Under the repeated warm invitation of President clement, Loren and Lina finally came to the banquet hall on the third floor, which is the real side of the casino.

When they walked into it, they found that the whole third and fourth floors were completely "Hui" shaped structure. In the center was a courtyard built of white marble, which was very dazzling under the illumination of nine crystal chandeliers.

With the help of corridors and rotating stairs, the whole banquet hall will completely integrate the third and fourth floors; Each Candlestick position is separated by a short distance, coupled with the relatively dim light, creating a very quiet and relatively hidden space for the guests without a sense of alienation.

Compared with the extravagant and golden Gambling Hall on the ground floor, the light is dim, the tableware and furnishings are mostly wood products, and even the three or four floors with few oil paintings and pure gold decoration are obviously inferior.

But whether it's the faint incense in the air, the dim light, the exquisite enamel murals, the soft carpet under your feet... Obviously, the owners here understand the careful thinking of those "nobles".

Compared with the noisy luxury, these distinguished guests who do not want to easily expose their identity care more about considerate comfort and privacy, and more low-key taste

"The light of dawn shines on his face;

The tranquility between the eyebrows has disappeared;

Cold eyes, emitting cold light;

Your bleak back leaves in the morning fog;

People in the world will die;

And go, don't imitate hesitation;

The flowers will dissipate and the autumn leaves will wither;

Time spreads its wings, where will it soar... "

On the stage where the lights gather, a cool looking woman in a sea blue dress is singing in a low voice, and the surrounding musicians play notes with the melodious song... Under the echo of the hall, the guests in every corner of each floor can clearly hear and see.

Sitting in a corner of the hall, the smiling black haired wizard listened quietly; The melodious and slightly sad singing can really make people gradually fall into inexplicable and sad emotions.

"It's boring."

Sitting in each other's "black framed glasses" and sipping punch, a low-grade drink seasoned with fruit juice and wine, is very popular in the royal capital and the noble salon parties in the south, especially loved by those who are not good at drinking and noble ladies.

Of course, its exorbitant price also doomed it impossible to leave the aristocratic circle.

"Obviously, they are a group of nobles and rich people living in the present and living in luxury and erosion, but they pretend to learn from the ancient Knights hundreds of years ago, lamenting the shortness of life and the brilliance of life and death... Pretend."

"This is human nature..." the disapproving black haired wizard shrugged and smiled cunningly: "I'm curious... Why didn't you stop me from agreeing to President Clement?"

"Although I don't know the reason, your expression at that time obviously disagreed with me coming here."

"He has already said that. Can you still have a second choice?"

Lina was direct and straightforward, but she was still expressionless: "what's more... Even if you don't agree, they have some ways; how strong are these people? I thought you had learned a lesson from count chann."

The dark haired wizard nodded slightly, and his calm eyes kept scanning back and forth among the surrounding guests.

Although the cause and effect have not been clarified, the so-called "big gambling" is obviously not just as simple as Clement said. The other party must have deliberately concealed some important information or private transactions.

Otherwise, there are so many people in the imperial capital who don't have to look at the color of Byrne's aristocracy. Why do you have to save yourself, Brandon's wizard consultant?

"Here, I've been here once."

While Loren was still meditating, Lina in front of her suddenly said, "I've been to this party and participated in a big gamble."

"Why, not just for money?"

Loren's expression became a little subtle, and the other party was willing to say this, which proved that she had gradually relaxed her vigilance towards herself, instead of completely taking the other party as an available object at the beginning.

This is a very good start.

"For money, and... Eyes, people look at my eyes, not only envy, envy or disdain, I like them all."

The corner of the mouth of "black frame glasses" showed a bit of self mockery and glanced at the stage in the middle of the patio: "I know it's a trap, but I jumped in without hesitation... It's stupid."

"It's nothing stupid or not stupid. It's human nature to hope to get other people's attention. The more gifted people are, the more eager they are to show off." Loren's eyes gradually softened and opened his mouth to comfort:

"If it doesn't make sense to become the focus of attention and even be remembered by future generations... I really can't think of anything meaningful!"

"Become the focus of attention..."

The girl with some lost eyes gently put down her glass and muttered in a low voice, "is it worth spending five million silver coins?"

Five million -?!

A little surprise flashed across the corner of the dark haired wizard's eye, and then he returned to his original state.

"Kwai Chai, chessboard, dice, roulette, these things, compared with the mystical knowledge of emptiness, are hardly worth mentioning. Most of the so-called gambling is just a low-level game with quick eyes and quick hands."

"As long as you have the vision to see dynamic things and the memory to never forget... Most casinos are no different from your own wallet. You can win as much as you want and how you want to win."

"I have such a glorious surname as de sallion, but when I really feel like a 'de sallion', it's only that night; as you just said, everyone's attention."

"Most of the time, I am an ugly and strange witch with a good background to them; the nobles who are willing to propose marriage are only interested in the last name after my name."

Loren didn't open his mouth and quietly listened to the complaints of "black framed glasses"... And how the last time the people in power here surpassed Isaac Grantham.

Only when we know ourselves and the enemy can we win a hundred battles.

"In the last 'big gamble', the opponent they prepared for me was a caster wizard from eboden... That guy, like me, didn't know any card or chess, and his memory was only at the level of ordinary people."

Recalling the situation when she lost last time, Lina, who was numb, still couldn't see any joys, sorrows and joys: "he seemed to use a magic spell that could interfere with my thinking and vision to make me make mistakes in counting cards and guessing dice."

Magic... Loren was slightly stunned. This is the "standard" spell of most spell casters, otherwise the wizard of spell will not be called "magic".

"So... How did you find out?"

"I didn't find out... It's just that this guy's strength is very poor, and he can't do it for more than 20 minutes." the girl shook her head: "but I've lost all my chips of 3 million, plus the one million borrowed from the casino and the one million loan I owe, a full two million silver coins."

"I knew at that time that it was a trap... If it continued, they wouldn't give me any chance to turn over."

"So you chose to leave, didn't you?" Lauren asked directly, but nodded with a sigh:

"A wise decision."

"I'm just a side branch of de sallion. They didn't continue to embarrass me... In fact, so far, those people haven't come to me to ask for debts. They just tell me in this way that they don't welcome people like me."

The expressionless girl looked at him silently: "but you are different... You are the confidant of Brandon. In order to control blackmail you, they will make you lose all your money."

"Well... Why didn't you remind me at first?"

"Because I didn't expect someone to be so ostentatious that I wanted to be discovered by others." shrugged, "black framed glasses" said bluntly:

"I was going to win about 500000 and run away, but the result... Seems to be different from what I expected."

"Don't be so unsure of me, will you?" Lauren raised his eyebrows. "I said I had good luck."

"Otherwise, why do you think I'm still sitting here now instead of taking the opportunity to slip away?" the girl asked mercilessly:

"In terms of your previous performance, I'll wait until you lose about 5 million... Then everyone's attention will be on you and the chance of escape will be greater."
