The silver moon hangs high and the night is as deep as ink.

The burning cathedral was still wrapped in a sea of fire, the white stairs were covered with corpses, and the closed door was only an ugly big hole and debris all over the ground. The shrill scream and grimace continued to come from it.

"This is really..."

The black haired wizard raised his eyebrows. Although he was used to this scene, he was still a little surprised - it was not easy for Gaspar to find so many thugs willing to raid the cathedral with him based on the Empire's belief in the Holy Cross.

Holding double swords, Lucian stood behind the black haired wizard, and his silver gray pupils looked nervously at the burning cathedral from time to time.

The Knights of the Turin family were already ready, fully armed and lined up in a neat queue, waiting for the black haired wizard to give the final order.

All these people were promoted from among the Ranger knights and served as the elite of the count's guard - they were middle-level officers, military supervisors and flag officers in the war; In peacetime, he is a city defense officer, a judge, a messenger and a diplomat. His words and deeds represent the dignity of the count.

They were wearing the best knight armor of the Empire. When they mounted their horses and launched a frontal charge, even the "black shield wall" of the imperial Legion would collapse; The Byrne knight, without a shield and wielding only a two handed sword, is a nightmare for all infantry.

Charlotte had almost no concerns, so she handed her biggest card to herself without reservation.

"Are you ready?"

Lauren glanced over their faces and spoke in a deep voice.

There was no sound, no response, only a pair of eyes.

"Any regrets?"

It is still a dead silence.

The black haired wizard shrugged, fixed the bright silver on the card slot in the center of the tree and waved it down suddenly:

"Let's go!"

Before his voice fell, he responded with a neat and uniform cry that rang through the night sky:

"God bless Turin --!!"

Under the light of the fire, knights waving big swords roared and rushed to the burning cathedral. The trembling roar and countless iron blood percussion even overshadowed the sound in the cathedral.

The thugs in the church didn't seem to expect Retribution so soon... Or they knew, but they didn't care anymore; As the gate was broken, more and more knights rushed into the cathedral, and the crazy believers waving sharp blades stopped in front of them. They didn't know what the upcoming fate was.

The blade is bleeding, and the killing sound is everywhere!

The first mob to notice the roar of war also shouted and raised their weapons; Before he could fight back, the cold flash had penetrated his chest!

With a push of the sword edge, the mob was cut in two with people and armor!

The heavy iron boots crushed the unwilling head, and the bloody Knight didn't stop; Behind him, similar scenes abound.

Where the sword flies, it is full of broken arms and limbs; Where iron boots step, there are no people who live!

Perhaps the battle mode of long gun array is more efficient and reasonable; But the way of fighting with the big sword chopping and blood splashing can make the enemy more frightened!

Screams came and went, and the Knights of red blood castle were almost unstoppable, tearing up the weak defense line of thugs and heretics, and the fragmented bones were piled up with the church Knights they killed.

In an instant, the main entrance of the cathedral was broken.


"Dang --!"

The barrel of the gun smashed the axe coming from the front. The expressionless black haired wizard shot through the mob's head, and the bloody gun tip was pulled out of the mouth of the bones.

Seventh... No, eighth!

In an instant, the Dragon teeth in his hand swept away and cut off the mob's neck accurately again.

When killing becomes a calculation, the numbers lose their meaning - killing all these thugs can't stop Gaspar, but not killing all of them will become trouble.

They are like a group of real "madmen". They try their best. Even if they are torn open and stabbed through their chest, they can only climb on the ground with one breath, and they will jump at themselves with a grim smile.

In the chaotic Cathedral, the black haired wizard quickly shuttled through the battle field, and the surrounding enemies were still approaching him and attacking him from all directions.

"Dang --!"

There was another crisp sound, and the lost gun tip smashed a piece of fire on the wall on the side of the body; Ferocious laughter sounded from behind, and more than a dozen thugs had rushed from behind.

"The thirteenth."

The long gun fell and broke his neck in the scream, stabbed forward and pierced the second's cheek;

The expressionless black haired wizard folded his gun horizontally with both hands, and the reinforced barrel smashed three ribs;

The body, leaning back, bumped into the crazy believer behind him, then stabbed the gun through the neck of the fourth, and finally stepped on the head of the unlucky man who was crushed to the ground.

Panting, the black haired wizard is empty within five steps!

When he was in the ancient wood forest, Loren seriously asked the elves in the wind driven forest and the morning star forest, especially the war dancers, how to fight with long guns - compared with human knights, these hunting masters who fought with ogres almost turned the battle into a dazzling dance, which is still fresh in his memory.

Looking at the thugs who are still fighting and pouring in, Loren frowned slightly - the cathedrals of the Holy Cross Church are generally engraved with "Silence" runes, which will greatly reduce the power of high-level magic spells here, and even outweigh the losses. Many places can't even feel the response of void energy.

Even the "spiritual horizon" this kind of scope curse will also be affected, and there are large areas of undetectable "blank areas"; Even if they can roughly determine the location, the mobs like mad dogs will keep interrupting themselves.

These thugs who had drunk the Holy Blood Potion on their own initiative or unknowingly have completely become monsters and mad dogs. Even when they have been completely suppressed by the red blood Castle Knights, they still rush from all directions of the cathedral tirelessly and casualties.

Don't say fear. In addition to the most primitive animal nature, there is only one emotion of "madness".

A quarter of an hour has passed since the explosion... I don't have much time.

Further delay will only give Gaspar more breathing space, and even the last thing he wants to see... But Asriel, who should have helped himself, had to stay outside the door because of the restrictions of the cathedral and refused to come in.

Of course, Loren can probably guess the reason why he really refused to come in - I'm afraid he was more afraid to face the "black cross" serliol and Francis directly than the cathedral in front of him.

"Dang --!"

The terrible sound of fragmentation broke the noise of the scuffle in the cathedral, and the leading Knight chopped his sword and tore it to pieces together with the weapons in the mob's hands!

The weapon was torn to pieces, and the armor was as crisp as thin paper. The scream stopped suddenly, only the sound of iron boots.

Under the broken statue of the Holy Cross, the cold moonlight reflects the incomparable figure of the knights in the blood and flame; Dressed in full armor, they are accurate killing machines, ruthlessly waving two handed swords that have been soaked in plasma.

Blood light spilled, leaving only the shadow of the sword!

Roaring and ferocious thugs are still coming from all directions, but they still can't stop the Knights moving forward step by step; The sword broke their weapons, cut off their ribs and tore their armor... The iron boots stepped over, leaving only flesh and blood everywhere.

The knight guard with less than a hundred people, but it is very unthinkable to grasp the absolute initiative in this battle, like a flesh and blood mill.

The leading Knight used his sword as a shield. His iron boots were covered with blood, but he didn't step back. Under his helmet, he looked ferocious and snorted angrily. He stubbornly resisted the front charge of the mob.

"Dang --!"

There was another loud noise, and the plasma of the cleaved blade spilled; The mob turned into a pool of flesh and blood did not deter others, but further stimulated the killing desire of these mad dogs.

The bloody Knight raised his big sword and glared at his enemies dozens of times. The bloody blade became the flag in his hand:

"In the name of Turin

No one left --! "