Chapter 144 - 143. So Much More

Name:Wolf you Up! Author:JustL89
The sound that swept through Red Creek Academy and dispersed for almost a mile was something none of the younger werewolves present had ever heard and something the older ones wished they never heard again.

It was a sound that resonated in times of war. A sound that came from a time when werewolves shed the blood of their enemies instead of engaging in parleys. A sound that echoed in the greatest bloodbath their kind had ever seen.

Glen's growl made the air vibrate. It shook the buildings' walls around them as well as the ground under their feet. Inside, students, teachers, employees all were affected by the warning cried out by Bloodhood's future alpha. Everyone instinctively understood the message and the threat behind it.

Many, the weaker ones, fainted, others were paralyzed, froze in place. All of them were unable to process the terror that was creeping through their body. All, without exception, prayed that this growl remains only a warning. They had all felt how powerful was this death threat. Therefore, they all knew that if the werewolf who cried it out ever attack, none of them would be able to stop him.

Not far from the entrance, hidden behind a wall, a werewolf in his human form was crouched, unable to move. The man's hands were shaking and it was the only movement his body could do.

Carter Red Creek remained for what seemed like an eternity, in that position that showed his defeat before he even started the fight. Bent over and unable to straighten up, in the werewolf's mind various thoughts swirled.

The leader reviewed the calculations he had made. The calculations that had led him to this failure. How could his son, the one who he thought was a defective product, be so powerful?

The alpha couldn't deny the truth. Facing Glen meant death. The one he had considered as the biggest failure of his life, such a failure that he hid his existence and tried to kill him, the one that he saw as an abomination, had just revealed a power he would never have suspected. And that wasn't all. Glen, in front of all the werewolves present at the academy, threatened him and the alpha could do nothing except stay hidden because if he moved, he was sure to meet death.

Even though Alpha Carter's cowardice had forced Glen to let the whole school hear his admonition growl, the dominant had achieved his goal. He didn't know exactly where his father was and it didn't matter. He smelled his pheromones and didn't doubt for a second that the alpha had understood his message.

He turned to Dante to see how the beta had taken the growl and he saw the latter was busy looking around with a shocked look on his face. Around them, all the werewolves were either passed out on the ground, paralyzed, or in shock. He assumed it was the same inside the surrounding buildings as an eerie silence had settled in after.

"What the hell was that? How did you do that?" asked the beta, turning his head to Glen.

"You're… Dante, you're fine!"

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I? The problem is why is everyone like that?"

"Because that's how they should be! Every werewolf who isn't... Wait! Let me see if.." Glen paused and stared intently at Dante through the system's screen.

The beta quickly felt uncomfortable being scrutinized by his best friend's mate and frowned.

"W-what? Why are you staring at me like that?" A smirk appeared on the alpha's mouth in response and Glen only lowered his head to his mate to check whether he was still asleep or not.

"I'll explain to you later. For now, come with me. I'm taking Eden back to Connor's and you're coming too. The two of you! I need to speak to Alpha Silver and I prefer you to be with me for now." Glen turned for a moment to call out to the omega female with fire-like strands of hair who stood in the distance. She seemed as overwhelmed by the situation as her mate.


The female werewolf looked up at him and the alpha nodded at her to let her know that they were leaving and she should join them.

Cherry ran to join them almost immediately. The female omega had no idea how to process the whole scene she had witnessed. She stopped beside Dante, her mouth slightly open as she turned her head to look around and words were still stuck in her throat.

"We have class this afternoon…" tried to protest Dante when he saw Glen walking away without a look behind.

The beta had qualms about leaving school in the middle of the day. Connor patted him on the school before waving his hand wide at the chaotic scene around them.

"Do you think you will have class this afternoon?" The agent's presumption made sense and, without giving him time to think, he pushed the couple to the exit that Glen and Eden who was coiled in his arms had already reached.


Silver Bloodhood picked up his phone with a slight apprehension when he saw the name on the screen. The device had only one use for the werewolf, to keep him informed of fresh news between the packs and of emergencies.

What Glen's voice told him only half surprised him. Just before they left, the young alpha had shared his fears about Eden's return to Red Creek's territory.

This discussion was his motivation to speed up the process. As soon as Eden and his mate leave, the leader informed the WIA that his future alpha would be Bloodhood's authority figure on the outside. Moreover, Glen would take charge of relations between Red Creek and the traditional pack. Indeed, the two alphas were convinced that Red Creek would try something fishy.

It was obvious, given that it was Red Creek who had manipulated Grey Wolf to set up the dead-end.

Eden had resumed his classes and everything was going well. So much that this calm arose the leader's suspicion. However, Silver was happy to see that his son's mate assumed his role as future alpha with much more ease and confidence than he would have thought. The young dominant had perfectly managed his first mission and calm the tension that was rising between a new pack and the surrounding rogues.

Once again, everything was going fine. Until this phone call. When Silver Bloodhood heard that Red Creek's beta, who also was the dean of Red Creek academy abused his position to go after his son, the alpha's entire body went cold. He didn't hear the end of the conversation. He didn't need to hear anything more. A pack tried to attack his son. He didn't need any more information.

The alpha's fingers clenched around the device, which shell bent. It resisted for a moment but ended up being crushed between the leader's fingers. When she saw her mate's reaction after the call, Snow Bloodhood immediately knew that something had happened and it was about their son.

A few minutes before the phone call, Bloodhood's alpha, and the Luna were deep in conversation with Silphie and The Elder. The impromptu call had therefore put an early end to the exchange since the leader had suddenly got up to storm out of the meeting room. Acher Rivers also followed suit and Snow apologized to their guests and bit them goodbye to handle the matter.

She arrived just as her mate was starting to bark orders in an angry voice.

"Acher, can you, please, leave us a moment?" Snow interrupted.

Silver turned her head to the female werewolf with white fur that reminded a winter's morning. He wasn't used to her interrupting him at busy times like this, and the alpha couldn't understand the disapproving look she'd put on as soon as the beta of their pack had walked away.

"Silver, I want you to listen to me carefully. I don't know what it is, but I can tell it's about Eden. Don't go to Red Creek."

"What? How can you tell me to…"

"Don't go… It won't do any good if you go there."

The alpha was furious to hear his mate. How could she tell him not to go after the pack that had tried to hurt his omega son?

"How can you talk you don't even know what it's about!" growled the werewolf. Silver was only a few steps away from losing control of his emotions. "Beta Tomas tried to hurt Eden. This cunning mutt took advantage of his position to attack my son and I should just stand there and do nothing?"

"Yes, I know it's hard but you..."

"Don't tell me what to do!" screamed the alpha whose voice echoed through the room.

"This is not your fight!" Snow Bloodhood answered him with at least as much anger in her voice. "I'm your Luna and your mate! Bloodhood is our pack and Eden is our son. It means that it's my place to tell you when you're wrong, Alpha!"

Her chest heaved after her sudden outburst of voice. The female omega wasn't one to easily lose her temper, but her outbursts of anger were famous for their intensity. She glared at her dominant who opened his mouth but didn't dare to retort because he knew she was right. When she saw that he was finally willing to listen, she added in a lower voice but with an equally icy tone.

"And if you don't want to sleep and stargaze tonight I advise you to watch the tone you speak to me."

Silver Bloodhood stood sheepishly. His anger hadn't gone away but he didn't know what to do with it now that his mate had stopped him. Snow sighed to let go of all her negative feelings. The discussion she was about to have with her mate and leader needed her to have a cool head.

"Let the kids handle the whole matter."

"But…" Snow lifted a hand and prevented the Alpha from interrupting her further.

"You put Glen in charge of what could happen at Red Creek and you knew something would happen right?"

"Yes, but I didn't think they would attack Eden. They tried to hurt him, Snow!"

"And I'm sure not only Eden did  teach him a good lesson, but his mate was also there to have his back, am I right or not?"

"Yes, you're right but…"

"This is not your battle, Alpha. It's theirs."


Silver lowered his head, frustrated. The werewolf knew that his mate was right. Nevertheless, he couldn't bear the idea of ​​just not reacting to such an unforgivable act. What Red Creek did could be taken as a declaration of war.

"He is my son…" the werewolf finally whispered.

There was something fragile about his voice that the dominant rarely showed, even to her. The female omega remembered how her mate broke down in tears when he first held the tiny ball of golden fur that was Eden in his big clawed hands.

The alpha who had never shown the slightest weakness on a battlefield, never shed the slightest tear even under the blows of his enemies, had simply been struck down by this little being. In his eyes, she had read his resolve to protect him from whatever might happen to him.

Except that what Silver wanted to protect Eden from was his fate. Snow had understood this during her last argument with her son. The female omega stepped closer and put a hand on her dominant's cheek to stroke it.

"Eden is our son, you're right, but he is so much more. And you know, this so much more that he is will never happen if you don't let it. He has to win his battles and you have to trust him. Not only because you are his father, but because one day he will be our leader. He will be our King.. You have to let him fight his own battle if you want him to grow wise."