Chapter 81 - 80. Just The Beginning

Name:Wolf you Up! Author:JustL89
The smirk on Eden's mouth widened and the blond resumed his attack stance, leaving his alpha frozen in place. The latter did not doubt that his playful omega had read the lustful thought that had crossed his mind.

The dominant had never experienced the link before and was beginning to worry about his privacy. Would Eden now know everything he thinks in direct-live? It's not that he had anything to hide, but this lack of a barrier made him a little uncomfortable.

Very far from his mate's concerns, the omega struck the black wolf once again. Black took the hit and then stepped back as if to gain momentum. However, it didn't move. The alpha who had finally focused on the fight squinted, then he heard Eden's voice in his head.

[He doesn't fight seriously.]

The blond let his guard down and stared at his opponent who was watching him, motionless. For several minutes, the wolf had been fighting back with the minimum of fighting spirit. At less, that's how Eden felt.

[How come? What makes you think that?] Glen asked through their link.

[He never tried to target one of my vital points once. Let's get out of here!]

The words had barely echoed inside Glen's head when the sucking sensation was already taking over the two-tone wolf's body.

Around him, several voices exchanged cries and threats. Glen's eyes moved behind his lids which, still heavy from the enforced sleep he had fallen into, refused to move.

"If you touch him, I swear I'm going to rip your guts out." A wicked laugh answered the threat Connor had just yelled and the alpha's eyes snapped open.

Glen was in a room he didn't know. Connor and the Soul Healer, along with two other persons he didn't know and had never seen before, faced the witch who had left them just minutes before in the magic dimension.

The alpha got up, staggering and shaking his head to dispel the dizziness that had gripped him. He realized he was still in his wolf form. He heard his best friend's voice in the distance screaming and the next second he saw his mate coming running from where he was and jumping right at the witch. Light's smirk faded.

"How can you get out of there…" The end of her sentence was masked by the impact of her head slamming hard on the ground.

One second earlier, before Light's incredulous eyes, Eden, whom she had left passed out on the ground in the magic dimension, had just appeared. Without any effort, the werewolf had crossed the room then he went through the black energy shield which disintegrated in his passage.

The witch had yet carefully cast the barrier. It had successfully kept the Skinwalkers and Connor at a distance since she had appeared to give the final touch to his handiwork and achieve victory against those who had betrayed her. However, nothing happened as she had imagined.

Face pressed against the wood that creaked under Eden's strength, Light was in shock, her eyes bulging. The omega was in an unrecognizable state of rage. He was exuding such anger that even the Skinwalkers and Connor froze, not knowing how to react to the scene.

The blond was still asleep in the room just a few moments ago. Alana who had just joined her father and Connor with a stunned expression reflecting her total incomprehension of what was happening pondered if she could move.

Nothing explained the sudden awakening of the two mates at the same time. Even less this strength that Eden was showing now and the ease with which he had passed the shield that had left them helpless when the witch arrived. Was it one of the King's abilities? A blessing from the Goddess?

Silphie stared at the omega then at the witch who hadn't yet recovered from the shock but would soon try to free herself.

It's now or never.

"Whatever you intended to do, it's now. Move!", the omega yelled in their direction.

Eden feared that the woman was preparing a counterattack and wasn't sure what he could do to counter her. She still had his mate's life in her hands and he needed that to change that fact.

As if she had just received an impulse, Silphie finally moved and rushed towards Glen who was still on the ground, lying in the middle of the circles formed by the runes.

However, just after her passage, the shield that had disintegrated when it came into contact with Eden's body materialized again, preventing Connor and Elias from approaching. Light had come out of her torpor.

When Silphie stepped inside the circle she had drawn, the glow of the runes intensified in response to her energy which she started to pour out without delay.

Eden had immediately understood that they were all in the village of Skinwalkers and he supposed that the two people with Connor, were trying to lift the curse. He didn't know how much time they needed, but he fully intended to find them as much as he could.

On the floor, Light gritted her teeth. The young woman felt humiliated as she had never been before. Why Black hadn't gotten rid of them as she asked? If he had listened to her and cursed their aura in the magic dimension, then none of this would have happened. All it had to do was finish the job quietly here and the last phase of her plan could finally begin.

Had these two werewolves used some who-knows-where trick to escape her protector? It was the only explanation she could think of.

They had more resources than she imagined and that annoyed her beyond measure. Light had underestimated them, but more importantly, she had underestimated the Moon Goddess who, she was sure of it, was the reason behind their strange ability to use magic.

Light moved and tried to get up, pushing away Eden's hand which was keeping her pressed against the ground.

The contact of the palm of the omega was causing her an unpleasant burning sensation and she wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. She focused, closing her eyes in the process.

When she had gathered enough dark energy inside her, she got ready for her next move. Light hadn't given up yey. She had brooded on her revenge too long to let it be spoiled by two mere werewolves.

What the young witch had used to curse the Warrior was a part of her soul, no more, no less. She had poured all her anger, resentment, and hatred into it before leaving it in the body of the werewolf while he was still vulnerable in his mother's womb. His soul had grafted itself onto the aura of the poor werewolf, cursing him before he was even born and stealing his abilities.

Her curse was a masterpiece. Connected to it, the witch continuously poured her dark energy and drained the Warrior's energy out of his body. Once a sufficient amount of black energy will be reached, the curse will simply explode, destroying the Warrior's body and aura.

The curse could only be lifted if her soul left this world to pass into the afterlife. In other words, if she died.

However, Light could no longer be claimed by death. Ever since, on the altar where the Moon Goddess had cursed her, Black had become her protector.

By welcoming the soul of an already dead creature into her body before it passed to the other side, the young woman had found herself stuck between the two worlds. That of the living and that of the dead. Light couldn't die, but she had a human life anymore.

When she realized this after waking up, Light swore to herself that she would devote her eternity to destroying those who had betrayed her.

The only thing she was sensitive to was, of course, the Moon Goddess Children's aura and the energy it gave off. That's why she didn't like the energy she felt surging inside the King.

She squirmed and tried to extricate her head but Eden's grip was too overwhelming. It's like the omega has changed between the moment she had left them a few minutes ago and now.

His strength was the same, but his aura was now stronger and larger, in addition to being protected by a considerable amount of lunar energy. Because of that, Light felt like her skin was in contact with a hot metal piece.

The sensation ended up triggering a memory that the witch had tried to bury over the years without ever succeeding. The days when she had been tortured, cut up, injured to the point of ending up broken.

"Black!" She spoke with a slight tremolo in her voice.

Time seemed to pause and a second later, a mist of black energy escaped from Light's body and thickened, forcing Eden to let go of her and step back a few steps.

As soon as the blond's hand released his pressure, the witch rose from the ground with a single push and stepped back to be near Silphie and the alpha who was in the middle of the runes' circles.

The action of the two magics on his body had left Glen weakened. The two-tone wolf lost consciousness shortly after waking up.

With a creepy smile that tugged the corners of her lips, the witch looked at the woman who was sitting next to the wolf and muttering, focusing on her spell.

The young woman's smile disappeared when she saw that there were hardly any left of the thousands of whips she used to pour out the dark energy and maintain her curse.

Her jaw clenched and she stepped forward to touch the circles of runes. The place where she has set her foot lost its glim. Blackness began to spread from the point of contact like a drop of ink falling into a glass of water.

Behind her, the fog still thickened and when the huge black wolf appeared, the atmosphere of the room changed entirely.

As if his instincts had suddenly awakened, Eden reacted. The omega that had just activated his perception skill could see what the witch was doing. When the holographic screen appeared in front of his eyes, he didn't hesitate for a second.

[Do you want to use "Lunar Mist"? YES/NO]

Right after he answered the system, Eden saw a cloud of pheromones rising from his mate's body. Light who didn't expect a retaliate as she began to restore the bonds between her and her curse swore and backed off.

"Black!" She screamed feeling the burn on her skin as the cloud of pheromones reached her out.

The wolf growled and dispersed to form a protective sphere around its protege. As the sphere closed tightly, she yelled a final threat.

"This is not the end! I'll be back and,this time, it will be to annihilate you all."

The black fog disappeared and silence fell. Eden rushed near his mate and hugged him.

[Ouch!] The dominant protested via their link and Eden tightened his grip even more around his thick fur.

[I thought she was going to get you.] He said in a soft trembling voice. The alpha who could feel all of his mate's emotions lifted his head slightly and licked the blond's face who freed himself and ran his hand over his face to remove the saliva Glen had just left on his cheek.

Seeing this, the two-tone wolf scolded before jumping on his mate and copiously licking his mate's face, whose crystalline laughter filled the room.

"Sorry to interrupt you lovebirds, but, I think I need a little update on well... Everything?"

The alpha and omega turned at the same time to Connor who was watching them with a smirk. Eden and Glen exchanged a look and the alpha shifted to his human form under the shocked eyes of the agent. The Skinwalkers Chief stepped forward and handed the dominant a woolen plaid which the alpha grabbed, nodding in thanks before covering his naked body.

"Does it mean that…"

"No, I'm still cursed. But a lot of things have changed and now, we have everything it takes to confront and kill her.. The battle has only begun."