Chapter 135 - More Than Certain

They had to start once again for the nth time. Since they just had to walk, Devon and the two extras weren't as pressured as the main actresses. Still, they could feel the thickening air, as they had been redoing the scene already.

"Bella, are you alright?" asked Devon, holding her hand behind her.

Bella glanced at her, offering her a weak smile. "Of course. This type of bullying is not something to make me lower myself. I won't stoop to her level."

"That's right." Devon smiled, nodding in understanding, and both of them didn't speak anymore. 

"Do it properly this time." Director Fang reminded, watching everyone's expression. He paused momentarily as he noticed the devious yet faint expression of one of the extra. "ACTION!" 

Bella and her lackey strutted through the corridor. Her large curls bounced along with her every step, looking elegant and graceful. She had highlighted the character's personality by just walking and the cold expression plastered on her face. 

When they were close to the turn where Clarisse would bump into them, Devon suddenly walked faster. Bella furrowed her brows, turning her head to her right as Devon walked past her. 

"What..." Direction Fang muttered, taking the microphone with him, seeing that one of the extra acted out of the script. However, before he could make the call, he stopped.

Devon hasted her steps until Clarisse made a reckless turn. Without a second notice, Devon reached her hand to her, toppling the coffee tray from below, and it all spilled on Clarisse. For a moment, everything stopped as they took a second to absorb what happened. Even Clarisse and Bella were shocked as they froze instantly.

"Do you know where you are walking so thoughtlessly?" Devon inquired coldly, raising her chin up as she gazed down at her. "Careful next time."

Clarisse felt a shiver down her spine as soon as she met Devon's eyes. They were almost the same height, but she felt rather small under Devon's gaze.

Death. Devon's eyes were akin to death's door. 

Since the director wasn't making a call, Bella snapped her eyes and glanced at Devon, and then at Clarisse.

"She just saved your life," Bella uttered coldly, giving almost no emotions before she started walking away. Clarisse instinctively stepped aside, clutching her chest to make way for Bella's group. 

Devon didn't follow immediately as she bent over to Clarisse's side, planting her hand on her shoulder. 

"My friend has a lot of patience, but I do not. The next time you do something like this, don't just expect a spilled coffee." Devon smiled, patting Clarisse's shoulder before following Bella's group. 

The camera zoomed in to Clarisse's terrified expression, leaning her back against the wall as she gazed down. Who was that extra? and how come the director didn't stop everything?

"Cut!" Director Fang finally yelled in delight. "Haha! That is a good take! Good work!" 

He turned to the assistant director and the other staff around him. They all looked pleased with how the scene turned out, and Clarisse also showed great emotion. This only emphasized how tough and scary the world the female lead was stepping into.

"Dev!" Bella rushed to Devon, holding the latter's arm as she cast her a look of surprise. "Why did you do that?" 

"I plan to keep doing it for at least five more times." 

"But they can kick you out!" Bella let out a deep sigh. "I appreciate you are doing this to help me, but..."

"I am not." Devon cut her off and shook her head. "That lady is wasting everyone's time and it just so happened that she is targeting my friend. Hence, I tried to help everyone so we can all proceed."

"Dev... Director Fang doesn't have long patience. He is being lenient with Clarisse because she is the main character, and she is honestly a talented actress. However, you're just an extra. Do you know what will happen if it turns out bad?"

"It won't turn out bad."

"You can't say that. You're not even sure..."

"I am more than certain Director Fang will like it. I read the script, and it says there that the female lead's encounter with your character will make her realize how scary the world she just stepped into. If a mere lackey such as myself can intimidate her, how much more if she offends my boss?" Devon explained in one go, rendering Bella speechless. 

'She did it, considering everything based on the script?' Bella stared at Devon with awe. Devon was a natural, indeed. 

"And it turns out alright and she won't trouble you once again." Devon smiled sweetly as if the person who intimidated Clarisse was just a fiction of one's imagination. 


Meanwhile, Dion gasped in disbelief as he covered his mouth. He had been taking videos of Devon to send to Lewis, and he had captured the last scene.

"Scary..." he whispered, recalling that he had a glimpse of Devon's smirk after whispering something into Clarisse's ears. "My innocent and pure angel of a sister... she looks scary."

Dion pondered whether to send the clip to Lewis for a moment. In the end, he still sent it.

[To: My generous big brother

Bro! Look at this! My sister is so badass (*o*)/ You don't need to worry about her. No one will bully her. I think what you should worry about is whether she will get sued or money for settlement. ]

"Is she always like that?" Dion wondered, putting his phone back in his pocket. His brow arched when he heard Director Fang approach him.

"Dion!" Director Fang greeted in high spirits while Dion cast him a baffled look. "Did you see what happened?" 

"Are you kicking her out?" Dion's brow raised higher, crossing his arms.

"No." Director Fang shook his head while chuckling. "I actually want to ask you something important."


"That extra! I want to give her a small permanent role!" Director Fang exclaimed excitedly. "She is a natural talent and there is this minor role that had been vacant. We had planned to erase that role since no one is perfect for it, but I think I just found her!"

Dion's brows twitched. "You... want to make her one of the main cast?" 

"It's just a minor role, but it is essential." 

"Err... and why are you telling me this?" he inquired with genuine wonder in his voice. This was not what he had expected.

"Are you not her manager?" Director Fang tilted his head to the side, rendering Dion speechless.


Back in Bella's tent, she gasped as she stared at Dion in surprise. She turned her head to Devon, who was just smiling, as if the news didn't shock her. 

"Director Fang said that?" she inquired once again to confirm. 

Dion nodded his head, letting out a deep sigh. "He even thought I was her manager. How strange, right? I don't remember changing my career even when I am on hiatus."

"What did you say? Did you agree?" asked Bella almost immediately, only to see Dion shrug.

"That's not my decision to make." Dion jerked his chin towards Devon. "Sis, what do you think? Will you accept the offer?" 

"They are giving me more work and more work means more money."

"Sis, since when did you get hungry for money?" 

"Since the time I realized I was simply leeching on my lover's wealth." Devon cast him a look and smiled, before gazing down at the script of the minor role. "Also, this doesn't require a lot of things and I can hold a gun."

"Holding a gun...? Is that your main reason you want to take this role?"

"Yes, and money as well. I promised Lu to buy him what he needs." Devon nodded, feeling more relieved that she was being blessed with a job. 

Bella and Dion remained silent as they stared at her, feeling a little conflicted about Devon's attitude. Honestly, they couldn't tell if she was simply trolling or was completely serious. By the looks of it, she didn't mind accepting the job.

"Haha..." After a while, Bella couldn't help but laugh, catching their attention. "I was worried, but the more I think about it, there wasn't a reason to be worried."

"There isn't, indeed. I will have a gun on me. I read it is faster than an arrow and more deadly than a sword." 

"Do you really think they will hand you a real gun?" Dion scrunched his nose up, gazing at her in disbelief. "Also, what do you mean there isn't something to worry about, Bella? Aren't you more worried the more you listen to her?" 


Meanwhile, Lewis walked out of a fancy restaurant as his meeting already finished. As he walked back to his car, he fished his phone out and checked Dion's message. He simply skimmed through the short message and watched the clip Dion sent him, stopping in his strides.

A small smile resurfaced on his lips upon watching the clip. "I know all along she is someone who will do the bullying and not the other way around."

"Young Master, we have to hurry." Derek came to Lewis's side as his boss suddenly stopped, despite knowing they had a tight schedule. 

"Derek, watch this." Lewis raised his phone, playing the clip for his assistant to see. With a furrowed brow, Derek watched the video and narrowed his eyes. When he noticed the brief smirk that resurfaced on Devon's lips, Derek chuckled.

"Isn't she amazing?" Lewis withdrew his phone back, smiling proudly.

"She is, indeed." Derek nodded, pleased that this video gave them reassurance that Devon could protect herself. 

"Heh. How fun." Lewis started walking, checking his wristwatch. "Let's finish early. Devon seemed she'll be a regular in that movie."

"Third young master said that?"

"No. I just knew a role will land on her lap because she's that good.." Lewis chuckled as he headed towards the car, certain that he would hear good news soon.