As a well-known collection of novels in Chinese history, "Strange Tales from a lonely studio" really has its advantages. Even Li Luoyang, who tells the story, is unconsciously infected by the plot of the story and immersed in the story, not to mention Zhou Lin, who listens to the story. Even when the tea is cool, he forgets to heat it on the stove.

"Later, when Huang Sheng's wife died, Huang Sheng lived in the Xiaqing palace and was no longer at home. At this time, the peony was very tall and the trunk was as thick as a human arm. Huang Sheng often pointed to the white peony and said, in the future, I will leave my soul here on your left! Xiangyu and jiangxue laughed at him and said, don't forget your promise."

"After the old Taoist died, the disciples did not know how to cherish it, but cut it off. Soon, the white peony died and the winter tree died."


After Li Luoyang told the story, he didn't make a sound for a long time. Zhou Lin's eyes were also slightly red. After a long time, he gave a long sigh. At this time, they didn't find a figure standing at the door of the teahouse. They didn't know when the figure came and how long they had stood here.

"OK! This story is really great! It's a pity that I only heard half of it. Can you tell it again from the beginning?"

The figure opened his mouth and startled Li Luoyang and Zhou Lin in the teahouse. Li Luoyang looked around, but he was a middle-aged man in luxurious clothes. His appearance was also known as elegant, but his eyebrows were more or less tired, much like those dandies he had seen in later generations, who indulged in their voice and color and were hollowed out.

"Zhou Lin met the county Lord."

"County Lord?"

Li Luoyang stood up and saluted the rich man at the door, muttering in his heart. He didn't know that Anning county also had a county Lord, and in a sense, the county Lord was also a relative of the emperor. As for why the county leader was not famous in Anning County, it was closely related to the management of imperial relatives and relatives in the Wu and Zhou dynasties.

Wu, the head of Anning County, has a single name of Cheng. He is also known as the "head of Cheng county" with people he knows. Because he is bound by laws and regulations, he is idle most of the time. He was also handsome when he was young. When he was middle-aged, he was boring to have fun, but he liked reading.

So people are really wonderful creatures, such as Wu Cheng. When he was young, the imperial court paid a lot of money to invite great Confucianism to teach them, but they were unwilling to be unhappy. Wu Cheng, who realized that he could only be a parasite in his life, burned books, drove out teachers, went to the house to uncover tiles, played prostitutes and drank too much. However, when he was middle-aged, no one controlled him, but fell in love with reading and writing, practiced piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and cultivated his character.

It's just that reading the old four books and five classics will make people tired. Therefore, Wu Cheng also likes to read Yi historical records and monsters in his spare time, so he got to know Zhou Lin, who has the same hobby and a bookstore. Privately, they even plan to collect the stories of the world's monsters when they have a chance in the future, and then organize them into a collection for publication and printing, vowing to make the strange novels famous in history.

When Zhou Lin found that Li Luoyang didn't have the ability to print novels at all, his first thought was Wu Cheng. Perhaps only the rich county Lord can help Li Luoyang see his dreams. Zhou Xinxin was ordered by Zhou Lin to find Wu Cheng. Wu Cheng, who had nothing to do, hurried to hear a good story. He couldn't even wait for Zhou Xinxin to pass it on. As a result, he just heard the second half of the story.

Although Xiangyu is not the most wonderful story in the strange tales of Liaozhai, it is not surprising that the stories of scholars and beauties have a wide audience, and the love of life and death is easy to resonate with middle-aged men, which deeply attracts Zhou Lin and Wu Cheng.

After Wu Cheng sat down, he didn't say anything, so he asked Li Luoyang to repeat it. It was bitter for Li Luoyang. His mouth was dry. He wanted to moisten his throat and found that the tea was already cold.

However, for his own plan, even if Li Luoyang doesn't pay attention to the county leader, he should also regard Wu Cheng as an angel investor. It's natural to tell stories in order to get investment.

Therefore, Li Luoyang can only tell Xiangyu again. Even if he listens to it for the second time, Zhou Lin still nods and shakes his head with interest. As for Wu Cheng, he is more dissolute, and even exclaims more than once to interrupt Li Luoyang's story.

"Well, it's really great! Mr. Xiao's storytelling ability is the first in Anning County, the first!"

"The county Lord has been praised too much."

Li Luoyang feels that this honor is not worth mentioning just the skill of the story. After all, the storyteller in the restaurant is not the career Li Luoyang wants to achieve. He has to sell his eloquence and "literary talent" just for a blocking thing.

"Brother Cheng, I invite you to come here, not just to listen to the story."

Fortunately, Zhou Lin has not been completely stunned by the story. He also knows to help Li Luoyang at this point.

"Oh? What else can I tell you?" Wu Cheng was stunned and nodded. If it was just a good story, Zhou Lin could really record it and tell it to him at the county master's house. Zhou Lin didn't do much in the past. After all, telling stories in the county master's house was not only good wine and food, but also good tea.

"Luoyang, tell the county leader what you think. The county leader likes the beauty of being a man best."

"Yes, thank you, shopkeeper Zhou." Li Luoyang is not that kind of inhuman person. He naturally wants to thank Zhou Lin for running for him.

But when he told Cheng Xian Zhu all about his plan, Cheng Xian Zhu also fell into a moment of meditation.

"In fact, the amount of capital that needs to be invested in the early stage is not much. As long as students continue to write new stories from energy sources, this is a profitable business. If you are willing to try, students are willing to share profits with Chengxian master and shopkeeper Zhou."

A person can't make enough money. Without start-up capital and corresponding sufficient working capital, Li Luoyang can accept other people's investment, of course, on the premise that his dominance will not be affected.

"Tut Tut, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears, I couldn't believe that such a story came from a young man, and I didn't expect you to make such a detailed plan. Well, if there's no problem, I think I can take out what you want."

"Capital shares."

"Yes, I am a capital shareholder. Zhou Lin, he is a equipment shareholder, and you are"

"Technology shares."

"Yes, technology shares. The three of us are divided into four, three and three members, and the future profits are distributed according to this proportion."


Zhou Lin, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said, "Lord Cheng, Luoyang, although I also believe that your plan will succeed, considering the specific situation of my family, or I won't be a member. It's just that your future stories will be engraved and printed by me. Do you think it's ok?"

"Shopkeeper Zhou, this is" Li Luoyang wanted to say. This is a chance to give you money. Can you not be so timid, but Wu Chengcheng shook his head and said: "Zhou Lin, Zhou Lin, I didn't mean you. Although you want to help Luoyang little brother, do you think he is the kind of person who needs mercy? I see, with the ability of Luoyang little brother, you will soon become famous in our big Zhou. At that time, as long as you take his film, you can get a steady stream of orders. Your ink workshop will be upgraded soon It's a bookstore. "

"It's not easy to upgrade the bookstore. Don't persuade me, county leader. I'm too small-minded to do big things."

Since Zhou Lin insisted that Li Luoyang and Wu Cheng were not forced at last, they redefined the details. Wu Cheng, who invested 300 liang of silver, accounted for 40%, and the remaining 60% belonged to Li Luoyang. The future profits were divided according to this proportion.