Chapter 155 - 154. Don't Run Away [M]

Name:Wolf you Up! Author:JustL89
Glen opened his eyes at the same time as Eden who was lying next to him. The two werewolves were back from the magic dimension where they had trained, like every evening since they met with the alpha of the Red Orbs pack five days ago.

They hadn't been there since their visit to the Servants of Talamh. Partly because they needed to digest everything that had happened, and the other reason was that the chain of events hadn't given them time.

However, after what occurred the last time he used his Skill Domination, Eden knew that gaining power and leveling up as quickly as possible was no longer an option. He had to get stronger. Not only to be able to use all of his skills without having penalties but also because he knew that many fights awaited them and that he had to be ready.

To train, Eden had finally stayed all week at Glen's place instead of one night. Cherry and Dante had preferred to go back to the dormitory now that the fright had passed and the adrenaline had subsided.

The culprits of their assault had been expelled as Joyce Bhlath had said and the incident had been the subject of stern warnings from the dean, Tomas Red Creek, saying that mistreatment of omega students wouldn't be tolerated. Every misconduct would be sanctioned by immediate dismissal.

The female omega, therefore, felt sufficiently safe, especially since Dante came to pick her up every morning and accompanied her every evening to the gate of the omegas' dormitory. He didn't leave her side either between classes or during the lunch break.

Eden meanwhile had to adapt his schedule to his nocturnal visits to the magic dimensions.

Every day after his classes, once he was sure he had mastered everything and was up to date with his assignments, he would get ready for the night and connect with Glen to go fight in the magic forest.

Since their bodies were deep in sleep and they didn't feel tired from the time spent inside the magic space, his schedule's arrangement didn't particularly bother him. The only change is that he had to go to the academy from Glen's house and again, the alpha was happy to drive him every day and pick him up every night. To make it easier for them, the weather was starting to warm up as spring was coming.

Finally, the awaited day was here and all the lights seemed to be green for the encounter with the blood-red-haired alpha.

Krasny Licht had agreed to the deal, and today was the day he came to Bloodhood's territory. They had to get ready and check everything to move on to the second part of their plan.

Eden lay around for a moment staring at the ceiling and Glen knew what he was doing. The alpha turned to the side to look at him. He detailed every part of the face of the man he loved so much and his gaze lingered on the full and plump lips of the omega who was busy checking his statistics.

His blond hair elegantly decorated his pillow as he appreciated the result of his efforts after five nights of restless fighting in the forest.

The first night had been difficult because, with all the levels he had gained after the episode with Sora's dome, the difficulty was set to a level that had nothing to do with what he had experienced until then. None of the werewolves Eden had faced were below level 200 and his mate who scrupulously respected what they had agreed upon, didn't interfere in his fights.

The alpha barely offered him pointers so he wouldn't be completely overwhelmed when he was cornered by multiple enemies.

That night, like all the others, they had been disconnected once the time they had set was up and Eden opened his eyes with relief, delighted not to have to bear the pain of his opponents' blows which he felt perfectly. Too perfectly.

His points of strength, agility, speed and intelligence had increased significantly to match the many levels he had gained.

[Eden Bloodhood Level: 174

Race: Werewolf

Blood rank: Omega

Kind: ???

Class: Legendary

Name: The Chosen One

Stats: strength: 7,052 / 10,000

Speed: 3,304 / 25,000

Agility: 341 / 25,000

Intellect: 2,242 / 25,000

HP: 790/790

Skills: Perception (Active, Class Legendary)

Strength of the Ancients (Active)

Blessing of the Goddess (Active)

Fated Bond (Active)

Healing (Active, Class Legendary)

Protection (Active, Class Legendary)

Domination (Active, Class Legendary)

Elixir of the Moon Goddess (Active, Class Legendary)

Command of the King (Active, Class Legendary)

Item: Moon Protection Mark 5/5]

Feeling his mate's insistent gaze, Eden continued to look straight ahead and spoke to him.

"You're staring…"

"Yeah. The view is pretty."

Eden chuckled and finally turned off the screen to give his mate the attention he craved.

"You, sweet talker!"

"Nope! I'm barely stating the obvious."

The omega turned sideways so that they faced each other and put a hand on his cheek to caress it. Glen smiled at the touch and, when Eden's palm stopped in front of his mouth, he placed a kiss. The blond smiled but it faded.

"I failed to reach Legendary tier for strength points as the system requires to use Domination and Command of the King without any penalties."

"It's the only ability that didn't reach Legendary tier. Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure if you keep going like that next week too you will reach it."

"Until all my abilities reach the legendary class, I can only gain 5 points of strength per fight. I would have to win at least 100 fights per night to get the points I'm missing. The best I did this week was 39 won fights in one night. It seems impossible, at least next week." Eden declared with a disappointed pout.

"You wanted to use your Domination ability?"

"Yeah, I thought it would have more impact to prove to Alpha Krasny my words and my determination to achieve my goal. I'm sure that right now, he only agrees to the alliance because my father is Silver Bloodhood also because he can feel your strength. But it was me and me alone who decided to drag everyone including the pack on this journey. I'd like him to join me and not my father or you."

"If I make sure you can use your ability without backlash, can I have a reward?"

Glen's hands were already gripping the omega's hips, pulling him closer. Before Eden reacted, the alpha had already slipped a hand under the t-shirt that the younger werewolf had borrowed from him to sleep.

"Don't try to get me! My Perception skill is telling me it's just a trap to lure me into your bed!"

Eden chortled and tried to escape the hand.

"You're already in my bed!" Glen retorted, in the same playful tone.

The male omega managed to extricate himself from his mate's embrace and get up from the bed to no longer be within reach of his alpha.

On this guard, he glanced at the bathroom door which was on Glen's side. He had to pass by the alpha to reach it and get ready. He was ready to try his luck, but that was without the hunger felt by the dominant who had behaved not to disturb his mate's schedule all week.

To say Glen was a hungry wolf was an understatement. And to make things worst, his prey slept next to him every night, confident that nothing would happen. The alpha had reached his limit. He needed to savor again that exquisite flavor he had tasted the night he made him his omega.

Kneeling on the bed, Glen was alert. His eyes scrutinized every detail of Eden's body position to predict his next moves and block him. He knew that his only solution was to take refuge in the bathroom because he would outrun him if the blond decided to turn around and rush to the bedroom's front door. He watched the muscles tense imperceptibly and he held back the smirk that would betray he had understood the intentions of the younger werewolf. Eden's eyes sparkled with excitement.

He feinted and pretended to go to the left before suddenly dashing with all his might to the right. The male omega had hoped that the werewolf didn't expect him to tumble on him which would give him free rein to jump over the bed and reach the bathroom door.

Unfortunately, Glen had seen through his adorable and mischievous mate. He caught him as Eden's hand reached out for the doorknob. The blond, lifted from the floor, ended up wedged under the alpha's arm.

Upset because he couldn't do anything to escape, Eden watched the dominant bring him back to the bed where he sat down before putting him across his legs. As the omega wriggled to get down from the position, he felt a burn on his left asscheek when Glen's hand spanked him to make him stop all movement.

The body of the male omega stiffened and one second later, his head turned to let see the glare he was addressing to his mate.

"Don't move or I'll do it again."

Eden was ready to show how foul his mouth could be but the dominant's finger pressed against the entrance to his asshole through his underwear and killed all protest. Instead, a moan of pleasure escaped as he automatically began to wet thoroughly. Glen rubbed the eager hole and his low voice echoed in Eden's ears.

"Why are you fighting it when you want it as much as I do? Tell me, my love. I behaved so well all this week, don't I deserve a reward? Give me my reward please, I want it."

His middle finger which he had already slipped inside the omega's underwear stopped in front of the entrance to the hole which had only been slightly stimulated but which had already been abundantly lubricated.

"I won't do it until you tell me that you want me. I want to hear you, my love."

Glen looked at his mate who had been lying across his legs, his face pressed against the mattress and his neck crimson red. Eden turned his head to the side, revealing his face and an expression that made the alpha's cock harden.

"P-Put it in."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Glen thrust his finger inside, inciting a moan which Eden tried to stifle in vain. A smirk of satisfaction lifted the corners of the dominant's mouth as he started to relax and prepare his mate.

In. Out. Again and again, he moved his fingers inside the hole to loosen it. When he slid a third finger, he saw the shiver that ran through the body of the omega which stifled his moans as best they could in the mattress.

His cock twitched in response and he decided enough was enough. Glen withdrew his fingers and the omega gasped as his hole was suddenly empty when it wanted to be filled. The alpha lifted his mate's upper body to place it in the middle of the bed and removed the unnecessary underwear.

Glen, then, got up and removed his t-shirt before pulling a condom from the bedside table. He didn't even bother to take off his sweatpants and just pulled out his dick before unrolling the piece of latex over his penis.

"Face down, ass up." The low, deep voice of an alpha command, Eden knew that with his command of the king, he didn't have to comply.

He knew it and yet he laid his head on the pillow and lifted his ass to present it to his dominant. He felt the tip of the cock he craved so much press against his hole.

The werewolf with long black hair gently entered the warm and tasteful cave which welcomed him by massaging the entire length of his shaft. Glen passed a hand under Eden's body to grab his penis and the other slid his mate's t-shirt to reveal his back. He showered the omega's back with wet kisses to soften each brutal thrust that pushed him in and then pulled him out of the heavenly hole.

Each thrust was more powerful than the previous one as if the alpha had trouble keeping control over his strength. Eden wriggled and tried to move away to reduce the pressure that was going to make him come too quickly. Unfortunately, Glen caught him, unhappy with what he took for an escape attempt.

"Don't run away from me. You asked me to put it in." He grabbed Eden's leg and lifted it, tipping him to the side and penetrating him even more intensely. In this position, the omega was exposed, his leg lifted in the air, and rested on the right shoulder of Glen who turned his head to bite the calf before starting to thrust again. Stronger and stronger.


Eden's screams and moans filled their room and Glen's ears. The dominant closed his eyes, nibbling his mate's calf as he enjoyed the melody he made him play with his cock.

"Tou-Touch my dick!" begged Eden and the alpha opened his eyes before looking down at the quivering shaft.

Suddenly, three loud knocks sounded against the door and Connor's voice boomed from outside.

"Our plane is in two hours and we have more than half an hour drive, you have twenty minutes to finish because it's the weekend and the boarding counter will be crowded."

The light brown-haired man finished his sentence and the two werewolves heard his footsteps moving away from the door and down the stairs. When the front door's house slammed, the alpha lay down with his torso pressed to his mate's back and he kissed his neck, then whispered.

"Let's wrap things nicely so we won't be late, okay?" Eden nodded, his mind clouded with pleasure and the dominant began to thrust inside again with a steady rhythm.


When Eden then Glen rushed into the agent's car a little over forty minutes later, their hair still wet and out of breath, the driver only put down his phone without even a glance at the alpha who had just taken his place next to him.

"I hope it was good at least," Connor said as he started the engine and Glen's response followed without pause.

"Hella good, yes!"