Chapter 162 - Damn It

Devon had mixed emotions in seeing herself on the big screen for the first time. She finally had a better understanding of films. Although she already knew the script, watching the end product still hit differently. Once the show ended, everyone clapped as the director, the actors, and everything truly didn't disappoint.

The movie exceeded the hype it received. The ones who were just as happy as those parts of the movie were the investors, as they could smell cash. As everyone congratulated the director and the main cast, Devon turned her head to Bella.

Bella was zoning out as she was still staring at the screen, even though the movie finished and the lights turned on. Devon had already noticed her friend didn't pay attention throughout the entire movie.

"Bella." Devon squeezed Bella's hand to snap her back to the current lapse. Bella blinked and refocused her eyes on her.. 

"Yes?" Bella raised her brows and sported a kind smile. 

"I don't think I want to attend the afterparty." 

"Ohh... why?" 

"Well... I just don't feel like it." Devon shrugged as she felt like going home and have a mini celebration with Lewis instead. Also, she had this gut feeling that Director Fang would drag her for her to meet with people again. She knew she wouldn't enjoy such a party as she hated loud parties. 

"I see..." Bella nodded in understanding while pouting. 

"Do you want to come?" asked Devon while gazing at her friend. 

Bella pursed her lips into a thin line, pondering about Devon's offer. "What about CEO Qin?" 

"Lu doesn't mind my best friend coming over. If you are uncomfortable around Lu, we can just go to a nice bar to celebrate," Devon suggested, as she was worried about leaving Bella alone. It was another gut feeling that she shouldn't leave her best friend alone. 

Bella had been a great support for her. Maybe because Devon never had a female friend, even in her present life, she truly treasured Bella. Well, the latter was someone who was worthy to be treasured, as she had always been genuine to Devon. 

"Dev..." she pouted, moved by Devon's kind offers. 

"Then, that's settled." 

The side of Devon's lips stretched broader as she guessed it correct. Bella didn't want to be alone as well, although she didn't want to bother anyone. After they planned what to do after this, Bella and Devon had to say their greetings to Director Fang and other important people.

Obviously, Bella knew a lot of people. So she had to greet a lot of seniors and investors. Meanwhile, Director Fang dragged Devon and introduced her to a lot of people.

Devon's gut feeling was correct about the after-party. Many had shown interest in her as her screen time left a big impact on the film. Dion could only watch Devon smile while suffering inside from his seat.

"My sis is born to be a star." Dion nodded approvingly, proud that his sister was being recognized even though she didn't want to. "Did she think no one will notice her? She is like the big boss in the movie who rarely appears but always at a crucial time."

After being in the industry for a long time, Dion could already guess Devon's name skyrocketing. It was already obvious since the people Devon was talking with were important people in the industry. 

"And to think my brother didn't even meddle with this..." Dion trailed off as he felt his phone inside his suit vibrant. Since he didn't need to bother talking to people, Dion checked his phone and furrowed his brows.

"Second brother had been messaging me a lot lately," he murmured and checked Julian's short message. "Why do keep asking where I am?"

Dion felt a little weird with Julian's sudden interest in messaging him, but he didn't think about it too much. With all the trust Dion had in his brother, he still sent his location as usual. But this time, Dion sent another message.

[ To: Second Brother 

Second brother, are you spying on me? Why do you keep asking for my location? ]

[From : Second Brother

Yes. ]

Dion frowned as he looked around. His brothers had their own ways of doing things, so he didn't know whether Julian was joking or was just trying to scare him. Either way, Dion felt like being cautious.

[To : Second Brother

Please don't do that (-.-) I'm not doing anything wrong! ]

For Dion, if Julian truly put a spy on him, his reason was to keep the paparazzi following Dion in check. Not to mention, since Dion had ended his contract with his previous agency for many reasons, he thought Julian was probably worried his previous agency was looking for dirt on him. 

Julian didn't respond anymore, leaving Dion in a terrible mood. "Geez... no wonder I'm the favorite brother. Ge is like a father while Second Brother is like a nosey auntie."

Dion clicked his tongue and slipped his phone back to his suit. He tried to forget his irritation to Julian as that brother of his always messed with his mind. 


Meanwhile, back in the Qin Empire, CEO Office, Lewis leaned back against the swivel chair. He pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes momentarily. When he opened them, he gazed at the door and sighed. 

"What did he mean by getting a wife?" he mumbled, getting more stressed about the riddle Derek left him with more than the document he was currently reading. "Since when did he like riddles?"

Derek was the straight type of person. Although he could crack a riddle faster than Lewis, his assistant hated it. He doesn't like it when people speak around in a circle and considered it a waste of time. Well, that was why Lewis and Derek had built a close relationship as their personalities complement each other.

Still... getting a wife? Who? Derek? 

Lewis couldn't wrap his head around that excuse. His assistant wouldn't lie about such a thing. Actually, Derek was too arrogant to even lie or make up an excuse. He recalled Derek's last remarks, causing his brows to furrow.

"Getting myself a wife... myself..." He tilted his head as he blinked countless times. Those were Derek's exact words.

"Is she going to marry Miss Chang tonight?" he muttered as he knew Bella caught Derek's eyes. Although there wasn't much any change from Derek, he sometimes find his assistant staring at his spare phone for personal use. 

"hah... good for him." 

Lewis cleared his throat as he already used his ten minutes break just thinking about 'what's up with my assistant?'. He shook his head, trying not to get distracted by Derek getting married before him. 

"That guy... he used to say he will never marry." 

A chuckle escaped his lips while shaking his head lightly once again. If Derek truly got married, he would surely prepare a gift that was worthy of his ever-reliable assistant. Although he felt bad for whoever Derek would marry.

"He is a tough guy to deal with," he muttered along with his low chuckles. "I hope she likes money, so she doesn't divorce him."

His mind ended up lingering on the thought of Derek having a wife. He just couldn't imagine Derek being romantic. If anything, he could imagine Derek making a proposal to his wife for the do's and don't's. His assistant was that type of person and hated repeating himself. 

"Anyway..." Lewis took a deep breath as he picked up the documents that Derek brought earlier. His eyes instantly glinted as they sharpened as if he wasn't chuckling moments ago.

"Julian, my bother... what the hell is this?"

Lewis's eyes glowered as he studied the details of Julian's embezzlement that he hid pretty well. He had thought that he was already hands-on in the company, but he trusted Julian so much that he didn't check these paper companies. 

The problem was, that wasn't just that. 

If everyone put all these findings into one, it would look like the Qin Empire had been avoiding paying tax. Once these documents were released, an enormous problem would surely arise. With all those companies waiting for the Qin Empire's downfall, if any of these landed in their lap, Lewis would have to camp in his office to resolve the issue.

Not just that, but the media and the government would turn to them. Lewis had offended a lot of people with his arrogance, so this would be a perfect opportunity to kick him down. 

"It is, indeed, terrible, Derek," he mumbled as he leaned his back against the swivel chair and turned it around. His eyes landed on the transparent floor-to-ceiling wall, overseeing the city from there. 

"Julian... or Quentin, did you ever consider us as your family?" he wondered as bitterness flickered across his eyes. Honestly, if not for Devon, Lewis wouldn't even find Julian suspicious. He was certain once this problem arise, Lewis wouldn't have any idea since he was unsuspecting of his brother. 

He never thought his brother, whom he trusted the most would do this to him — them. Lewis put down the document on his lap, showing the data showing that this had been going on for years — since Lewis started working in the Qin Empire. 

"Damn it…"