Chapter 111 - 110. Sly Like A Snake

Name:Wolf you Up! Author:JustL89
Silver tracked down the scent he could easily smell. The village was eerily quiet and deserted as if it had been emptied of its inhabitants. This atmosphere made the alpha uneasy as he kept wondering what dirty trick the leader of Blue Moon could have been up to.

Given the village's size, he had expected to face dozens of fighters. This confirmed the idea he had formed upon seeing Elias's behavior and the reaction of his men.

The tribe wasn't blindly following its chief and if he was right, that means the locals had been locked up somewhere.

His ears had picked up the sound of people gathered inside several large buildings encircling the village. The Alpha decided to confirm his guesses once he had rescued the human.

Silver picked up the pace and headed for the house where the smell was coming from. As he approached, the alpha heard and smelled the presence of two other people. He opened the door wondering if he would finally be able to fight. Tied up to a chair, Greg was here, along with two Skinwalkers. 

They were the people he saw with Elias when he abducted the human in the parking lot. The werewolf's eyes landed on the man who was in his way, ready to fight, then on the woman who was just standing with a frightened expression on her face.

In his werewolf form, the top of Silver Bloodhood's head was brushing the ceiling. The woman recognized the Alpha's fur and noted his wingspan, silent tears began to stream down her cheeks as her body was shaking in fear. When he saw her, the other Skinwalker looked conflicted.

The werewolf took a step forward and, unexpectedly, it was the woman who reacted first. Her frail body rushed between the alpha and the man, arms outstretched but trembling.

"P-Plea-Please, d-don't…" She looked up and saw the Dominant looking down on her.

The woman threw herself to the ground and burst into tears.

"Please, Alpha Silver, please, he's my mate. Please. You can take the human but, please…"

"Ulicia what are you…"

"I don't want you to die!" The woman Skinwalker screamed, her body shaking.

The man's jaw clenched and the next moment he lowered his arms then stepped aside to let Silver pass. The werewolf passed the couple without even a glance and walked over to Greg.

Silver slipped a claw under the ropes holding the doctor and severed them with a sharp blow.

"Come quickly before your lover decides to kill the whole village."

When he reached the doorstep, Silver stopped and addressed the two Skinwalkers without looking back.

"When this is all over, my pack… and your tribe… We should meet. It's not too late to, at least, get to know each other again. I don't know if we can help you but at least we can try to look for a solution, together." Without giving them time to react, the werewolf moved away.

Silver and Greg leave the house to find Glen, Eden, and Connor. Along the way, the scientist had acquainted him with everything he had heard and seen.

Even though the man couldn't see the energy flows as he was just a civilian, he had witnessed most of the talks. He knew how Elias forced the majority of the village to follow his plan to save them. The doctor had also warned the leader of Bloodhood that the Soul Healer had been taken prisoner.

They were getting close to the village's entrance when they heard Connor's name shouted by Eden and Glen. The doctor frowned as he looked up and his body froze. Greg saw a huge wolf crushing his lover's body. As he ran over to him, he caught Glen's words.

"Connor! Get out of there! He's going to stab you!"

The doctor's body moved on its own. One moment he was looking at his lover stuck under a huge wolf, the next he was rushing towards them with all his might. He didn't notice that Glen and Eden had stopped several steps away and were just staring at Connor.

Greg caught up with them and tried to pass them when Glen grabbed the man's arm to stop him from going any further.

"What are you doing? Let go of me !" The man struggled desperately, but he was overpowered.

"Listen to me! Greg, wai.." A punch landed on Glen's face.

Unfortunately, the blow was weak for the now powerful alpha. That didn't stop Greg from throwing another punch. This time, the werewolf dodged his blow. He tightened his grip and forced the doctor to turn around.

"I said, wait. Look!"

Greg was still struggling to escape his grip when he heard a noise coming from where Connor was stuck. 

The agent had managed to escape his fatal impalement by deploying his aura. Caught up in the sudden surge of lunar energy, Wyatt's body was consumed, as were his peaks. The fake combustion lasted for a few seconds until the wolf finally stopped moving.

Glen watched, a smile on his face as his childhood friend whimpered, pushing with all his might to escape the crushing weight.

When he saw this, the doctor's legs started to shake and Glen felt his body relax. He let go and Greg stumbled as he rushed towards the agent who had finally managed to free the upper part of his body and try to straighten up to get a better grip.

"Nnnngh… huff! Nnngh!" Connor dropped his arms to the floor, exhausted from his efforts, and turned his head towards his werewolf friend.

Glen was standing and watching him tire without flinching. Eden had already joined the agent and was bending to grab the wolf.

"Are you going to help me or not? If it was to do half-ass things, you shouldn't have come! Where did the 'we're family' go, hm?" The agent grumbled, glaring at him.

"Eden is already here."

The werewolf grinned as he saw the brown-haired man's face tell him all the insults he dared not say out loud. Luckily for the alpha, he was right not to move.

Eden was single-handedly more than enough to free Connor and as soon as the agent's entire body was free again, his boyfriend began a thorough examination.

"Hey, calm down…" Connor said as Greg was palpating his abdomen and each of his limbs to check for broken bones. "I said calm…" The daggers Greg's eyes shot at him convinced the agent to shut his mouth and he remained quiet while the man finished.

When Greg touched his skull, Connor winced in pain and the doctor withdrew his hands before turning white. There was blood on his fingertips and the man immediately proceeded with neurological preliminary tests.

"Follow my eyes…up…Nice. Down now… Okay. Feel dizzy?"

"Not anymore. Just right after the shock."

"Headache ?"



"No…Hey! Stop that!" The agent grabbed his boyfriend's hands and forced him to look him in the eye. "I'll do whatever medical exam you want later, but, for now, can you please just hug me? I've come to a hell of a long way to pick you up, you know."

Greg stared at him for a moment before locking him in a sudden hug. The man squeezed his lover, crushing his cage ribs as he did.

"How can you be there? Back in the hospital, the doctor told me that… Even now when I saw you... and I heard Glen yelling out... I thought that…"

Connor felt the man's body shaking against him. With a tender smile, the agent closed his arms around his lover and stroked his back to soothe his pain away.

Once a calm, steady breath tickled his neck, Connor loosened his grip. Greg put his hands on either side of his face and placed a soft but long kiss on his lips then he pulled away slightly.

Foreheads pressed against each other, brushing lips and their mingling breaths, he savored this moment and broke the silence.

"Hey, Sweetheart…Marry me."

Eden who had joined his mate and was standing with him a few steps away, gasped and placed a hand in front of his mouth. The omega's eyes sparkled with excitement as he stared at Connor to hear his answer.

"Aren't you sly like a snake? Asking me that, now, when I'm at my weakest state, in front of so many witnesses." The agent chuckled.

The man gave him the same look of pure adoration that he had at the very beginning of their relationship. Years together and several hardships hadn't tainted the intense feelings he could read in his eyes.

"I don't mind being sly like a snake if it means that I can entangle our lives together until the very end. I adore you, Sweetheart. Even more than words could ever say."

Connor felt his heart swell and bit the inside of his cheek to hold back the tears. He swallowed hard to clear the lump in his throat.

"I already marked you, I guess scribbling on a piece of paper it's just a formality."

"Is that a yes?" The doctor's face lit up and Connor grabbed the front of his shirt to kiss him passionately.

"A big fat yes," Connor said after he pulled out.

Glen leaned close to his mate's ear who was staring with eyes full of emotions at the couple kissing again, and he whispered.

"Want to make out too?"

The male omega pulled away and glared at his mate before glancing at his father who, less than three feet away from them, had heard it all.

Silver, face impassive, continued to stare ahead. Truthfully, the werewolf didn't know where to look between Eden and his mate who was flirting near him, and the couple of humans who continued, oblivious to their surroundings, to show their affection. The alpha chose the status quo and continued to feign complete indifference.

The tips of his ears were slightly red and Eden crossed his arms before answering his mate with their link.

[Tonight, back in the cave, and you better be ready for it!]

Glen chortled at the words he just heard in his head and replied the same way.

[Yes, babe!]

Greg helped Connor to his feet and they walked together to Glen and Eden when they heard voices calling out to them.

"Hey! Hey!"

A Bloodhood fighter was waving his hand to get their attention as he was just a few feet away from the Skinwalker's body. The whole group turned to listen to the werewolf. The latter pointed his clawed finger at the wolf and shouted at them.

"Isn't he supposed to turn back to his human form when he dies? I thought that was one of the big differences between us?"

Glen and Eden exchanged a look and yelled out at the fighters.

"Get the hell out of here!"

The werewolf stopped moving his hand and lowered his head to the body. He wasn't sure, but he thought he heard a faint noise. As he focused, he heard his Alpha's command echoing in his head through a link.


Too late. The second after he heard that word, several spikes emerged from Wyatt's body and impaled him as well as all the other Bloodhood fighters who were walking to catch up with their Alpha.

Silver watched as the bodies of his packmates were pierced from all sides. Eden had used his protection skill to create a dome around them, but the alpha refused to helplessly watch the torture of his men. Thanks to their healing power, if their heart weren't pierced, or their head cut off, they could get over it but they still felt the pain.

He was already hurtling towards them when one of the Skinwalker's whips flattened into a blade-like shape.

A bad feeling gripped Silver's chest as the black blade rose. Wyatt put his new weapon in motion and the leader's eyes widened.. In a split second, nine heads had just fallen and rolled on the ground.