Chapter 151

Sleeping with a strange man

Early the next morning, I received a call from Qin Muyan.

His voice is calm, but his tone is very urgent, "go to the Red Sea Hotel! There's something wrong with Jiang Nan! "

I didn't understand what Qin Muyan meant when I arrived as soon as I could.

Jiang Nan is sitting alone on the messy bed of the hotel, surrounded by a mess. Her clothes and a pair of men's underwear are scattered on the ground. The air is confused, mixed with the smell of wine for the night.

Her head was slightly down, her long hair was scattered, and she could not see the expression on her face.

I tried to walk over carefully, put light of their tone, so as not to stimulate her mood, sitting beside her, softly asked, "Nannan, are you ok?"

Jiang Nan raised his head, delicate cheek is five distinct fingerprints, there are dry blood at the corner of the mouth.

She looked at me, eyes a sad, open mouth, but did not speak.

I've never seen her in such a state of distress. Her heart was as painful as being pulled by someone. I reached out to help her put her messy hair behind her ears. I asked, "Nannan, what's the matter?"

She blinked and even laughed at me.

That's the saddest smile I've ever seen.

She said, "damn love!"

Jiang Nan told me before that she didn't have a father or a mother, and she didn't go to school well. She was alone all these years. She was not afraid of big things because she had nothing to lose.

In fact, she did. No matter what she suffered, she just passed away with a smile.

But this time, such a fearless and fearless woman as she was never able to recover. She had a high fever at noon, lying in bed, sleeping and talking nonsense.

She is just a friend of mine, and I will not hesitate to accompany her and take care of her.

In the afternoon, Qin Muyan came to give me some daily necessities. Before Maodou left, he gave him his key, so he could go in and out of my house freely.

From Qin Muyan, I learned the cause and effect of the incident.

After quarreling with Dong Yu, Jiang Nan is in a bad mood. She goes to the bar to get drunk by herself. She drinks too much and goes to bed with the man in the bar.

Dong Yu wants to retrieve her. He runs to the bar to find her. He learns that she has gone with others. He inquires all the way. As a result, he finds Jiang Nan naked on the bed of the Red Sea Hotel.

The man has disappeared.

Dong Yu was so angry that he grabbed Jiang Nan's hair and pulled her out of bed. He raised his hand and slapped her in the face.

Then Qin Muyan arrived, took Dong Yu away and called me to take care of Jiang Nan.

Qin Mu Yan looked at me and laughed sarcastically, "your best friend has hurt Dong Yu so much this time. Now he is soaking in the card table day by day. He will pick up any woman who will plug him."

Looking back at Jiang Nan, who was still lying on the bed with a high fever, my tone was even worse, "then he was hurt and really happy! Jiang Nan is lying on the hospital bed for him, but he has gone to have fun, and he doesn't know who was hurt! "

Qin Mu Yan's deep eyes looked at me and sighed, "you don't understand. Dong Yu has been like this all the time. After meeting Jiang Nan, he seems to have changed a person. Do you think how frustrated he is now that he has gone back to the past? " I gave a cold hum, not in agreement.

Jiang Nan's fever is repeated, has been burning for several days is not back, I am anxious mouth bubble.

The doctor said that she was depressed and her resistance declined. To put it bluntly, it was caused by her mood. I had no choice but to talk to her all the time.

"Nannan, I know that you still have Dong Yu in your heart. I've known you for so many years. I've never seen you like this. I know you've moved your heart. But Nannan, it's so far. What's the use of you tossing about? Whether it's on or off, you have to do well in your body. " I took her hand and whispered.

Jiang Nan's eyes moved. A drop of tears slipped from the corner of her eyes and quickly slid to her temples. As fast as never before.

"He and I never met." She opened her mouth, her voice was dry, her eyes were gray.

This is the second sentence she said to me after that.

After that, Jiang Nan took the medicine on time, and her health gradually improved. Every day, she played with me as usual, and talked and laughed. It seemed that she had become the high spirited and fearless Jiang Nan again.

But a moment, her eyes will suddenly appear very deep sadness, perhaps in a gossip magazine appeared Dong Shao and a star of the peach affair, perhaps, just in the dead of night.

I have no way.

She told me that when Dong Yu went to catch the traitor that day, she had a fight with him. She said, you can hook up with other women and appear on the cover of a magazine. What happened to my last man?!

That's what Dong Yu slapped her.

It's also at this time that I learned that when I met them in the company, it was because Jiang Nan saw the scandal of Dong Yu again.

Nearly a month has passed. Dong Yu occasionally comes to the company, but he has never been to Jiang Nan's floor again.

Only once, when Jiang Nan and I went down to dinner together, he happened to be at the entrance of the elevator, saw us in the elevator, turned and left.

My hand was held by Jiang Nan out of the red seal, but when she looked up, she was still all manner of smiling as if nothing had happened.

Qin Muyan later told me that the reason why Dong Yu avoided her was that he had not forgotten her.

After Maodou went abroad, Qin Muyan often came to my home to eat and drink.

Most of the time I cook, and occasionally when I come to my aunt, he will cook me thick and fragrant porridge and bring it to my bed.

"Get up and eat porridge." His fingers are long and slender, holding a white porcelain bowl, cold with tenderness, is the kind of contradictory temperament that can fascinate women to death.

I lay on the bed and half sat up feebly.

He took a spoon with a small spoon, put it on the thin lip and blew it carefully. He touched it with his lips to make sure the temperature was right before feeding it to my mouth.

No one in my life has treated me so carefully except my mother.

I remember when I was with Fang Dawei, my aunt worked as usual, but she had to use cold water to cook and wash clothes when I got home. If I was not careful, I might be scolded by a bad mother-in-law, which led to my aunt's pain.

Maybe the women at this time are more emotional. Looking at the steaming porridge Qin Muyan handed over, my heart suddenly soured, "Why are you so good to me?"“ What do you say? " Qin Muyan's deep eyes locked me, did not answer, just kept feeding me posture, lightly asked, "open your mouth."

I swallowed the porridge obediently. The warm feeling spread from the throat to the heart.

Between his eyebrows with a faint smile, cold hum a, "silly girl."

Life was smooth.

Until I found out that Jiang Nan was pregnant.