Chapter 54 - 53. Little Soul

Name:Wolf you Up! Author:JustL89
When the two werewolves joined the human couple near the car, there couldn't be a more stark contrast between the two atmospheres. On one hand, the alpha-omega duo seemed unsettled after a night spent between a first intimacy and the dread of an almost painful drama. On the other hand, the two WIA members tried unsuccessfully to hide their lack of sleep after a night spent making up for each day of abstinence forced by the doctor's preventive nature. Their efforts were, however, useless to Glen, who, as soon as he spotted the sunglasses stuck on their noses, walked over to Greg and opened his hand to ask for the keys.

Without saying a word, the man dropped the keys in his palm and walked to the back of the car before opening the door and stepping inside. Connor, who was already seated in the front passenger seat, watched his childhood friend get behind the wheel and adjust the seat to make himself comfortable. He thought for a moment of getting up and giving way to Eden since he was their living GPS when he stirred in his seat.

A sharp pain all over the lower area of ​​his body reminded him that he had better not move a muscle if he didn't want to give more clues to the activities he was still indulging in less than one hour ago. Connor silently winced and lowered the front sunshade. He peeked into the vanity mirror. In the rectangle, he managed to catch the reflection of a particularly gloomy omega.

The blond looked cranky and the agent glanced at his friend who was fastening his belt, wondering how come in the world he had things screwed up.

Before he opened his mouth, his man beat him.

"Is there something one should know about the Soul Healers before hitting the road? You look strangely tense for a simple informative visit. "

"Everything is fine," Eden stated in a tone that nevertheless assured the opposite. "I just can't wait to get over this whole bullshit and find the one person who is playing with my mate's life and preventing me from getting laid how I want." The younger man had mumbled the explanation. However, the curious nature of the agent who sharpened his senses in such a situation had allowed him to hear every word the omega said.

The light-brown-haired man had just received a crisp and unexpected piece of information. He was about to open his mouth to comment but was immediately cut off by a dominant unwilling to hear his jokes.

"Drop it!" He stared at the man in the passenger seat and his expression hinted at Connor that he had noticed his condition and that he wouldn't hesitate to put him under the spotlight if he continued. The agent decided a strategic withdrawal was necessary. He bit his tongue, leaving Glen to start the car.

The agent, who had some sleep to catch up, was already thinking about how to exploit what he had just heard. Not moving too much, he settled down to find the least painful position and closed his eyes behind his dark glasses.

When the car pulled up outside the only old dwelling in the town of Little Soul, several hours later, the sun was already high in the sky. The luminous disk was yellowish-white and clouded over, an appearance characteristic of winter days. The warmth of its rays could hardly be felt. While that wasn't a problem for the two werewolves, the two humans in the group appeared annoyed when they realized they were going to wait in the car. Indeed, they had no idea how long the meeting between the two werewolves and the Soul Healers was going to last. Turning on the heating was to take the risk of being out of gas on the way back since the city was isolated and therefore had no gas station within several tens of kilometers.

Moreover, they had already come close to death after infiltrating a pack territory. Thus they had learned their lesson and preferred to keep a low profile.

Even though, as Eden had explained to them, the Soul Healers were not a pack and they were not hostile to humans, they didn't want to risk any chance Glen might have to unearth information about the witches they were looking for.

The WIA had very little information about witches, let alone the Blue Moon clan who was considered one of the most powerful. To be more exact, they didn't know anything other than their name that was mentioned since it was their intervention that ended the Big Bloodshed. The clan had, just with a threat, succeeded where the organization's thousands of agents and powerful network had failed. After months of blood spilled between the packs and several agents who died protecting the humans caught in the clashes, the clan had landed out of nowhere and imposed peace.

Well aware of their inability to help the alpha, the two didn't feel like playing with fire, especially since they had no tricks up their sleeve to get out of a sticky situation. If the Soul Healers were the only lead on who could save Glen's life, they would step aside without a hitch. Even if it meant waiting in the cold.

Glen opened his door followed by Eden who got out of the vehicle and looked at the old house. The omega had heard many times about the healers able to heal the spiritual wounds of werewolves. With modernity, peace, and the retreat of Moon Goddess worship, the Soul Healers were, by now, almost all gone. Rarely were a werewolf suffering from any disease affecting their inner wolf. Eden's had probably been the first in years.

Glen joined his mate and they both walked over to the porch. The wooden stairs creaked as they climbed the stairs.

Eden's hand curled into a fist and approached the heavy wooden door as it opened, revealing a woman in his mid-thirties whose hair looked like a copper-colored mane.

"The Elder is waiting for you," the woman said. She stepped aside to let them inside. The two mates looked at each other and after a moment's hesitation. The werewolf who had recognized Eden didn't let anything show through. She simply carried out the order given to her by her master and accompanied the visitors. They stepped inside guided by the female healer into the seemingly deserted place.

The sound of their footsteps and the creaking of the old house echoed in the corridors. The omega felt a strange familiarity in the aura of the woman he had never met. He had been informed that his father had brought in some Healers to examine him so he asked.

"Did you happen to come to Bloodhood to examine me a few days ago?"

"That's right," the woman replied, turning to him with a smile. They came to a door and the werewolf knocked before opening the door without waiting to respond.

Glen and Eden saw across the room, sitting in a rocking chair facing a round table, a silver-haired old woman who turned her head towards them. She nodded as a greeting and the two mates mirrored her gesture. The werewolf who had accompanied them excused herself and the door closed with a click. The Elder's eyes looked between Glen and Eden.

Despite her appearance shaped by the weight of years, the oldest Soul Healers addressed them with a sharp voice and piercing eyes.

"Oh, I see. So you marked him to counter the curse. It was a smart move. " She had spoken approvingly and a smile curved her lips as she saw the couple's shocked looks.

"What about you sitting down for a bit so we can talk?"

The omega and his dominant stepped forward and took their places on the two empty chairs that surrounded the table. They had the impression that the old werewolf awaited their visit.

But that was not all. How, without having seen Glen's neck, had she known that Eden had marked him. And why was she talking about countering the curse?

The blond walked over and settled down with a crease between his eyebrows that betrayed the many questions running through his mind. Seeing his serious expression, the old woman let out a soft chuckle.

"You don't need to look so tense. You've come to Little Soul to find answers. I will tell you everything I know and where to find what you are looking for but before that… "

She leaned on the small table where there were two vials containing blood orange fluid and a knife. With a speed that surprised them, she grabbed the knife and the omega let out a cry when he felt the blade sink into the forefinger of his left hand. Glen, who had risen to his feet, froze when Eden raised his hand to stop him. The Elder squeezed the young man's finger and picked up a vial from the table. She removed the stopper with one hand before pouring a few drops of the werewolf's blood inside.

"What are you doing?" He questioned.

The woman waited a moment and they saw the liquid turn an almost crimson red. She replaced the stopper and closed the vial which she practically shoved in the omega's face with a satisfied look.

"This is your entry ticket to Blue Moon territory."