Chapter 147 - Queen Of Jade


There was a look of horror plastered on their face as Devon scanned them. Her brows furrowed, thinking of what was wrong with what she had said. 

"Sis you..." Dion trailed off as he shifted his eyes to Lewis. The latter had this strange look on his face as if he was the most shocked among all of them.

"My angel, are you pregnant?" Marshall awed as his eyes twinkled.

"What? No." She chuckled, shaking her head lightly. "How I worded it might be confusing.. I mean, it would be bad for the baby. I am the baby."

"Ahh..." Marshall nodded. He didn't know how to react and could only furrow his brows.

"Gosh! Sis, look what you did to my big brother! He actually thought he was going to be a father!" Dion gasped, feeling a bit sorry for Lewis. 

This kind of misunderstanding never crossed Dion's mind to happen. Was Devon preparing them so they wouldn't get surprised in the future? Knowing her, who knew what she was thinking.

"That's impossible." Lewis finally found his voice to speak. 

"What? Anything can happen and it's not like you're not at the proper age to start a family. Right, Grandpa?"

"For once, Dion is right! You two had been engaged. When are you planning to get married?" Marshall nodded in approval, crossing his arms before glaring at Lewis. This grandson of his was too slow. No wonder he was almost in his thirties and still unmarried.

"We can't let my angel get pregnant out of wedlock! I will not let you dishonor her reputation even if you are my grandson!" Marshall added in a strong huff, staring at Lewis in disdain.

"Don't worry, Grandpa. Lu is not like that." Devon giggled as she coaxed the protective Marshall. 

If people didn't know. They would think that Devon was Marshall's grandfather and not Lewis. 

"We haven't even done it," Lewis mumbled while forking out the potato on his plate. Devon backed his claims innocently.

"..." Dion pressed his lips together, staring at his big brother in pity. Not just Dion, but Marshall could not hide the disappointment in his eyes. 

They knew Lewis was slow in romance, but they didn't expect him to be this slow! What did they mean they hadn't reached that far? What were they doing living together all this time?!

"Don't pry and let us decide about our relationship." Lewis sighed, a bit annoyed at how Dion and Marshall looked at him. "A relationship is not all about that. If it was, Grandpa wouldn't end up getting divorced and Dion would have longer relationships." 

"Ouch." Dion clasped his chest as Lewis' blunt come back was akin to a dagger, stabbing him right through his chest.

"What are you saying? My divorce with your Grandma and all my other ex-wives have nothing to do with this!" 

"I'm just saying." Lewis shrugged while Marshall berated him.

Devon looked at Lewis and smiled lovingly. Sometimes they would almost do it, but his restraint to fulfill the promise of preserving her chastity until their wedding night was commendable. 

'I didn't mind if it was him, though,' she told herself, but she also respected his decision. Devon's hand reached for his, squeezing it lightly while he turned his head to her.


The meal went on with Marshall attacking Lewis with every turn he got. Dion was caught in the crossfire while Devon was safe. Marshall was too fond of Devon, that his mood kept changing whenever he looked at her. 

After their meal, Lewis invited Devon to take a walk while Marshall had to drink all his medication. Dion went to rest and get some space from Marshall and Lewis' banter.

"So, you're the baby?" Lewis slipped his hand through her hand as they walked through the greenhouse.

She looked up at him, facing him squarely. "Am I not? You call me baby."

Devon's other hand reached for his other hand, grinning mischievously. Lewis smacked his lips. People said one would understand their other half the longer they were together. 

What was happening in their relationship was the opposite. The longer they were together, the more he couldn't predict what she would say or do.

"You are silly." He let out a defeated sigh, bending over as he rested his forehead against hers. "'It's bad for the baby', for a moment, I thought I did something unconsciously."

"That is quite insulting, Mister Qin. It sounds like you will forget something that important." She pouted, narrowing her eyes as she drew her head back.

"I won't, that's why it baffled me." 

Devon assessed his expression, tilting her head to the side. "Do you want a child, Lu?" 

Her sudden question, which they never talked about before, caught him off guard. For a moment, he had lost his voice to answer.

"I always wanted a child, but my circumstances in my world made me abhor that very idea," Devon admitted as she cleared her throat, releasing his hand, and held them behind her. She marched slowly, gazing ahead with her chin held high.

"Now that I think about it, I really do not mind starting a family with you. I don't hate the idea, honestly, I will be thrilled." She smiled at the thought. "However, I am not financially ready for that. I'm still trying to figure out my life. I don't even know if acting is my calling."

Her eyes softened, thinking about the numerous offers she had received over the past months. Not to mention, she still had to enter university to get more knowledge and skills. 

Lewis stared at her back, watching how the mild breeze blow at her, making her hair flow back elegantly. He listened and understood her point before he followed her trail until he caught up to her.

"I'm not rushing you," he said, slipping his hand to her. She gazed up at him.

"We will get there, love. Don't be pressured by grandpa." The side of his lips stretched into a gentle smile, making her smile in response. 

Although Lewis was financially ready to start a family, he didn't want to rush things for them. They had reached this far and their relationship was stronger than yesterday. 

The idea of a family with her was like a dream. But he didn't want her to sacrifice and postpone everything she had been preparing just for his dream.

"Let's figure out the course of our lives first." He raised her hand to his lips, planting a peck on the back of her hand. "No rush."

She smiled, leaning her head to his side. "I love you, Lu."


As promised, Lewis and Devon would spend the night in the Qin old residence. 

"Grandpa, are you alright?" asked Devon worriedly. 

They were just in the mansion's lobby, but Marshall seemed uncomfortable. She tried to ignore it, thinking it was not important. But it seemed it was serious.

"Hehe. It's nothing, my granddaughter." Marshall waved, chuckling awkwardly. 

Devon frowned, as that seemed it was just nothing. She soon found out the reason when Butler Xue approached. 

"Chairman, it's already time for your favorite drama — ahem! pastime." Butler Xue cleared his throat, looking away from Marshall's glare. 

Devon checked the time, as that reminded her of the drama she still watched during this time. Taking notice of her, Lewis also checked his wristwatch.

"Grandpa, we will go to the entertainment room. It's almost time for us to watch Queen of Jade." Lewis informed Marshall calmly. The latter's ears clapped as he turned to Lewis hastily.

"What did you say?" Marshall asked in disbelief.

"We will watch Queen of Jade, a drama." 

"You watched drama?" The old man gasped. Not just him, but also Butler Xue.

Butler Xue could understand the sudden change of taste that happened to Marshall. But he never thought Lewis would waste his time on this kind of thing!

"Yes. I even know the dramas from morning to night according to their time slot. Queen of Jade is one of my favorites." Lewis' tone and expression remained unfazed before turning to Devon. "It's our favorite."

"Anyway, rest well, Grandpa. We will --" Lewis was cut short when Marshall suddenly sprung up from his seat.

Both Lewis and Devon furrowed their brows, tilting their head to the side. What was going on with Marshall now?

"I'm coming with you!" Marshall announced. "How dare you hog my granddaughter all for yourself, hah? You don't even invite me?" 

"I thought you don't like such things?" Lewis frowned as the older Marshall got, the more unreasonable he had become. 

"You haven't even asked! How would you know that?"

Lewis let out a shallow breath. "Do you want to watch Queen of Jade with us?"

"Is my angel coming with you?" asked Marshall with his brow raised. Lewis nodded indifferently as a response.

"If my angel will watch, of course, I will!" Marshall's lips stretched from ear to ear. The butler, who was standing not too far from him, could not help but sigh. Why was Marshall acting as though Lewis owed him a favor?

"Let's go then." Lewis shook his head, holding Devon's hand, who was chuckling secretly. 

As they headed towards the entertainment room, Lewis quirked his brows. He turned his head to his right, where he could see his brother's figure approaching.

"You're home?" asked Lewis as he paused while Marshall continued to march away. 

Devon also stopped, tilting her body to see the person Lewis was talking to. Her eyes landed on a man's towering figure who was wearing eyeglasses.

"Just now. I see that's..." Julian trailed off as his eyes veered on the woman peeking behind Lewis. His eyes narrowed as his brows furrowed.

"My fiance." Lewis cocked his head to the side, casting Devon a look. His brows knitted as soon as he saw her expression.

Devon squeezed his hand tightly as she locked gazes with Julian. 'No.'