After steaming the bear's paws, Lu Ke cut them into 12 portions so that everyone can taste some.

"It's dinner, you come to dinner." Lu Ke shouted, and everyone immediately walked out of the tent.

The meat of level 3 fierce beast is very attractive to them, not to mention the meat palm of bear beast.

"This is the Honey Bear's paw?" Wang Jin looked at a large cut bear's paw in her bowl and found that the meat inside was like tofu.

I took a small piece and found that the meat was very tender. It was easily broken.

The entrance is soft and waxy, a bit like pig brain, like tofu, and a little soup.

"It's delicious, but it's too little. It'll be finished in a minute." Wang Jin said something more than enough, and licked the bowl quickly.

Other people and Wang Jin have the same idea. They want to eat honey bear's paws.

However, this kind of thing can only be thought about. If you're full, it's estimated that you need 4 bear paws, then you need 12 bear animals. With so many bears and beasts, it's estimated that Wang Jin and them will be eaten.

After eating bear paws, we continued to eat a soup stewed with bear meat and ate some bear meat.

After eating, we chatted for a while, and then continued to practice.

Today, I met a bear and made them realize that they are still too weak. They must be promoted to level 3 mage quickly, otherwise they can't even help.

After all, many of them are still in the realm of level 2 mages, so they may be able to break through the shock wave after eating so much bear meat.

Sure enough, half an hour later, the first person broke through.

The breakthrough was made by Liu Li, which surprised Xu Yi.

Although Liu Li really worked hard during this period, others also worked hard.

Less than ten minutes later, Qin Yue and Wang Jin broke through one after another.

Later, everyone broke out collectively. Within five minutes, everyone else broke through.

The bear's flesh is still awesome.

Otherwise, we will not make a collective breakthrough at once.

Now, everyone is a level 3 mage, so Xu Yi is relieved.

If you meet a fierce beast like bear, you can do it collectively.

Red lotus flying arrow, this can be used as little as possible, and the function of the long gun will be greater.

After all, it is difficult for Honglian flying arrow to directly kill fierce animals. In that case, it's better to use a long gun for melee, which is more helpful to improve your strength.

After promotion, Liu Li did not stop, but continued to practice hard.

If they want to relax, it is estimated that they can relax only after completing the 500 day challenge.

The jungle here has always been quiet.

There was no sound except the occasional cold wind blowing through the woods and the clatter.

There are no insects in the jungle. Naturally, there is no sound.

Such a place is very suitable for sleeping.

However, Xu Yi didn't sleep all night.

In a word, he hasn't slept since he got the mental thought.

"System, punch in."

Before dawn, Xu Yi got up and clocked in.

Today is the 153 th day.

After playing the card, Xu Yi got up to practice body cultivation.

Lu Ke got up in less than ten minutes.

Today, Lu Ke learned all the movements of body refining and played it three times continuously.

After three times, Lu Kexiang was sweating and had a rest before he came out of the tent.

When she came out, Xu Yi had been outside for more than an hour.

So people didn't ask Lu Ke what he was doing in the tent. They had already put away their tents, waited for the land to come out, and then continued to push south.

After Lu Ke came out, he said with some embarrassment, "sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's all right, let's go." Xu Yi handed Lu Ke some dried meat. Washing and brushing your teeth can be done on the mount. There is no need to pay attention to too many things at night.

Everyone continues to practice on the mount. Compared with other team members, their advantages are still obvious. When people in other teams walk, it is difficult to concentrate on cultivation.

But when they sit on the mount, they can practice at ease.

The leader of the team is Xu Yi, so they don't need to worry about going in the wrong direction. The mounts will take the initiative to follow Xu Yi and don't need to be driven by them.

Others are on their way, they are practicing, and the gap will naturally open.

At the beginning, Li Kang and others wanted to get the fierce beast first. That's why.

Especially when there are only 8 fierce beasts, you can ensure that you and your confidants occupy the position of experts in the team.

Mental ability is rarely gifted. All you can do is work hard.

In the future, after humans move to spiritual blue star, those lazy races may be directly eliminated by nature.

Of course, no one can complain about such things. If you want to be lazy and die, no one can stop you. People are not afraid of death and would rather be lazy. What can you say?

Along the way, they didn't meet any fierce animals.

After all, the deeper you go, the harder it is to meet fierce animals. Because their number will become scarce and their range of activities will become larger.

Towards evening, Xu Yi and his party appeared on the edge of a huge lake.

However, they did not dare to drill out of the woods.

At the top of the lake, there are more than a dozen flying animals. They look very big and have an estimated wingspan of five or six meters.

Lu Ke stared at the flying beasts in the sky and asked with some worry, "Xu Yi, are those flying beasts Level 3 beasts?"

Xu Yi shook his head and said, "it's hard to say. The distance is too far. My mental power can't feel it. Normally, it should be a level 3 fierce beast."

"If only they were really Level 3 fierce beasts. If we tame them, we will have flying mounts. That must be cool." Wang Jin looked at the fierce beasts with an excited face.

She knows that Xu Yi is also thinking so.

Otherwise, he should take everyone around the lake instead of stopping to camp.

When Xu Yi heard Wang Jin's words, he couldn't help grinning and said, "yes, flying mounts are better, and it should be safer in the airspace."

After all, for so long, they met lightning and a group of fierce animals on the lake.

"There should be fish here. Fishing should be great." Qin fan couldn't help sighing as he looked at the rocky lake.

"There are fish, I feel it, but they are all big things." before Xu Yi crossed, he was half a fishing lover and occasionally went fishing in the fishing ground.

Wild fishing is rarely involved. First, it is inconvenient. Second, the technology is average, which is suitable for going to the fishing ground to have fun.

"I have a Luya here. I can throw a few poles and see if I can catch some." Qin fan couldn't help looking at Xu Yi. When he heard Xu Yi say that they are big things, he knew that fishing is also Xu Yi's hobby.

"Xu Yi, flying monsters are coming. Should we avoid them?" Lu Yao saw flying monsters in the distance and seemed to find them. When they were flying here, she quickly interrupted Xu Yi's conversation with Qin fan.