Zou Yi smiled: "if the enemy can't hit me, my life is big."

The man in white smiled and patted Zou Yi on the shoulder: "good boy. If we can go back smoothly this time, I'll ask the team leader to suggest that you call our national security team."

Zou Yi didn't care about it, but pointed to a position in front and said, "there is an enemy hiding behind the grass over there."

The man in white looked at Zou Yi suspiciously. The gun in his hand was slowly raised and aimed at the grass Zou Yi said.

When the gunshot rang, Zou Yi saw the bullet fly out of the gun and accurately hit the enemy hiding behind the grass 60 meters away.

The enemy fell down without a hum. The bulletproof vests he was wearing were useless.

Men in white use special bullets that can break through armor. Ordinary bulletproof vests are completely ineffective.

Although Zou Yi has never seen such bullets or even touched guns and ammunition, she is still very surprised to see such effects.

He thought he had mana, and ordinary guns had no effect on him. Now that he has seen the power of guns, he knows that his strength is not enough to fight with guns.

"There are really enemies," said the man in white with a smile. "How did you find enemies there? At such a long distance, there are plants and trees blocking the view... "

Zou Yi smiled: "my eyesight is very good. I can see subtle movements in the distance... About 15 meters to the left, there is an enemy behind the big tree."

The man in white didn't doubt Zou Yi's words any more. He raised his hand and shot the big tree Zou Yi said.

The man in white must be very aware of the power of the gun in his hand, regardless of whether the trunk of the tree will hinder his attack.

The bullet directly penetrated the trunk of the tree and accurately hit the enemy behind the tree.

This time, perhaps there was a big tree. The enemy didn't die immediately after he was injured, but fell to the ground and struggled for a while.

The man in white made up a shot. The man died. He looked here before he died. There was a kind of deep reluctance in his eyes.

Zou Yixin couldn't bear it, but the man in white didn't care: "where are the enemies?"

Zou Yi heard what the man in White said, looked left and right, pointed to a mountain stone and said, "there is one behind that stone 100 meters away."

The man in white frowned slightly: "it's too far away and there's a stone blocking him. I can't hit him... You wait for me. I'll kill him."

Zou Yi didn't find any other enemies there, so she didn't stop the man in white.

Zou Yi saw the man in white sneaking slowly to the left of the mountain and stone, circuitously approaching the enemy, so she quickly got up and ran to the nearest man in black leather.

The man in black leather had noticed Zou Yi and the man in white. Seeing Zou Yi coming, he said directly, "can you find the enemy's position?"

Zou Yi nodded: "the sniper in front of you, the man who hit the helicopter, hid behind the hill, about 300 meters away."

The man in black leather frowned and said, "cunning enemy, we can't reach our guns... How many enemies are there?"

Zou Yi observed carefully and said carefully, "I can see only one person. I don't know if there are others hiding where I can't see."

The man in black leather nodded: "I believe you. When I kill the sniper, you can help others find the hidden enemy... Thank you. "

Zou Yi smiled. While the man in black leather set out, she quietly touched ah yuan's side.

Ah yuan also noticed Zou Yi's move long ago. Seeing Zou Yi coming, she said directly, "where is the enemy?"

Zou Yi didn't talk nonsense. After observing, she whispered, "there are two enemies in front of you, one with a gun in his hand and the other with a rocket launcher... They want to attack the helicopter again... No, they attack the people who escaped from the helicopter..."

"Where and how far?" Ah Yuan said anxiously, "tell me quickly!"

Zou Yi said, "at ten o'clock, they are together, 80 meters away."

"Damn it," ah Yuan said angrily in a hurry, "it's a little far away. I'll rush to kill them..."

When ah yuan spoke, people rushed out, as if they didn't talk to Zou Yi at all.

Zou Yi shook her head slightly and was helpless to the big star.

The last person on guard was a man in a suit. He stayed with Liu Lao, the leader of the national security team.

Zou Yi knew there was no enemy on their side, so she didn't hurry over, but stared at ah Yuan who rushed out to see how she killed the enemy.

The people of the national security team are actually agents. After long training, they are naturally extraordinary.

When ah yuan rushed out, she took the S-shaped route, but the enemy's reaction ability was very strong, and each attack was only a line short. As long as ah yuan is a little slower, she will be hit.

Zou Yi is worried, but he can't help at this time. If he did, he would have no chance to leave the control of the national security group in his life.

It's strange that the people of Guoan group don't treat him as a monster. Everyone will treat him as a monster when they see magic.

Ah yuan's speed seems very slow to Zou Yi. But in the eyes of ordinary people, it is amazing enough. Therefore, the enemy failed to hit ah yuan all the time. Ah yuan successfully broke into about 30 meters and entered the range.

The gunfire was heard all the time. Zou Yi gradually got used to it and didn't respond to the gunfire.

Ah yuan launched a decisive attack, "Pa Pa Pa" three shots in a row. The first shot was the public carrying the rocket launcher on the enemy's shoulder, so that the enemy let go of the rocket launcher and could not attack the people on and off the helicopter for the time being.

The second shot hit the gunman's chest. The bullet passed through the chest and killed the enemy directly.

Third, the first enemy who was injured in the shooting was also killed with one shot.

The natural and unrestrained turn around, like a yuan in a movie, gave Zou Yi a smile that was still cold, but barely a smile.

Ah yuan's character is about this, cold, even cold.

Zou Yi smiled. When she turned to see the man in white, she found that the man in white had successfully sniped his opponent and was looking at Zou Yi.

Zou Yi smiled again and looked at the man in black leather.

The man in black leather was still running. The enemy on the opposite side shot from time to time. The bullet closely followed the man in black leather, but it was always a little short and failed to hit the man in black leather.

Zou Yi was relieved to see that the men in black leather were strong, even above ah yuan.

Almost everyone was looking at the man in black leather, waiting for him to kill the last enemy. Only Zou Yi got up quietly and quickly returned to the place where her brother and sister-in-law were.