The matter of Princess Hui came to an end for the time being. Zou Yi almost immediately returned to the main hall of Xianfu and began to study the way of array.

Millennium Qingyun chose to rest. He said he was too tired and had to rest for at least three days, otherwise his old body couldn't stand it.

Zou Yi didn't insist on the millennium green cloud. She returned to the main hall of the immortal mansion and immediately pulled the people in the immortal world who were studying the array here to ask about the progress.

Unfortunately, Zou Yi, Millennium Qingyun and Millennium ice are not here recently. Master Tong not only wants to teach the way of the array of people in the fairy world, but also studies Zou Yi's array of reversing time and space. There is little progress.

Zou Yi doesn't blame master Tong. He knows that the array is broad and profound. Master tong can't study the array to reverse time and space alone.

For more than a month, Zou Yi has been studying the way of array. She hasn't left the main hall of Xianfu. She studies the array with master Tong and others all day, hoping to find a super array to reverse time and space, reverse everything that is happening now, stop the invasion of chaotic people from the source, and save a group of creatures who died in the hands of chaotic people.

I have to say that this idea is very good, but it is really difficult to realize it. Even the array master Millennium Qingyun, who is proficient in array, doesn't know how to do it, let alone others.

Naturally, this is also because there are too few people who practice arrays and have made great achievements in array. If it was in the heyday of array, in ancient times, someone might have developed an array to reverse time and space.

Zou Yi and others studied for a long time and couldn't find the right way. Helpless, Zou Yi decided to find another way to see if they could find a ready-made similar array and learn from the experience of their predecessors.

As soon as Zou Yi came up with this idea, Millennium Qingyun immediately said it was difficult. After all, time has passed for too long. If such an array still exists, I'm afraid that the place is also a dangerous place that ordinary people can't enter, otherwise it would have been taken away.

Zou Yi thinks that the fairyland is vast. Maybe there are undiscovered treasures left from ancient times in some places. Maybe there are similar arrays. If they can be found, it will save a lot of time.

Millennium Qingyun saw Zou Yi's confident appearance, so he didn't say much. Let Zou Yi organize people and start looking for a secret place that may have been left in ancient times.

The fairyland is peaceful for the time being. The 60 million fairyland people don't have much to do. It's just a task to ask them to help find the secret place left in ancient times.

To this end, Zou Yi has established a new organization, treasure hunt Pavilion, a confidential organization in the fairy world, which is directly under Zou Yi's jurisdiction and is only responsible for Zou Yi.

Zou Yi smiled and asked, "did you find this secret place? How did you find something wrong with the statue and discover the secret place? "

The Charter said: "I live here. I heard that Xianjun was looking for a secret place in ancient times a few days ago. On a whim, I checked my residence and accidentally found that the statue was strange. I know a little about the secret treasure hunt. When I explore it, I find that this is really a secret place left by the ancient times, so I quickly report it to the treasure hunt Pavilion. Please come and have a look. "

Zou Yi nodded: "stay in the treasure hunt Pavilion and work later."

The constitution was very happy and quickly said, "thank you, Xianjun. My subordinates will do their best to find a secret place for Xianjun."

Zou Yi nodded again and walked into the secret place first. He felt like he had passed through a transmission array. In an instant, he left his place and went to a new place.

Looking back, there is really a small transmission array running behind. It seems that the people who set up this transmission array were very powerful. After countless years, the transmission array can still operate, which ordinary people can't do.

Millennium ice then entered the secret place. Behind her were the stewards of the treasure hunt Pavilion and several Zou Yi guards. A group of more than ten people stood in the secret place, and everyone showed a look of surprise.

This secret place is very unusual. It looks like an independent small world, with green mountains and green water, bright sun and breeze, fish, shrimp and birds

Zou Yi couldn't help sighing: "it's really suitable for human beings to live here. The scenery is beautiful and the environment is elegant. If you live here, you'll be relaxed and happy and don't miss Shu."

Everyone laughed. Looking at the beautiful scenery in each direction, they forgot what they were doing here.

Zou Yi tasted for a while and gradually recovered: "leave two people to guard the transmission array. Others look for it separately to see if there are any arrays left in ancient times that we need. Don't touch anything here to avoid danger. "

Everyone answered "yes" together, separated from each other, entered the depths of the secret realm and began to look for the ancient array needed by Zou Yi.

This secret place is too much like a small world outside. Zou Yi and Millennium ice walk around. It feels like walking and playing, but it's not like looking for ancient arrays.

After walking for a while, they were surprised to see a shabby hut in front of them. After all, there was no trace of human beings here. How did the hut appear?

Just when they felt surprised and puzzled, a voice came from their left: "who are you looking for?"

This is obviously the human voice. It speaks the customary language of the fairy world. Zou Yi and Millennium ice can understand it.