Chapter 95 - 94. Illusion

Name:Wolf you Up! Author:JustL89
When the ambulance doors opened at Black Moon Hospital's emergency entrance, the medical team was immediately greeted by a doctor who took over.

"Male, 24, multiple traumas and injuries. Several broken ribs, and internal bleeding. Possible perforation of the spleen causing the hemorrhage. Pulse 87. Blood pressure 10-7." The paramedic announced, almost without taking a breath. The doctor he was speaking to grabbed the other side of the stretcher and brought it through the automatic doors of the emergency room.

"He had a heart attack before we got there and he came back after a CPR massage."

Glen got off of the ambulance and immediately moved to the side to not get in the way. He followed the medical staff inside without saying a word.

Two other people with yellowish protection over their blue blouses ushered Connor's stretcher into a small observation room where several people fussed around him. One of them squeezed a clear gel onto a hematoma the agent had in the upper left quadrant of his abdomen and slid the head of an ultrasound machine. The doctor turned to watch the black-and-white images on a screen.

"There is blood in the spleen area, we need a CT to see all the damage before taking him to the OR."

"Alright, lets' get him there right now," the doctor with a white coat replied and span to face Glen.

"Can you tell me what happened? Oh, I'm a WIA doctor so don't hold back the details." She walked talking, dragging the alpha with her while she followed suit his patient.

Glen was watching Connor lying on the stretcher and was about to answer the woman's questions when a hand grabbed his shoulder and forced him to stop and turn around. Glen didn't resist the gesture and faced Greg. The man was looking at him with a worried look.

"You're finally here. Where is he? What happened?"

"Oh, Doctor Douglas, is that person the one you were looking for?" She pointed at Connor's stretcher and the colors leave the scientist's face.

"Yes, I'm his partner. What is his condition?" His voice was strangled.

She grabbed his arm and pulled him forward with them as she continued to follow the stretcher.

"He is badly hurt. Several bruises and hematomas, broken ribs, and he might have a perforation of the spleen. We're taking him to the CT to see the extent of the damage before going up to the block.

They were near swinging doors and the woman paused before motioning for the two people pushing the stretcher to continue without her. She then turned to Greg who asked.

"Can I come? I promise you I won't interfere, I just want…" His voice died and the woman paused briefly as she watched her colleague attempt to keep his composure. She could see that he was on the verge of breaking into tears.

"I'm sorry Doctor Douglas, but I can't allow you. I promise to keep you updated throughout the procedure in detail." The woman immediately turned to Glen and repeated her question.

"Can you tell us what happened?"

"He was on the battlefield in the Grey Wolf territory clash as Bloodhood's liaison agent." The woman frowned as she heard the beginning of his reply but remained silent. "Connor was fighting alongside the Bloodhood fighters, but there was a problem. People unrelated to both Bloodhood and Grey Wolf packs arrived and attacked him. As he was fighting them, he was hit by Bloodhood's fighters who thought he was going after omegas."

"Bloodhood's fighters did this?"

The woman and Greg spoke at the same time. The same surprise had gripped them, and Glen saw the scientist's face darken. Even the doctor couldn't help but glare.


The alpha answered without substantiating. Even though Bloodhood was now his pack, Connor was his family. He didn't endorse what the fighters had done and there was no doubt that upon learning of what happened, there would be repercussions from the WIA. He knew it and all he could do was be as honest as possible.

"Ok, thanks for the information. I'm going to the CT to get a clear idea of ​​the condition of your friend and your partner," she said, addressing the two men at once. "I would come back down before bringing him to the OR to let you know."

Without waiting any longer, she pushed the doors behind her and disappeared down the hall, leaving Glen and Greg alone. The scientist turned to the alpha who was staring at the doors that were still moving after the woman's passage.

"What the hell happened? Bloodhood did that? Why?"

"The Skinwalkers. Their chief is after Connor. He has followed him with some of his men up to Grey Wolf territory. I don't have all the details, but Connor ended up fighting them. The problem is that three of them were white wolves. When Connor cut off the head of one of them, he was stopped by Bloodhood fighters. They ordered him not to attack his omegas. The situation likely has degenerated and…"

He didn't finish his sentence and saw Greg's jaw clench. His mouth pressed into a line and his gaze had a coldness the alpha had never seen before.

"I need to make a phone call."


Glen looked at the silhouette of the man who walked away. He looked around and saw a sign under which he saw a waiting area. People were sitting with grave and anguished expressions on their faces. The werewolf walked over them up to a wall before where he leaned back. His head against the wall, he closed his eyes to wait for Greg's return and the doctor's news.

On the sidewalk in front of the parking lot, Greg was in the middle of a discussion with a high-grade WIA officer. The discussion lasted a few minutes and the man hung up before running a hand through his hair. In his chest, his heart ached and he could barely swallow because of the lump that had formed in his throat. Unconsciously, he began to pace to calm himself.

"Stressed out ?" The voice had come from behind and Greg turned to face a man he had never seen before.

"Yeah, I guess," the man replied, politely. He didn't want to deal with this nosy stranger.

The doctor decided not to linger and turned on his heels to walk away, but a hand grabbed him by the shoulder.

"I didn't allow you to leave."

"And why would I need to…"

A backhand to the chin made him swallow the last words of his sentence and Greg staggered before regaining his balance. He glared at the man who had just hit him and the latter replied with a malicious grin.

"Those Bloodhood jerks stepped in and put the sticks in my wheels. I was wondering how to achieve my goals and now you fall straight into my hands."

"Who are you ?"

"It doesn't matter. Just think of it as the result of your bad luck. It's all because you crossed paths with this Everett. Everything that happens to you is his fault. After all, he's the one who marked you."

When the stranger finished his sentence, Greg knew who was this person. A Skinwalker. He glowered at him and touched his face where the man had punched him, then wiggled his jaw to check that nothing was broken. As his hand reached for his belt where he wore his gun, someone stepped between them.

The doctor recognized Eden's blond hair. Unable to shift as it wanted, as they were in a civilian pack territory, the werewolf only spread his fangs and claws. His eyes shot daggers at Elias who answered him with an equally resentful look.

Two women and a man then came out of their hiding.

"I wouldn't let you do as you please. You'll have to pass over my dead body."

"You want to cause troubles here? In this parking lot? The place is crowded with innocent humans who are oblivious to the existence of werewolves. Are you sure you want to go that far? "

"Then, why don't you crawl back to your territory without making a fuss?" Silver's deep voice startled Elias, who turned his head. His expression changed from arrogant to furious and the three other people with him immediately got into a defensive position.

The alpha moved forward and positioned himself next to Eden between the Skinwalkers and Greg.

"Go back inside, human. We will take over and take care of them. I would like to exchange two words with those who thought they could fool us without any consequences."

Elias scoffed and looked at Silver dismissively. The man had the exact opposite of his wife's attitude. Even though she had only become a Skinwalker through marriage. The leader didn't seem to have any affection or any positive feelings towards Bloodhood.

"Fooling you? I only came with my men to take care of this outsider. I didn't ask your fighters to beat him. I guess I was lucky that my fighters furs were white." The grin he displayed hinted that it was his intention of duping them from the very beginning. Silver was growing furious.

"Anyway," Elias resumed, "Step back, Werewolves. This matter will be settled between us, Skinwalkers. The pack and the tribe separated centuries ago. It has nothing to do with you. You have no right to interfere. Mind your business."

The Alpha's eyes narrowed at the Blue Moon Chief as he noticed the reaction of the three other Skinwalkers accompanying him.

The man had opened his eyes. He looked shocked and paused a moment, as the two women exchanged an eloquent look. One, in particular, looked scared.

She had clutched the other woman's arm by her side as she took a step back when she heard her leader addressing the Bloodhood Alpha in such a hateful tone.

Elias glanced out of the corner of his eye, feeling her movement and Eden repeated to Greg his father's order.

"Please Greg, go inside now. I think things will soon be out of our hands."

Without asking for more details, the man turned on his heels and was already striding toward the entrance of the hospital when whips of golden energy emerged from Elias' body.

Eden, who had activated his perception skill, could see them, but he doubted that his father was able to, so he knew that if Elias decided to launch an attack, he would be the only one who could do something.

The male omega stared at the whips so as not to miss any data that could help him predict their trajectory. He was also puzzled because aside from the color, they were identical to the ones Light used to fight.

When he had seen Silphie using her magic, the werewolf hadn't seen anything that took this form. Something was wrong. He felt it. Eden opened the screen of his system and tried to analyze the whips with his skill.

[Error: Analyse is impossible.

Use Lunar Mist to dispel the illusion and use Perception again? YES/NO]

Illusion? A bad feeling made him shiver. Greg had almost reached the automatic doors when one of the whips swung towards him. Eden was about to launch his attack when he was distracted by the man who was standing a few seconds ago behind Elias. Forced to parry, he had just enough time to see his father immobilized by the whips.

As he feared, the alpha couldn't see the energy flows. Thus, he was unable to fight back. Eden gritted his teeth and focused on the man who tried to punch him right in the face. The omega bent down and with a kick, swept his opponent's feet to knock him backward. He answered his system's question and a golden mist dispersed from his body.

"Hey! What are you doing? No fight! You are in a hospital parking lot, not in a dojo! Stop now or I'll call the police."

A security guard was walking over them, his hand on the radio clinging to his shirt sleeve. As he spoke, obviously to ask for backup, Eden's eyes widened.

Dragged along by one of the whips that had wrapped around his neck, Greg was just a few steps away from Elias, who was smiling broadly. When the security agent finally got by their side, the leader of the Skinwalkers grabbed the doctor by the arm and forced him to stand before tightening the whip that was wrapped around his neck.

Eden saw his Lunar Mist attack come into contact with Elias' whips and the golden color faded to reveal a black shade that the werewolf recognized immediately.

[Elias Crimson Level: 98

Race: Human

Kind: Skinwalker

Class: Warrior

Name: None

Stats: strength: 7624/10000

Speed: 9762/10000

Agility: 8723/10000

Intellect: 7109/10000

HP: 825/825

Skills: Illusion of the Cursed (Active)

WARNING: The subject has been cursed.

Current debuff: Subject's Lunar Aura is replaced with Dark Energy.]