Chapter 45 - 44. Uproar

Name:Wolf you Up! Author:JustL89
Tiny flakes began to fall from the sky. Soon the speed at which they were descending increased and with a gesture, Greg lifted the control at the steering wheel. The windshield wiper chased away the water that appeared as the flakes melted in contact with the glass. The slight mechanical noise filled the cabin where, in shock, Connor had turned mouth gaped open towards Eden who had just spoken. A nervous laugh escaped his mouth.

"W-What are you saying? What kind of weird joke is it? "

Connor's fingers clenched around his smartphone, his fingers tightened around the device so that his knuckles had turned white. He turned to look at the road. Greg glanced in the center mirror and observed the expressions of the two werewolves. The doctor knew they were telling the truth and his hands squeezed the steering wheel.

"While Eden was sleeping, Alpha Silver brought in some Soul Healers to examine him. I ran into one of them who had come to me to talk to me. At first, I didn't believe what she was saying, but when he woke up Eden told me the same thing. "

"So, this is all what is it about? I don't mean to be rude but this and that are different matters. How can your mate's unexplained sleep explain the nonsense you're spouting? "

Eden gritted his teeth. He had never been in contact with humans, but these two were the people his mate considered family. He had to trust them, especially if they didn't want to endanger them on their journey. But most importantly, like his family and his pack, he wanted to trust them. Back in Purple Eyes Alpha's residence, Glen had told him everything, from the effects of their brief meeting in the Dean's office at Red Creek to the reasons for his rejection. The two humans had fought for his mate, a werewolf. They had taken enormous risks in infiltrating his pack's territory so that he could find him. Nothing would have happened if they hadn't helped Glen. He had no idea if they would believe him, but Eden knew that their devotion deserved his trust in them.

"When I was sleeping I met the messenger of the Moon Goddess. I know I sound insane but I was trapped in a sort of magic dimension where I couldn't escape unless I was strong enough. This messenger told me about the curse that prevents Glen from shifting and he gave me access to a system that helps me get stronger and guides me so that I lift the curse. "

"So, it's just a dream?" Connor said with what was an attempt to laugh.

"It's not a dream. I can see the same thing. This system I mean, I can see it too since Eden gave me access to it. "

"You know you two sound insane, right? Maybe we should take them to the hospital for an extensive check-up and exams. They probably took a blow on a weird place of the head during the battle or maybe it's a symptom of some kind of an emotional shock. After all, you can't… "Connor muttered to Greg, who had remained silent.

"Connor Everett, level 35. Race, human. Type… I guess I can't see it yet. " The young omega had started to read aloud the information from the WIA agent that was posted on his board. Glen's eyes widened as he saw the rest of his best friend's data.

Class: Assassin

Code name: Red

Stats: strength: 875/1000

Speed: 946/1000

Agility: 994/1000

Intelligence: 972/1000

HP: 450/450

Skills: Martial Arts, Swordsmanship

Item: Wolfsbane choke lace, high grade.

Wolfsbane daggers, high grade.

Wolfsbane knuckleduster, high grade.

Wolfsbane sword, Artifact.

"You're… You're an assassin?" Glen cut off his mate. "I thought you were just a field agent like Maria was. So every time you're away from town it's on missions where you have to kill ... "

"H-how did you know?"

"I just told you, since Eden gave me access to their system, I can see everything marked on the dashboard. On your data, it is marked that you are an assassin. Your specialties are martial arts and swordsmanship. You fight with wolfsbane choke lace, wolfsbane daggers, wolfsbane knuckleduster, and… a sword? You're… "


Connor screamed and silence returned inside the car. He turned to the road and lowered his head to his knees, his hands clenched in two shaking fists. Greg was anxiously watching his boyfriend, who was taking the shock of being discovered pretty badly. A loud noise echoed and the driver stared wide-eyed at the fist of the officer who had just gone through the glove box. Connor withdrew his bloody fist, scratching his skin even more at the sharp edges of the opening.

"I didn't want you to know about it. Never… " He spoke as he squeezed his bloody hand against his chest.

"Shit! Connor, what the hell! You're bleeding! "

Greg turned his head around to look at the signs on the road. They had taken the direct route to the Soul Healers' territory that was somewhere between the territories of Purple Eyes and Black Moon. The snow had intensified and was falling in a flake that now lingered on the window. He increased the speed of the windshield wipers to keep the white powder from building up and obstructing their view. The driver then spotted a safe spot on the sidewalk.

In the car, the doctor was busy wrapping a bandage around Connor's hand. Eden meanwhile was prostrate. He felt like he had done something dreadful when he just wanted his mate's family to believe and trust him. He didn't mean to reveal any secret. Connor, for his part, refused to look behind him. Eyes fixed on his boyfriend's fingers, he observed the painstaking work with which the man treated him.

"Fortunately, the cuts aren't deep. You don't need any sutures and it shouldn't leave a scar. "

"Luckily, you have a first aid kit in your glove box," Glen commented.

"I am a doctor, nothing more logical for me," Greg answered. He finished the treatment and peeked at his lover who continued to stare at his hand.

"Connor," Glen called out and the agent flinched at his name. He turned away to hide his face.

"If you hate me, I don't want to hear it."

"Why would I hate you? Are you an idiot?"


"I know you're not some crazy dude blinded by his hatred toward werewolves. You are surely the most open human to exchanges between our two races that I know. I mean you and your family did take me in when my pack and my family threw me out. I also know that there are bad ones among my kind. They prey on humans and kill them. I know exactly what it is, Connor. You don't have to be afraid that I hate you when you're just protecting people who can't do it themselves. "

"You don't mind that I kill your kind for a living?"

"As I said, you're not a madman killer. You're a special agent. " He shrugged and resumed. "So, do you believe us now?"

Connor frowned and cocked his head as if wondering what he was talking about when he remembered why he had been outed.

"I'm not sure. I want to but it still seems insane." He sighed deeply. "I don't have a choice. I'm already deep in this shit so I better have as much information as I can. Tell us everything about this system or whatever it is and your curse. Who's the fucking asshole who did that to you and how do we lift this thing?"


Christopher slowed down and then stopped the car to let his passengers get off and walk the distance to the cave entrance. When the door slammed after the Luna got off, the driver heaved a sigh and went to park the car in the garage a few dozen away.

The road trip back home has been a painful experience for the fighter. Even his attempt to put on music to dispel the electricity from the atmosphere ended with a glare from Silver who annihilated his goodwill.

By the time the alpha passed the cave entrance, Acher Rivers was already stationed waiting, several of his trusted men a few steps away. Silver had already briefed his packmates through the phone on the details of what had happened. The entire pack was seething with anger that made the atmosphere electric. Silver stepped forward without hesitation and Acher came to his right. The two werewolves walked to a natural stone rostrum that gave him an overview across the width of the room. In front of him, a good chunk of fighters, all ready to die to defend the honor of their pack and the lives of their packmates. Their eyes were brimming with a rage the leader had rarely had the opportunity to see.

Even though Eden was frowned upon as an omega because of his fur, he was still their Alpha's son. The future of their pack rested on him and they were ready to fight without restraint to avenge him. Eden was one of them and no one would pick on a member of Bloodhood without paying with their life. Silver looked around the room and the tumult that was shaking the werewolves in front of him subsided.

"Today, during the dead-end organized to respond to complaints from the packs after the banquet, Grey Wolf attempted to claim Eden by force. These cowards mutts sent their fighters and two of their alphas to attack my son and his mate. " The leader paused and smiled. "They didn't know how strong Eden's mate was. We have crushed their pathetic attempt to pit themselves against us and now the time has come to fight back. And by retaliation I mean death. "

Low growls began to rise all over the room. Several fighters had shifted to their werewolf form. A mix of barking and growling sounded in all directions.

"We will be leaving in two days. Alpha Elma from Purple Eyes pack has asked to join us with some of her men in making Grey Wolf pay for the affront of invading her territory. "

A loud howl punctuated the sentence and Silver who was in his human form shifted. The clothes they were wearing tore and fell to the ground in tatters. The huge dominant werewolf let out a growl and the men in front of him let their anger explode in a concert of grunts and snarls.

Acher who was slightly behind his alpha sent him a link.

[Where are Eden and Glen?]

[Gather the usual group in the meeting room. I need to talk to you about something.]

Silver released the link and stepped off, leaving behind a crowd of fiery werewolves and his puzzled beta. Christopher Fern arrived at the same time and looked at the silver-gray werewolf with a smile.

"As I can see, he's already done his show."

"What happened? Where are Eden and Glen? Are they hurt? Is that what Alpha Silver wants to talk to us about? " The man looked worried. Although his leader had called him to let him know immediately after the incident, he was missing many details. "I didn't smell their scent, they didn't come home with you, did they?" Chris's smile widened into a pretentious grin.

"Hurt? Take my word for it when I tell you that there isn't a werewolf strong enough to compete with the little one's mate. I would have bawled my eyes out if I was a Grey Wolf fighter when he was unleashed against them. He crushed them so easily."

"What happens then? Why aren't they back with you? And I saw my son's face so don't try to make me believe that nothing's going on. "

"Your son is just having a little trouble accepting a decision Eden made, but trust me, they are both fine and I'm sure when they come back they will both be much stronger."

He patted the beta on the shoulder and walked away, his ears filling with the screams of his packmates.