a simple wedding.

Matthew, who was staring out the window as he stared at the wedding setting near the shore, smiled. Slowly, he turned around and gazed at everyone.

"Browny and purple dinosaur." He said, causing their brows to furrow in confusion.

As usual, Matthew only smiled as he didn't plan on sharing this little secret between him and Zoey.

"I should go and get married." He announced as he glanced at his loyal men and then to his mother.

Vivian smiled as she slowly got up from her seat. "Goodness. I want to feel emotional but your coldness just doesn't let me."

She commented and they all went to the wedding reception which was just by the shore.