Chapter 1151

Battle of eboden, noon.

Under the scorching sun, it was covered with thick smoke. The burning and bloody battlefield was left with only sporadic explosions and roaring roars.

The reason is simple - after a whole hour, all the projection weapons on both sides either ran out of ammunition or became a pile of scrap iron in the explosion.

Instead, there were heavy, messy, stormy footsteps throughout the battlefield.

"Boom... Boom... Boom..."

The cold iron boots step on the soil burned by fire and soaked by blood; The sound was not as uniform as the saxophone Legion or the bain spear array, but it also made the heart tremble and the earthquake shake.

"Boom... Boom... Boom..."

Eight thousand King's court guards and three thousand bow and arrow warriors, like a flowing tide, held their sharp blades and long bows in their hands, strolled silently, pressing on the Chinese Army on the side of the Empire.

"Shooting army, expand the array!!!!!"

Carl Colin, whose face turned red, roared out orders almost with all his strength, as if it would make him feel a little relieved.

In the face of the sharp array of the enemy, even after many wars, he was still a little flustered.

At the same time, the imperial commander dreisis, who was aware of the enemy's change, immediately sounded the horn - six flag regiments and 3000 heavy Legion veterans began to advance forward. As the vanguard of the Chinese army, he quickly launched an array directly behind the shooting army to form a narrow shield wall.

Their mission was to provide temporary cover for the powerful projection corps when the shooting army retreated.

On the two wings of Zhongjun, accompanied by the rolled up smoke and roaring hoofs, two Boyi Rangers rushed out of the array and gathered at the two wings of the shooting army. The swaggering Boyi Knights roared bloodthirsty and waved their bows and sabres. The sound of people roaring and horses hissing was heard all the time.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the nervous dreisis was ready for the battle.

But just then, a song suddenly came from the advancing Azores Army:

"We sing loudly today

Drink old wine;

Wine glass ping pong;

Crying beside relatives and friends... "

At the beginning, it was only a faint sound. In the blink of an eye, it "swept" the whole battlefield like a sea wave. The sound became more and more magnificent and loud:

"Drink old wine;

Wine glass ping pong;

Cry beside relatives and friends;

Dear sweetheart

We are going to fight;

Go to Saxony --! "

On the battlefield shrouded in thick smoke, with the song getting closer and closer, the army of Azores elves with heavy steps has appeared dozens of meters away.

"Dear sweetheart

We are going to fight;

Go to Saxony -!

We're going to fight in Saxony;

Saxophone --! Saxophone --! Saxophone --!... "

... with a trace of uneasiness and uneasiness, Carl Colin stared at the approaching Elven warrior army singing "murder song", trying to suppress his inner fear and impulse.

He couldn't be afraid, because every pair of eyes around him were staring at him;

He can't be impulsive, because everyone places his hope for life and determination to die on him.

"Shooting army, 80 meters, volley --!"

With a flash of white light on the battlefield, the roar of explosion and the figure of screaming falling to the ground, the boa Hussars waiting for a long time roared and rushed to the array of Wang Tingwei army.

The first to greet them was the bow and arrow warriors, which were no less than the volley of the shooting army.

Like locusts and arrows, the rain fell one after another, splashing a blood mist on the right in the dust rolled up by the horse's hoofs. The Boyi cavalry fell from the horse's back and disappeared into the smoke and dust together with their mounts.

A long roar came from somewhere. The Hussars who charged in groups quickly dispersed, and the galloping horses rolled up bursts of smoke and dust between the two armies to block out the sun.

"Puff! Puff --! Puff, puff..."

Hundreds of shadows flew out of the smoke and dust continuously, and disappeared into the front of bow and arrow warriors from the edge of the array and the gap of the shield.

Screams come and go, and the original solid shield wall becomes fragile in front of all pervasive arrows.

At the same time, the sound of Horseshoes roaring like a strong wind is still approaching.

Before the archer warriors with shields met the enemy head-on, they showed signs of collapse before the Hussars' roundabout shooting!

Compared with the "black wall" that fought hundreds of years ago, the shield wall of Azores is a big joke in front of these fierce riding archers.

The next second, the Hussars who shouted and fought fiercely pulled out their cavalry spears and sabers, swept down like a raging tide, and rushed directly into the array of Azores.

Chop, collide, thrust... The Elven warriors who hit the boa Hussars directly, and their array collapsed rapidly with the speed visible to the naked eye; In the face of a blow, I leave without stopping and go back and forth like the wind.

Where the hoofs trample, there is blood!

The defeated Elven bow and arrow warriors threw down their robes and quickly retreated; Instead of obeying the horn from behind, the victorious boa Hussars regrouped and continued their attack.

"Kill all the long ears!!!!!"

The bloodthirsty roar exploded in the smoke, and the Hussars brandishing machetes shouted and fought fiercely, and rushed to the two wings of Wang Tingwei's army.

Bang -!

In the terrible noise, it was not the royal guards who fell, but the Hussars of Boyi!

The Azor long sword, which is comparable to the two handed sword, is torn into pieces by people and horses; The sharp tip of the knife ran through the front chest of the horse and stabbed into the cavalry's trunk.

The king's court guards in armor spread out their formation, stepped on the earth, and smashed every cavalry who dared to rush into their array into pieces with a swinging long knife!

From the smoke and dust came the screams of cavalry falling and falling to the ground; The fallen cavalry were trampled back and forth by the galloping horses. The cavalry in the back hit the robe stopped in the front row and fell under the blade of death.

The royal court guards remained on the front line, no matter how the Hussars rushed back and forth and harassed them with arrows. Saber chopping, Mount collision... Always keep that slow pace, and kill every enemy who dares to stand in front of them like an executioner.

The elite boa Hussars are almost telling the paoze behind them with their own lives that the flanks of these fully armed elf warriors wielding big swords don't exist at all!

After paying the price of nearly half the casualties, the Hussars with complete morale collapse turned and retreated backward and rushed directly to the two wings of the shooting army.

The ruthless Carl Colin decisively ordered to concentrate fire on the defeated hussars, quickly close the line of troops, hold the position and prepare for retreat;

The hussars, who were shot by their own people after more than half of the casualties, fled in panic.

"These old herdsmen who don't listen to the command!"

Seeing the scattered boa Hussars fleeing all over the battlefield, some fools even rushed to the left-wing spear array. Rao dreisis thought he had a good temper, but he couldn't help scolding.

However, no matter how angry it was, the surrounding heralds looked anxiously at dreisis and urged him to order as soon as possible - if he did not send cavalry to support and harass the enemy as soon as possible, the shooting army and 3000 veterans on the front line would be wiped out!

"Boom... Boom... Boom..."

The sound of trembling steps made dreisis subconsciously grip the reins in his hand.

He also has a mixed team of Byrne Ranger knights and Imperial Knights. Including his own guard, there are almost 1500 cavalry up and down... But this is the last cavalry.

It was too late to temporarily recruit the second-line reserve cavalry. Moreover, even the most elite boa Hussars couldn't stand a round of charge. Dreisis felt that sending them was meaningless except to die.

We can't give away the trump card to turn the war around at this time.

"Order - let the shooting army retreat, enter the predetermined slope and continue to cover the shooting; six veteran flag regiments stay in place, and the rear regiment begins to advance and engage the enemy!"


The heralds who got the order turned their horses, sounded the horn, waved the flag and ran to the Legion array after Legion.

"Saxophone, move forward -!!!"

The earth began to shake, and ten thousand Legion veterans silently raised Zheng shields and put up halberds, like black waves turning up and down, and pressed against the approaching royal court guards.

At the same time, the 3000 Legion veterans who covered the rapid retreat of the shooting Army stood in place and fought desperately against the crazy attack of Wang Tingwei army and ELF bow and arrow warriors.

A tall Azores long knife fell head-on and broke the Zheng shield in the veteran's hand with only one blow; With a groan of pain, the Legion veterans who broke their left hand set up halberds with their arms and stabbed them into the armor of the king's court guard.

"Dang --!"

Zhan halberd's spear tip broke the outermost armor, but was blocked by the lower chain armor; Wang Tingwei's army, which was blocked by the halberd, raised the long knife again and stabbed the tip of the knife into the veteran's face.

Almost at the same time, he was also smashed by the war halberd and helmet in the countryside.

On the battlefield of plasma gushing, similar scenes continue to be staged.

The army veterans with inferior equipment and individual combat power can only rely on each other's cooperation and close formation to maintain the last little advantage, so as not to collapse in front of the fully armed and long sword wielding Wangting guard.

However, this last little advantage also gradually dies out with the advance of the enemy; For hundreds of years, the indestructible "black wall" melted like butter under the enemy's attack, and the veterans fell down in rows like wheat.

It was not until the main Legion went into battle that the Legion soldiers barely stood firm; One after another, stepping on the bones of robes and the fragments of armor and shields on the ground, they fought with the elves warriors with their teeth.

The shooting troops retreating to the gentle slope also re launched their formation and entered the shooting state with the opposite elf bow and arrow warriors; Under the cover of a shield, Carl Colin can also draw some fire to support the Legion soldiers.

But this means that the shooting army is completely exposed to the enemy's attention... Shields can stop arrows, but they can't stop stone guns and iron crossbows falling from the sky.

Just as the shooting army entered the highland, the remaining catapults and catapults of the Azores immediately set fire to the highland; In the terrible roar of tearing the air and the roar of earth avalanches and rocks, the motionless shooting troops fell down one by one like toys.

Carl Colin, who was bombarded by the enemy's projected weapons, not only did not order the dispersion of the formation, but continued to shrink the army line to ensure the power of the salvo.

On the front paved with bones, the soil burned by fire and soaked by blood churned up and down in the sound of iron boots and roar, mixed with broken and invisible fragments - weapons, armor, bones... Completely different shapes, fair and regardless of you and me, stirring in the mud.

At the same time, the right-wing battlefield of the Empire was also in a state of anxiety; Loterians, Ancient Wood Forest Elves, elmans, Arles... Regardless of you and me, fighting with Azores elves warriors - in the smoke, in the woods, up and down the hills, a scuffle.

The balance of the war constantly swings left and right, but it never really tends to either side.

The hope of both sides to break the balance is still on the left.

However, the war situation should be regarded as the fierce left wing, but it has become the most "quiet" of all the battlefields - in the face of the crazy "provocation" of Boye and Bain cavalry, Azor kept his position and remained unmoved.

Regardless of the guards around him, the machete female Archduke even rushed directly into the range of the enemy's bow and arrow, took the Hussars round after round of harassment, roundabout shooting, and even pretended to charge head-on; But the elf little prince seems to be completely dead. He just can't stick to it if he wants to fight with the Byrne Legion.

In the face of such a stubborn enemy, Ike, Earl of fury castle, vaguely felt something wrong, but it was difficult to judge what was wrong - the most important thing was that the bain Legion had been put into battle... Was on the line and had to go.

It is impossible for him to let the soldiers who are already full of ambition receive two contradictory orders at the same time, which will only make the originally solid military array chaotic and leave flaws for the enemy... Military orders are like mountains, which is not a joke.

With a trace of hesitation, Eckert still ordered to continue to advance towards the enemy. At the same time, he sent more bowmen and crossbows to cooperate with the light cavalry. Once the enemy began to have the intention to attack, he harassed the Azores' Army line and tried to make them launch a counterattack.

"Your Highness, the bain cavalry on our right wing has entered within 300 steps. If we don't organize a counterattack as soon as possible, it is likely to..."

"I know, I have eyes, and I have seen them."

Impatiently interrupted the Warrior Leader behind him. The elf Prince glanced at the elf wizards on the other side: "how's the preparation? Can you guarantee that the cage can hold him?"

"According to your instructions, we have strengthened the security and stability of the cage as much as possible." the trembling Elf Warrior quickly replied: "although it can ensure that the capture can be completed when necessary, the danger is still..."

"If you can, do it!" the elf Prince waved:

"It's time to give our old friend 'Byrne' a big surprise!"