11 Comparing Kisses Wow! I'sm Gay!

Name:Wow! I'm Gay! Author:grimmaelover

Hunter couldn't help but compare the peck to the kisses that he got and gave Zane.

With Zane, the kiss was more firm, more demanding, and overall more right-feeling.

With Sammy it felt much softer, much sweeter and overall comforting. Like a hug, but not. That doesn't even make sense to Hunter and he was the one feeling it.

"Hunter…" Sammy started saying, Hunter quickly cut him off.

"Sammy, I'm so sorry. I wanted to confirm what I was feeling. I don't know anybody else who would help me with this."

"Okay," Sammy said.

"I want you to leave now," Hunter said quietly, moving Sammy's arm from around him. "It's nothing against you, I just feel like I have to be alone right now."

"That's fine," Sammy said with a hurt tone in his voice. Hunter cringed and felt the tears again.

"Sammy, You gotta know that I love you. I just want to think about this for a while," Hunter sniffled before continuing, "By myself."@@