The sun just rose. Li Luoyang returned to bed with his tired body. He just practiced breathing and breathing in the yard. Although he just inhaled and exhaled, he needed to pose in different positions every time he breathed. In fact, it was also a very tired thing. In Li Luoyang, it was no easier than Yoga seen by later generations.

Now his breathing and breathing have entered the second stage. Wu Xinyi's guidance has not shrunk, and it can even be said to be very detailed, but this is only for the special example of Li Luoyang. If an 11-year-old child really has no such understanding ability, patience and perseverance, none of them is indispensable.

"I won't go to school today." although it's the year-old exam right away, Li Luoyang really doesn't have any special ideas. He won't study the year-old exam. After all, he doesn't like the things taught in the county school, but some of the other things he likes are the practice of learning and living for decades, In a sense, he is more qualified to be a gentleman than the gentleman in the county school.

If he doesn't go to the county school, it doesn't mean he has nothing to do. The journal Liaozhai anecdotes will continue to be published. Wu Xinyi can't see the new story. It doesn't mean that Li Luoyang has no inventory in his hands. In fact, he should also thank Wu Xinyi. If she didn't urge the manuscript every day, Li Luoyang wouldn't be so diligent. After all, he doesn't write online novels and needs to be updated every day to attract readers, In this era of slow life like a snail, it is a high frequency to update once a half month, which makes many readers shout "genius".

Therefore, Li Luoyang plans to pack up two stories and go to Zhou Lin to pay the manuscript of this month in exchange for the manuscript fee. There will not be too much money at any time. At present, although the business of Li Chengcheng blacksmith shop has been opened, Li Luoyang still has plans for the next step in his heart. In addition, there is a more and more "extravagant" life at home, which all need the support of money.

"It's not extravagant?" Li Luoyang, who packed up the manuscript, suddenly laughed at himself. Compared with his life before crossing, the days and nights in the Liao family courtyard are very "simple". Of course, it's more than ten times better than that in Li family village. At least he can eat three to four meals a day, and so is the so-called "Zhongding family", The difference is only the number of people in the family.

"Let's go." putting aside the complicated thoughts in his mind, Li Luoyang was about to go out with his manuscript, but unexpectedly, he walked into the front yard and saw Li Bai with a gloomy face coming towards him.

"Uncle Li, what's the matter?"

"Where are you going?" Li Bai didn't answer, but turned to asking Li Luoyang.

"I'm going to print in Moxiang Bookstore... What happened?"

"Don't go yet. I'm dead." Li Bai stared at Li Luoyang for a long time. Then he breathed out heavily and took Li Luoyang to sit on the stone pier by the gravel road of the garden. The Liao family is really rich. They didn't spend less time building this house. It took hundreds of money to buy the stone pier under Li Luoyang's ass.

But now Li Luoyang is not in the mood to care about shidunzi. Who is dead?

"Who else? Li Baoshan!"

"Baoshan Village?"

Even though Li Baoshan is not good at dealing with him at present, he was not like this before Li cunxiao died. He did everything fairly. Or the change of Li Baoshan during this period can be understood as a traditional thought - Lin Luoshui is too young to remarry after all. How can the wealth of Li Jiacun be taken away by a woman with a different surname?

In terms of Li Baoshan's performance as a village leader in recent years, 70 points can be played. In fact, officials of any era who can reach 70 points have exceeded the average level too much. Therefore, even if Li Baoshan has done something too much recently, Li Luoyang feels that he has not reached the level of never redeeming.

"How did you die?"

Although Li Baoshan is not young, especially in this age, a sudden cold can kill people.

"Was killed in the inn."

Li Bai's low voice broke Li Luoyang's last guess. In fact, he hoped that Li Baoshan would die, but in fact, he died violently.

"The head was cut off and put on the table, and the headless body was hung on the beam. I had a preliminary examination. He was hung upside down and cut his throat. He died in pain." Li Bai beat the stone table around him. He was not sympathizing with Li Baoshan. There was no reason or necessity. It was the murderer's behavior that made him angry and didn't kill too much, Let alone kill an old man, an old man with little resistance.

"Beast!" Li Luoyang also scolded, and then asked, "is there any clue?" as soon as he asked this sentence, Li Luoyang saw that Li Bai's face changed, and even his eyes changed.

"Why?" Li Luoyang looked at Li Bai who didn't speak, and then patted his forehead helplessly. "I'll go, won't I leave my name again? Uncle Li, don't you think such a bridge section is just like that in a novel, and it's still a very bad novel that readers can guess. If I were the author, I would never write it like this. It's too bad!"

"Well, you're right." Li Bai suddenly nodded. "If it were you, it would be very mean. After all, you're only eleven..."

"Isn't it? Even the county magistrate won't believe it!" Li Luoyang nodded. He was still secretly mocking the murderer's stupidity and innocence in his mind. Isn't this behavior made it clear to make people believe that he was wronged? Is it a pit for him or a whitewash for him?

"So we didn't see any messages in Li Baoshan's room."

"What?" Li Luoyang was stunned, and the mockery on his face suddenly solidified, "there is no message, so what do you say..."

"What did I say? I said that if the murderer pointed at you, it was really mean. In fact, the murderer was not mean at all. He didn't leave any handwriting this time. Even many traces were erased by him afterwards, but he left a very deadly thing."

"I thought it was an iron nail at first." Libo shook his head and then said, "but it's not an iron nail, it's a bolt."

"Iron latch? Did the murderer kill Li Baoshan with the iron latch?"

"The iron latch is only one finger long, thinner than the tail finger..."

When Li Bai said this, Li Luoyang was sweating on his forehead.

According to Li Bai's size, the iron latch must be like an iron nail. The problem is that such a small latch has only one use in Li Luoyang's memory, that is, it is used to latch the fire door. Many stoves these days have an air door, which is not rare, but at least there is only one kind of fire door in Anning county that has a latch - the heater built by Li Chengcheng blacksmith's shop has a latch specially designed to ensure safety and wealth, and it is as large as Li Bai described.

"You know, that latch is not even finished."