Chapter 166 - I Might Kill Someone Tonight

Lewis and his brothers, who came into the private lounge bar with him, looked around. He immediately spotted Dion because of Dion's flashy aura and colorful formal suit.

"Ge, why didn't you say you are going here? Is there a problem?" asked Kai, who was treading carefully beside Lewis while rubbing his palms together. "I swear that rumor about me is not true! I already ordered an information lockdown."

"Ge, why did you ask me to come in here? Kai, please shut up for a second. No one care about that pathetic rumor about you." Rio glared at Kai, who was walking to the other side of Lewis before gazing back at his eldest brother. "Did you fight with our sister-in-law? Do you need some love advice?"

The person behind them who was wearing glasses and a simple sweater matched with jeans could not help but shake his head. His eyes remained on his two older brothers, who were like sales agents trying to make Lewis buy their product. 

Lewis didn't speak until he stopped, reaching the table where Bella and Dion were at. His brows furrowed, seeing that Devon wasn't there.

"Sis went to the restroom," Dion explained, seeing that Lewis frowned. "Ge, what sort of trouble did these three do this time??"

"I only bumped into them on the way here," Ansel, the youngest of the Qin Brothers, shrugged as he already took a seat around the table. "Unlike third, fourth, and fifth brother, I don't trouble Ge."

"Wow, Ansel... wow...!" Kai clapped and cast Ansel a look of dismay. 

"Ge told me to come in here," Rio explained while gazing at Lewis, who also took a seat, leaving him and Kai standing.

"Eh? But why?" Dion tilted his head to the side and all of them set their eyes to Lewis' unchanging countenance. 

Lewis' thick eyelashes fluttered and scanned them. "To celebrate."

"Celebrate?" Kai and Rio murmured in unison. Ansel just raised a brow while Dion and Bella furrowed their brows.

"You mean you want to celebrate sis' successful debut as an actress?" Dion asked to clarify Lewis' intention. 

When Lewis nodded, it rendered them speechless. Rio, in particular, who rushed in here as soon as Lewis sent him a short invitation to this place, turned pale. Just when he thought it was important and even canceled his date, it turned out it was just a simple celebration.

"Bro, that's all?" Kai inquired in distress, unsure whether he should heave a sigh of relief or feel neglected by his eldest brother. Well, unlike Dion, Kai had more control over the news that was about him.

"What do you mean, that's all?" Dion gasped and glared at Kai. Was his younger brother digging his own grave by belittling this important event?

Rio let out a sigh as she slid himself around the table. "I canceled my date, but well, it's been a while since we had a drink together."

"Ge, the fifth brother is belittling sister-in-law's achievement." As if to make sure Kai's death was certain, Ansel turned to Lewis and stressed his words. 

Lewis glanced at Kai, and the latter immediately froze. Inside Kai's heart, he seethed in anger, as the youngest never failed to fan the flames. 

"It's good to see you again, CEO Qin," Bella greeted awkwardly as she felt a little overwhelmed by the sudden entrance of the Qin Brothers. Although she was slowly getting used to Lewis's strong presence, the other three also held their unique auras and demeanor.

Lewis glanced at Bella and tilted his head down. "I thought you were with Assistant Wang?"


"Nothing." He shook his head, arms crossed. 

Bella frowned but didn't probe. She couldn't force Lewis to tell her what he meant by that, right? Although Lewis was Devon's fiance, they weren't that close. She couldn't act and treat the great Lewis Qin like how she treated Dion and Mike, after all. 

Ansel and Rio already gave their orders to Kai. The latter complained, but when Lewis told him the drink he preferred, Kai could only frown and drag his feet away. The owner of the business should serve his utmost guest, correct?

"Ge, didn't you invite the second brother?" Ansel inquired as he glanced around the table. "I'm sure he will come if you told him to come."

Actually, Lewis didn't invite Ansel, as he was still a child — although the latter had already passed the legal age. It just so happened that Ansel bumped into Lewis in the parking space. So, Lewis dragged him in here and supervise his alcohol intake.

Ansel also understood that Lewis probably didn't invite Kai because he would be in this establishment for sure, and Dion was already with Devon. So why was Rio here and not Julian?

"What do you mean by that?" Dion spoke before Lewis could answer. "Second brother is here and even greeted us."

Lewis furrowed his brows as he focused his eyes on Dion. "Julian did?"

"Hmm! Although he said he was with a client, I thought when I saw you that Second brother probably took his client here because you told him to come in here. We all know Second brother will never say no to Ge and leave his work behind." Dion explained with some added conclusion, as that would only make sense. 

"Where is Devon?" Lewis suddenly inquired in a cold and low tone, catching their attention, as he sounded angry. 

Although his tone only lowered, the Qin Brothers knew when the eldest was in a bad mood. Even Bella could not help but gulp as she set her eyes on Lewis.

"Err... uh, I told you, sis is in the restroom." Dion cleared his throat, shrugging off the sense of horror creeping into his heart.

"How long has she been there?" 

This time, Dion turned to Bella. Now that they thought about it, Devon had been gone for quite some time now. Before Dion could talk again, Lewis already sprung up from his seat and walked away to go to Devon.

"Ge, wait...!" Dion called and extended his arm, but Lewis didn't even look back. 

"Ge is quite the clingy type, huh?" Ansel commented under his breath while watching Lewis' retreating back. 

"Well, it was Ge's first...." Rio trailed off as Dion also stood up. Dion cast Bella a look and then to his brothers and said, "be nice to Bella," before he followed Lewis.

Dion only wanted to follow him, so he would know if he was on death row for probing about her previous relationship. But there was a part of him that made him feel that something was wrong. Devon acted strangely in the presence of Julian, and by the expression on Lewis, increased Dion's intuition. 

Meanwhile, Lewis didn't hesitate to enter the woman's restroom. His presence took aback the two ladies who were inside, but he didn't care as he checked each cubicle.

"Ge, I — " Dion abruptly stopped as soon as he saw what was Lewis doing, and the two ladies, who could only watch him in surprise. "Hehe. Sorry. Please don't mind him. He's just searching for someone." 

The two ladies inside the restroom just raised their brows, recognizing Dion. Before one of them could respond, Lewis cursed under his breath and walked away.

"Woah! Ge! What --" Dion instinctively stepped aside with his hands up, making way for Lewis. His brother just exited after cursing without caring if he scared the ladies inside. 

"Err..." Dion turned to the ladies inside and sported a helpless look. "Sorry. Please complain to the owner of this place."

He didn't wait for the ladies' reply as he followed Lewis's tracks. Little did he know, the ladies inside just looked at each other, blinking as if they couldn't grasp what just happened.

"Where is she?" Lewis whispered, taking his phone out to call Derek. It rang just twice before Derek picked up the call. Before his assistant could complain, Lewis already spoke.

"Postpone your vacation. I might kill someone tonight." Lewis' eyes glinted as they darkened, heading towards the area for authorized personnel only.

"Young Master, I needed a day to rectify --"

"You only have a night." Lewis hung up and slid his phone into his pocket before loosening his tie. "I swear..."

He couldn't finish his sentence as he sighted Kai ahead while carrying a tray. Lewis was too noticeable for Kai not to notice from his peripheral, so he turned his head to greet his brother. But alas, Kai staggered back as soon as he saw the murderous intent in Lewis's eyes.

"Come with me. I need to see your CCTV from one hour ago," Lewis uttered when he walked past Kai, but he didn't pause on his steps. 

Kai blinked, registering what his brother told him. He only snapped back to the current lapse when Dion clapped in front of him. 

"Hey. Do you know where Ge went?" asked Dion because Lewis was so fast and he wasn't even running yet.

"Uh, right... he said he will go to the monitor room." Kai stammered as he shook his head.

"Oh, let's go then." Dion didn't wait for Kai to react as he already grabbed his brother's arm and dragged him.

"Wait! The drinks!" Kai protested, but Dion kept on dragging him without a pause.


Meanwhile, in a flower shop in the city, Derek gazed at his phone with furrowed brows. He was used to Lewis' tyranny, but his tone earlier was different. 

"Here's the flow... ers — huh? Where did he go?"

The florist who came back, bringing the bouquet Derek already paid for, halted.. All she saw was the door swinging with the chimes ringing softly, and the man was gone.