Chapter 144

"What's the matter with me? Oh, my head hurts."

When Li Luoyang opened her eyes again, it was actually noon the next day. The little girl Zhu Ying was lying by the bed. She had just fallen asleep. It was the movement of Li Luoyang that made the little girl wake up smartly. She opened her mouth and shouted, "mother Chen, mother Chen, brother woke up, brother woke up!"

Hearing the news, Mrs. Chen came in with thick chicken soup. She helped Li Luoyang to sit up and nagged about "it's too late to stay in the yard for the cold" and "you must pay attention to your body", which made Li Luoyang speechless. After drinking a bowl of chicken soup with appropriate temperature, Li Luoyang finally felt better and said:

"When did you find me?"

"Ah, it's strange to talk about this. Someone knocked on my room door last night. When I woke up, I saw you lying at the door." Mrs. Chen had an unspeakable fear on her face. Think about it, it would make people feel uneasy if there were some people who didn't know the details in a noble house.

"But how do you know I fainted in the yard?" Li Luoyang rubbed his temples. It's OK not to touch them. His fingers still feel a little pain when they press them, and he doesn't know what's going on.

"Isn't it difficult to faint in the yard or in the room? If it's in the room, there's no need to send you to my door?" mother Chen glared at Li Luoyang angrily. To some extent, mother Chen really took care of Li Luoyang as her own child.

"All right." Li Luoyang shook his head. At this time, he obviously felt that his head was filled with water, "it seems that he has excessive mental consumption." he tried his hands and feet, which seemed to have no impact. Except that it was hard to feel water in his head when he moved his head, Li Luoyang was a little relieved, He was really worried about whether his blind tossing would lead to "going crazy". If his whole body skills were wasted as in the novel, Li Luoyang felt that it was crying and there was no place to cry.

"Xiaoyingzi, haven't you had a good rest?"

"Isn't it, miss? She's been guarding you. She won't let her have a rest for a while." Chen's mother said to one side, but Zhu Ying couldn't help shaking her head. "If you're not tired, you're not tired. I'm not as tired as Chen's mother. Take a rest, mother Chen. I'll take care of my brother."

Hearing Zhu Ying's words, Li Luoyang couldn't help grinning. Unfortunately, when he smiled, he felt even more headache. "Xiaoyingzi, you're good. Go eat and rest, and let your brother sleep for a while."

"But I just want to keep my brother." xiaoyingzi still refused. Li Luoyang thought about it and asked Chen Ma to bring another bowl of chicken soup to Zhu Ying. After that, he asked Zhu Ying to come up and sleep together.

Li Luoyang slept all night and didn't move. He didn't even know when Zhu Ying left. During his sleep, Zhu Donghe next door was very nervous.

Wu Xinyi said that as long as she was away, Zhu Donghe would be responsible for Li Luoyang's safety. If anything happened to Li Luoyang, Zhu Donghe would be responsible for it. Although she helped Zhu Donghe heal a pair of tendons, Zhu Donghe had no doubt that she could take it back at any time if she wanted to.

Who would have thought that Li Luoyang would suddenly faint if he practiced his Kung Fu well? At that time, Zhu Donghe didn't care to disturb Xiao Hui. He jumped down to check Li Luoyang and found that there was no problem with his heartbeat and breathing. Then he hurried to hold Chen Ma at the door and knock at the door, but in fact, he doesn't know the real situation of Li Luoyang so far.

These days, there are still few cases of practicing martial arts to "go crazy" because people practicing martial arts generally have teachers. Unlike that kind of literature and art works that can easily find martial arts secrets hundreds of years ago, it is very unscientific. You know, the paper that can withstand the erosion of time has not been really made recently, Only rich families can use paper. As for bamboo slips and wooden slips, which are used to depict martial arts moves? That's bullshit.

Therefore, the inheritance of martial arts basically depends on the master's words and deeds. On the one hand, when the master selects disciples, he will be very careful. On the other hand, he will not just teach them. Therefore, unless the master is crazy or goes to pit disciples, there will basically be no case of practicing martial arts to become possessed by fire. A person like Li Luoyang fooled around with several secret scripts, That's basically unique.

So Zhu Donghe was very desperate at the beginning. He was afraid that Li Luoyang would go wrong. In particular, Li Luoyang didn't show up all day. Even Xiao Hui was blocked by Chen's mother. At night, Zhu Donghe couldn't help it. He climbed over the wall and was ready to check in Li Luoyang's room, but unexpectedly, he was about to fall to the ground. He heard footsteps behind him.

"Zhu Donghe, right? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The speaker is Xiao Hui. Even Zhu Donghe didn't find out when Xiao Hui hid under the stone table in the yard. He hasn't moved all the time. Sure enough, the eagle dog trained by six doors did excel. Especially when Zhu Donghe turned around and saw Xiao Hui pull out two short thorns from his waist and pinch them in his hand, a strong sense of crisis arose spontaneously.

"Did you come to me?" Zhu Donghe stepped back two steps. Although he was not afraid of Xiaohui, he didn't want to fight Xiaohui under such circumstances.

"You're a thief and I'm a soldier. What do you say? Look at the moves!" Xiao Hui has no habit of nonsense. As soon as he swings two short thorns that can't be named, he pours on Zhu Dong River with a roaring sound, which has no meaning of defense at all. It's like an arrow that leaves the string and never looks back.


Zhu Donghe clapped his hand on Xiao Hui's left shoulder. Before he had time to burst out his strength, he felt that his right rib was bright. He quickly inhaled and closed his abdomen. A cold touch scratched against his skin. It was the short thorn in Xiao Hui's right hand. Xiao Hui's face, who was also hit, was laughing. It was very cold.

"Don't die!"

Frowning, Zhu Donghe took back his hands and stepped out, taking Xiaohui's abdomen. Unfortunately, Xiaohui ignored Zhu Donghe's attack and took Zhu Donghe's shoulders with a slight sideways double stab. If Xiaohui succeeded, Zhu Donghe might lose his combat effectiveness on the spot.

Speaking of it, Zhu Donghe is also the first time to fight with the eagle dog of liumen. He has heard that the eagle dog is difficult to deal with in the past, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult. When the little ash who failed to attack rushed over again fearlessly, Zhu Donghe finally began to become serious.

Zhu Donghe always thought he had a good idea of Xiao Hui's martial arts realm. After all, a martial artist who practices inside doesn't have to worry about a guy who practices outside or half a bucket of water, but he really fought. Zhu Donghe found that things are not absolute. After hundreds of years of improvement, the six doors have enabled the hawks and dogs to have sharp claws and teeth after a short period of training.