Chapter 1007

Angry roar, surprised scream, full of worried questions... One after another in the hall, up and down like waves, making the silent church noisy like a street tavern in the past.

Standing on the high platform surrounded by black haired wizards, the thirteen earls looked different - Charlotte's face was as heavy as water. The five-year-old count of qiaowangfeng and the count of rainbow bridge "fought side by side" and competed with sylvik.

Glenwell, the Earl of storm castle, and Eckert, the Earl of anger castle, forced themselves to be calm and kept looking at the expressionless Loren, moving their eyes back and forth, guessing the truth behind the matter.

The rest of the earls, like the knights, were either surprised or suspicious, or wanted to jump directly and stab the "troublemaker" church deacon with a sword.

But they didn't, because they didn't have the slightest doubt.

And former justice Victor Seuss, standing in the noisy crowd,. From the beginning to the end, his eyes did not move half a minute from Loren Turin's face. He still remembers the other party's expressionless and even indifferent appearance.

It's not ready, it's just indifference; As if standing in front of him, Deacon hilwick was not a living entity, but a cold body.

This idea made Victor shudder - if so, he might not only have guessed that there would be such a thing, but even deliberately guided such a situation as in the pre imperial trial, allowing the voice of jumping clowns and doubts to come forward.


What the hell is he doing?!

"Lord Gareth, count of rainbow bridge, you said you needed evidence, and I just had it!" hilwick took out a envelope from his arms and waved it excitedly in his hand:

"This is the official record of Leonardo burying his son gaio Turin in a churchyard before leaving Arles - the signature on it does not have the name of Loren Turin at all!"

"Lord Loren Turin should have been at least 12 years old at that time. Well, even if he was ignored most of the time because he was too young, at least his name should be on the document for burying his father!"

"The burial documents and the epitaphs of the dead are all handled by the people of the church!" count Gareth defended Loren with a red face:

"In that case, this kind of thing is not what you say?!"

Hilwick snorted coldly and looked at count Gareth contemptuously. The other party had begun to argue, which was a clarion call to pursue his victory:

"Well, even if, as you said, I have ulterior motives, I want to stand up and accuse Lord Loren Turin - but there is a key problem in this matter, that is..."

"Have any of you here, and even the Empire, seen Loren Turin before he was 16?"

This question stunned many people and didn't understand what hilwick wanted to say.

"No... as far as I know, it is not." hilvik said gloomily, "I have collected a lot of information from lottel, ancient wood Town, wild dog village... Everyone who remembers Lord Loren Turin has a consistent answer: about sixteen or seventeen."

"Our Lord Loren Turin is like falling from the sky. No one has seen him in his childhood. He has been sixteen or seven years old since he appeared in the world!"


Count Gareth retorted fiercely, but the more he retorted, the more he felt that he had no confidence. He could only pull his dry and hoarse voice and excitedly congest his cheeks: "those people were just bought by you. Everyone knows that in lottel, the power of the church is even greater than that of the Duke!"

"Can I think, count Gareth, you are questioning the integrity and authority of the church?" hilwick was also angry, and the other party had clearly accused himself of smearing the facts:

"Do you think I'm slandering?"

"Isn't it?!"

"Absolutely impossible - what good is it for the church to accuse and slander a duke in public?"

"Of course..."

Before Gareth finished speaking, he felt his shoulder pressed; Looking back, Eckert, Earl of fury castle, stood behind him and calmly stared at the "arrogant and hateful" deacon hilwick opposite.

"That's all for the quarrel, Deacon hilwick."

Shaking his head, the count of fury Castle sighed and said calmly, "if you have anything else to say, please speak; I assure you that no one will interrupt you."

The Byrne knights who looked at each other were stunned for a long time and retreated around one after another, or their angry or suspicious eyes moved back and forth between hilwick and Loren.

One is the church trusted by all, and the other is the Duke who led them to win the war between the Centaurs and the dwarf civil war.

Who, after all, is the one who has ulterior motives and deceived their ambitions?

"There is only one thing I want to say..."

Hilwick's cold eyes swept over the thirteen earls and stopped on the black haired wizard's face; In the finally quiet hall, his words full of sense of justice sounded:

"Lord Loren Turin, from the evidence I found, you are not the grandson of Lord Leonardo Turin, let alone the son of gaio Turin - at most, you are just a servant who did not know where he was found and adopted by Lord Leonardo."

"You stole the name Turin!"

With that, he raised his head and looked at the black haired wizard with dignity, waiting for the other party to refute himself.

Yes, the other party can't refute himself at all.

The epitaphs of gaiio Turin and the records of Leonardo Turin in lottel were mainly provided to him by the envoys of Duke Arles, and some of them were consciously or unconsciously perceived by hilvik.

Of course, this evidence is suspected of being fishy, but the advantage is that it can not be falsified - whether those confessions from the loterians or the epitaph of a small church in Arles are real.

If Loren retorts that these are false, the advantage is on his side; In any case, the seeds of doubt have been planted, and what awaits Bain will be a fragmented infighting.

A Byrne trapped in internal strife, from strength to weakness and even division, is hilwick's purpose; Only when they are divided and hostile to each other can the church and the heavenly palace intervene.

As for his own life safety, hilwick doesn't care at all - rather, he wants someone to rush out and kill himself immediately; If you die in an accident and die in this celebration, it's hard to say that it's Loren Turin.

So he will never hurt himself, and even try his best to ensure that he won't have any accidents!

"Since you said I stole it, then..."

The expressionless Loren walked down the steps and looked at hilwick:

"What on earth do you want from me?"

I want you to go to hell! Bring you down! Let you be swallowed alive by countless lives, and then beg me to give you a death!

Of course, hilwick only said these words in his heart. He didn't even show the slightest thought, and his eyes greeted Lauren:

"I hope you can show enough evidence to prove your identity or refute everything I just said and prove that you are the blood of the Turin family!"

"Just these?"

The dark haired wizard suddenly asked, and the tone of the inquiry seemed to have a trace of ridicule to hilwick.

"That's all." hilwick nodded solemnly, and now he couldn't hit himself in the face.

"That's great." Loren suddenly smiled and looked around the hall calmly: "I thought the church wanted to grasp my handle, let me go to hell, lose my reputation, be swallowed and stripped alive by countless lives, and then begged me to die."

Joking words echoed in the church hall. Many of the thirteen earls and the guests also showed understanding sneers, but more were still angry and dissatisfied.

"You'd better say less about this joke." hilwick's expression was much ugly: "please show enough evidence as soon as possible to prove your identity."

"Evidence, this is simple." Lauren, smiling unabated, raised his head and met the eyes that had changed from "upright and awe inspiring" to some sinister:

"Since it happened in Arles, please ask the messenger of Arles to clarify for me - Archbishop Arles, please!"


Following the black haired wizard's eyes, everyone in the hall looked back at the same time and looked at an old man with gray hair and a golden red church robe standing in the crowd.

"Dear Duke Byrne, the deacon of the church, and everyone present..." with a friendly smile, the old man who came on behalf of Duke Arles looked like a good man:

"The identity of the Duke of Byrne should be a private matter of Byrne, and the Principality of Arles and I do not intend to be involved in it."

Hilwick's face turned black and the corners of his mouth twitched instinctively.

Because of its remote location, the situation of Arles and Bain is similar or even more serious - although the local church is very devout, it does not pay much attention to the Holy Cross Church in the capital; Especially in recent years, the Arles church has almost become a semi independent kingdom.

In particular, the Archbishop of Arles lived too long. He was almost 80 years old and didn't have the slightest intention of kicking his legs, which made the church unable to change the bishop of Arles.

However, seeing that the other party is pious enough and can follow the orders of the church most of the time, the Holy Cross Church pinched its nose and endured it.

"It doesn't matter. It's enough for you to say whether you know it or not." Lauren looked at each other calmly and didn't mean to be nervous at all.

Now, it was hilwick who became nervous.

He knew that the Arles were absolutely unwilling to be publicly involved in this matter, otherwise Byrne and Arles would not die; So the other party will never take the initiative to admit or stand on their side.

Of course, he doesn't need it; What hilwick needs is that the other party doesn't take the initiative to deny his evidence and say he's faking.

"As bishop Arles, I must admit that she is not a rich, prosperous and peaceful country, and many things are not under my bishop's control."

Bishop Arles said in a regretful tone, but then the conversation changed: "fortunately, on my way to Bain, a priest who had met with the Duke found me and hoped to see you again."

"He... Is here now."

In the puzzled but somewhat expectant eyes of the people, a young man with a cold expression in a black priest's uniform came out from behind the bishop and bowed to Loren very stiff.

"Lord Loren Turin, long time no see."

Hilwick suddenly changed color and was shocked and speechless.

Yes, it's him, it's him

He is the one who provides himself with the evidence and information!

Why is he here? Why?!

Suddenly, hilwick figured something out.

The pupils gradually contracted, the righteous expression was replaced by fear and became more and more ferocious, and the blush of the cheeks faded into an invisible pale.

He did not dare to look back at the expressionless Loren from beginning to end, let alone the surprised and angry Byrne Knights around him - those eyes were like chains binding himself one after another, slowly tightening and cutting his throat!

This is a bureau, a bureau that has been set up for a long time... And I was really obedient. I didn't even want to get in!

"... at that time, the situation was relatively sudden, and his Excellency Leonardo Turin was in a state of extreme sadness. In a hurry, we failed to record it completely, including whether the epitaph of his Excellency gaiyo Turin wanted to engrave his surname. His Excellency Leonardo Turin also hesitated for a long time."

"Therefore, in order to take care of Lord Leonardo's emotions, we only registered his name, but all the people in our church know Lord Loren Turin."

Then the indifferent young man looked at the former chief justice Victor Hughes: "on this point, we should know the sky palace that once came to us to inquire about the situation and confirm the identity of Lord Loren Turin."

Hearing this, the extremely frightened hilwick immediately turned his eyes to Victor Seuss with a begging color in his eyes.

The indifferent former justice's eyes twinkled, and it was difficult to determine what he was thinking; But if he is willing to stay out, even deny the existence of this matter, or forget

Yes, as long as he can deny it, even if he just says he doesn't know, he can still

"The confirmation of the identity of the Duke of Loren Turin is the responsibility of the special intelligence personnel of the Empire, and there is no subordinate relationship with the former Imperial Cabinet; I won't say I know anything unclear."

Victor Hughes said coldly, "but... The intelligence itself should be true."


At that moment, hilwick's ears echoed with a clear sound, as if there was something

It's broken.