Chapter 104

"Ren Haoyun."

"I've seen Lord Ren and senior officials in the humble position. Please come inside." although Liu Ting felt like eating a fly, he still had to smile on his face. He took Ren Haoyun and his party of six doors to the county government. When they passed the six rooms, those petty officials peeped one after another. They didn't dare to look straight at each other. When they caught the opportunity, they bit their ears with the people next to him.

"See, this is a living man with six doors."

"Isn't it? What about the leading four grade official, four grade? I'll see you for the first time in my life."

"Unfortunately, it's from the fourth grade, and it's still a military attach é."

"What's the matter with the military attache? The military attache is also a fourth grade. Look at our adults. You have the ability. You can get yourself a fourth grade military attache hat to wear?"

"Keep your voice down. Look at that woman. She looks really good."

"Good? Why do I think it looks fierce!"

"You don't understand. Old seven likes this tone. Hiss, go, go!"

A group of petty officials who had not seen much of the world had a just and enthusiastic discussion, but unexpectedly, walking among the four on the road, the tall woman with strong clothes suddenly turned her head and looked at her. Her two eyes were as sharp as a knife. Not only did she scare ordinary petty officials to retreat, but even Zhang Ling was stunned by those eyes, although she would not retreat on the spot, But he lowered his head and dared not look again.

"Hum, a bunch of waste!"

"Mo Jiao, don't bother."

Ren Haoyun whispered to the woman. At the same time, he smiled at Liu Ting and said, "I'm going to bother you this time in Anning county."

"If you don't, this is what lower officials should do. Please take a break and tea will come right away."

In front of Ren Haoyun, a four grade military attache, Liu Ting's posture is very low, so people can't pick anything wrong. When he is re elected, Hao Yun nods repeatedly. It seems that he is very satisfied. On the contrary, three young people, such as Mo Jiao, scoff at Liu Ting's behavior.

"Doesn't it mean that scholars are very backbone? I think Liu Ting, but so."

"You're here again!" Ren Haoyun said in a low voice with a smile. "We're in other people's territory. Don't be arrogant. Especially you. Your master personally entrusted you to win this task. You can lead the team to complete this task alone in the future. Don't be too casual. If you miss, your master won't clean you up!"

"Well, well, martial uncle, don't educate me anymore. Look at Xiaobai and Xiaohui, they are laughing at me!"

The two young people called Xiaobai and Xiaohui couldn't hold back at this time. They all smiled. However, they were stared by Mo Jiao and immediately returned to a serious appearance. When Mo Jiao wanted to say anything, she let Hao Yun cough. At present, she also straightened her face. After the film, Liu Ting came back again.

"When you go to Anning county this time, where do you need the cooperation of your subordinates?"

After several rounds of tea greetings, the two sides finally got to the point. As a force in the hands of the emperor, Ren Haoyun and others certainly didn't come to visit mountains and rivers. As far as Liu Ting knows, six doors are the elite of the elite, and they can't do ordinary things.

Liu Ting still has no idea what they came for.

"Find us a place to stay first." Ren Haoyun smiled faintly, but avoided the trap in Liu Ting's words, suggesting that some things Liu Ting could not know.

Liu Ting is also a veteran in officialdom. He will be interested immediately. Although this feeling of being ignored is not very good, from another point of view, the more you know, the sooner you die. Of course, the less you know, the better.

"I don't live in an inn. It's dirty!" Mo Jiao suddenly opened her mouth and blocked Liu Ting's words back.

"Why don't you stay here and wait?"

After thinking about it, Liu Ting decided to sacrifice himself. As long as he could have a good relationship with liumen, let alone borrow his home, even if he borrowed a concubine, Liu Ting would not be distressed.

"How can we do that?" Ren Haoyun first glared at Mo Jiao, and then smiled at Liu Ting: "don't mention it again. By the way, don't you have a large idle yard in Anning county. This time, we may have to stay in Anning County for a while. It's too expensive to live in an inn. It's best to rent a yard."

Liu Ting despises Ren Haoyun from the bottom of his heart. Is it expensive to stay in an inn? Why is it more cost-effective to live in an inn than to rent a courtyard? These six door people are really not in charge. I don't know if Chai MI is expensive. Liu Ting suddenly remembered that there is a place that meets Ren Haoyun's requirements. I don't know if Ren Haoyun and they would mind.

"As long as there is an independent courtyard, it doesn't matter."

As soon as he heard that it was the best house in Anning County, Ren Haoyun agreed with a smile, and Liu Ting wanted to help pay the rent. Ren Haoyun refused. As for Li Luoyang and Li Bai, who now live in the Liao family courtyard, Ren Haoyun and others don't mind.

"Li Bai is the work of the Yamen."

"Isn't that just right?" little white snorted, as if Liu Ting looked down on their six doors.

"Xiaobai, please shut up." after Ren Haoyu pretended to glare at Xiaobai, he smiled at Liu Ting: "it's no problem. Since it's the work of the yamen, it's our own people. By the way, what's the matter with another prodigy?"

"Oh, Lord Ren, this is not a boast of the lower officials. Li Luoyang is definitely a prodigy in Anning county. Even if he puts down the whole world, it is definitely the only one."

"I don't believe it. It's so easy to be the only one in the world?" Mo Jiao was also interested and stared at a pair of apricot eyes.

"I wonder if you have seen the Liaozhai anecdotes published in Anning county." Liu Ting asked with a smile whether Li Luoyang was the only one in the world.


"Never heard of it!" Xiaobai and Xiaohui looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Is it a book?" Mo Jiao narrowed her eyes and asked.

"It's really a group of uneducated guys!" Liu Ting felt a burst of stomach Fei in his heart, but his face still smiled and said, "I happen to have some here. Why don't you take a look first?"

"No! Let's go to Liao's courtyard first." Ren Haoyun is really not interested in books and other things. Unless it's martial arts secrets, if you have the ability to read books, you'd better hurry up to rest or practice martial arts. On this issue, Xiaohui and Xiaobai are firm supporters of Ren Haoyun. Instead, Mo Jiao blinked. When Ren Haoyun didn't pay attention, he whispered to Liu Ting, "if you have any, go back and prepare some for me?"

Liu Ting smiled faintly, lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "since it's to Liao's courtyard, I don't have to prepare it."


"Hey, please excuse me. Let's sell it first."

Ren Haoyun and others are going to live in the Liao family compound. Liu Ting doesn't think it's a problem. After all, the owner's family is staying behind. He accuses Ren Haoyun and is ready to tell Li Luoyang about it. In Liu Ting's opinion, it should be a great good thing for Li Luoyang to make friends with six doors.