Chapter 192 - Cap 191: True Ruler

Name:Will Of Chaos Author:
Now that I've checked my appearance and checked my strength a little, it's time to check out the system notifications. 

Ding!  Ding! 

<[ Your skill has evolved [ Improved Strength: 10 ] > [ Superhuman Strength: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Fire Magic Elemental Affinity: 10 ] > [ Higher Fire Magic Elemental Affinity: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Pain Resistance: 10 ] > [ Great Pain Resistance: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Recovery: 10 ] > [ Super recovery: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Great Magic Body Booster: 10 ] > [ Magic Warrior's Body: 1 ] ]>



<[ Your skill has evolved [ Intimidation: 10 ] > [ Deadly Intimidation: 1 ] ]>




<[ You purchased the titles:

• [ Son of the Goddess Selene ]

• [ True Ruler ] ]>



<[ Your title seal [ He Who Awakes Chaos ] has been released upon completing the requirements ]>




<[ You have acquired the following skills:

• [ Presence of the Governor: 1 ]

• [ Self-improvement (Leadership): 1 ]

• [ Exceed limits: 1 ] ]>




<[ The seal of your [ Blood Pact ] ability was released upon completing the requirements ]>




<[ Her bloodline [ Selene (Goddess of Blood): 100% ] has been awakened ]>



<[ Her Blessing [ Selene (Goddess of Blood) ] has been awakened ]> 

I already knew about her lineage and her Blessing, I'll check them out in a bit, I can also understand the skills that evolved, but I didn't expect to gain these titles and skills, I'm going to have to identify some of those things that I have no idea what they are. 

I first used identify on the skills that evolved, wanted to confirm how much they changed, but they seem to have similar effects as before, they just got stronger and changed their name, the only skill that changed the most was intimidation which now allows me to increase the effect of the skill with using my Aura skills, it looks like I can even kill someone weaker than me out of fear using this skill now, I'll have to avoid using this skill with my Auras so to make sure I don't kill a person for an accident. 

After identifying the evolved abilities I start identifying the abilities, titles, lineage, and Blessing I now have. 

<[ Lineage identification result: 

[ Selene (Blood Goddess): 100% ]--> Lineage that originated from the Goddess Selene, the first Vampire, one of the Divine pillars that protect and take care of reality. 


• This bloodline greatly increases Awakened, Transformed, and Corrupt abilities.

• This lineage of great talent in learning and training.

• This lineage of a great store of energy and vitality.

• This bloodline is the oldest that exists among the Vampires and has a great latent talent for the owner.

• This bloodline carries a streak of Divine power that protects and hides the owner from the influence of enemy Gods.

• This lineage destroys evolutionary constraints giving infinite possibilities for evolution.


"..." (I) 

"(But what absurd lineage is this?)" (I) 

There are so many absurd things in this lineage that I don't even know where to start, so I'm going to pretend I didn't see anything, this was just an illusion, this is certainly an illusion caused by my drowsiness as I just woke up, now let's go to the Blessing. 

<[ Result of the identification of the Blessing: 

[ Selene (Goddess of Blood) ]--> This blessing is bestowed by the Goddess Selene.

This blessing increases the power of blood element abilities.

This Blessing increases the effect of Aura-type abilities.

This blessing increases the effect of healing and recovery-type abilities.

This blessing allows the owner to adapt to any type of lineage.


"..." (I) 

This blessing is ridiculous, but at least I managed to understand one thing I avoided thinking about, it helped me to see why I can keep so many bloodlines inside my body without turning into a grotesque creature with body parts of various races. 

I never stopped to think about it out of fear, I always avoided thinking about it, but now I know that this blessing helped me. 

This blessing gives me many benefits, some even stacking with the benefits of my lineage and race, but I will never complain about it. 

Now I'm going to take a look at these titles. 

<[ Result of identification of titles: 

[ Son of the Goddess Selene ]--> The owner of this title is recognized as the direct son of the Goddess of Blood Selene and therefore will be recognized as a living Saint by the believers of the Goddess Selene while being hated by the believers of Gods enemies of Selene. 


The followers and subordinates of the owner of that title are strengthened within the range of his Aura. 

The owner of that title can awaken the lineage of his subordinates.

[ True Ruler ]--> The Owner of this title is recognized as a ruler, not by his social status, work, lineage, or title bestowed by others, but has been recognized as a true leader by those who follow him, by a God and acquired an authority in his own right proving himself worthy to rule over others.

The owner of this title will have his Aura marked with his authority as a symbol of a true ruler. 


Strengthening-type skills for subordinates and servants become stronger. 

Aura skills become stronger. 

Submission, leadership, and coordination skills become stronger. 

Those within the Aura of the owner of that title will be weakened if you are hostile to it.

[ He who awakens chaos ]--> The owner of this title is a being who does not follow pre-established rules, a being who attracts and is attracted by chaos.

The owner of this title has his body and soul marked by chaos giving unlimited potential for growth. 


The Aura of the owner of this title cannot be restricted or suppressed by others. 

The owner of this title will have all abilities, spells, and techniques such as awakening and strengthening with double power.



"(What should I say about this?)" (I) 

I'm glad for the benefits of these titles, but their names and some of their effects are throwing me on fire. 

As well I'm someone who gets involved in the chaos, I'm a normal person and I'm living a normal life by following all the rules, I'm always trying to avoid problems and get attention, so why do I have such a dangerous title? 

Come to think of it now, this title [He Who Awakes Chaos] is one of the titles I haven't read before, so was it this title that looks like a curse that has caused so many things to happen around me? 


As if I didn't have enough problems, now I will be hated for no reason by believers of Gods I don't even know because of that title [Son of Goddess Selene], it seems that more than ever I need to learn to control Aura manga so I don't get involved. in trouble. 

I don't even want to mention this Ruler title, just the title name is causing me trouble. 

"(What have I done to deserve all this?)" (I) 

Every time I identify a title, lineage, or Blessing, another magnet of problems sticks up for me, I'm afraid to even check those skills right now, but I better get it over with. 

<[ Skills identification result: 

[ Ruler's Presence: 1 ]--> Aura-type Ability.

This ability doubles the effects of the abilities and status of defenses and resistances of the owner of this ability. 


Servants and subordinates within the Aura will have doubled Strength, Agility, and Defense stats. 

Enemies within the Aura will be subjected to great pressure that can be strengthened with the energies of the owner of this ability. 


Normal activation: NONE 

Ruler Pressure: The pressure becomes greater with the amount of energy used.

[ Self Improvement (Leadership): 1 ]--> The owner of this skill becomes stronger by fighting alongside his subordinates and leading them into battle. 


Gain (+50) all physical stats when leading your followers into battle.

[ Exceed limits: 1 ]--> The owner of this skill can move normally ignoring abnormal effects, wounds, and energy depletion for a period of time, but when the skill's effect time expires, the condition of the owner of this skill becomes two times worse. 


Duration: 30 minutes 

Daily Uses: 1

[ Blood Pact ]--> This skill forms a bond of servitude between the skill's target and the skill's owner.

In exchange for being bestowed with power and having its potential awakened by the ability's owner, the target of that ability becomes a Servant of that ability's owner. 


This ability cannot be blocked.

This ability cannot be denied.

This ability awakens the potential of the chosen target.

The target of this ability will be bestowed with a power belonging to the owner.

This ability can interfere with the target's body, mind, and soul.

This ability can heal, change or transform the target within the possibilities of the owner's power. 


Spiritual power: depends on the target

Mana: depends on the target

Ki: depends on the target


I'm happy with the skills, all are very useful and will be very important to me, the skill that will be the most useful for me without a doubt will be [ Overcoming limits: 1 ], this skill is a double-edged sword, but it can be the difference between life and death at a critical moment during a battle. 

Another skill that will come in handy seems to be [ Ruler Presence: 1 ], this is more of an Aura-type skill, from what I've heard from Diana and Sophia, Aura's skills are hard to learn, but I already have four of them, by the way. that I've learned these Aura skills represent the crystallization of a characteristic of someone's normal Aura, so I'm worried about how strong my Aura is getting. 

This [ Blood Pact ] ability is much more powerful than I previously imagined, it will act as I understand how I was able to help Layla. 

I've never had that many surprises in any of my previous evolutions, but I'm concerned that most of those surprises are getting me into future trouble when all I want is to live quietly with my family. 

I look at my hand trying to recognize what I am and what I'm becoming, so I get up and walk to the edge of the porch, it's time to see my status.