Chapter 178

The person in charge of tracking dismounted, checked, and then turned around to report to Yao Yi, saying he was not sure. Yao Yi's face was blue and scolded, "what is not sure?"

"Judging from the traces, they should have stayed here, but they always feel that the traces left seem to have been specially cleaned up, so they can't be sure whether they went to Guangzhou city or into the nearby mountains."

"Do you mean that they suddenly gave up their horses to drill in the mountains and forests when they were one day away from Guangzhou City?" Yao Yi snorted a cold hum from his nostrils, which is not in line with common sense and the logic of most people's work. After all, there are very few people who give up easy and difficult things while looking at the safety zone not far away.

The reason why Yao Yi asked to travel all night was to find out that kind of psychology, so he ignored the horse damage. If the other party could give up even the war horse in order to mislead them, his mind would be calm and terrible. Yao Yi turned his head and looked at the dense forest. Finally, with a wave of his whip, "divide twenty people into the forest. Give us the extra horses, transfer and chase!"

Yao Yi's army is also elite. As soon as he gave the order, 20 people automatically jumped off the horses, packed up their weapons, handed over their mounts nearby, and then went to the mountain forest. Yao Yi just glanced at the back of the 20 people. Although his reason told him that the enemy should be suspicious and that it was much more likely to continue to go to Guangzhou City, he always felt a little sad when he looked at the back of the 20 people.

"I must be too tired, so this illusion will appear." Yao Yi shook his head, raised his whip, pointed to the official way of Guangzhou City and said loudly: "brothers, the enemy is not far ahead, let's chase!"

"Yo ho ~" a group of thieves began to yell at the horse. The horse hooves trampled out the sky of smoke and dust and began to accelerate again. The remaining twenty thieves looked back and walked into the mountains under the leadership of two small heads.

There are many mountains in the south. Although there are no big mountains outside Guangzhou City, there are two concepts: climbing mountains in the dense forest and climbing mountains by mountain road. At that time, Li Luoyang only cleared the traces of the road from the official road to the foot of the mountain. After the 20 thieves got into the forest, they soon found the traces of someone passing by.

"There are broken branches here. Look, can it be them?"

"Whether it is or not, catch up and have a look!"

The bandits shouted to each other and breathed heavily. At this time, Li Luoyang and the three of them were actually on the hillside opposite them. Seeing Yao Yi divide the troops, Li Luoyang didn't dare to stop and asked Xiao Hui to act quickly. But Dong Ming couldn't walk. Even if Xiao Hui's physical strength was not a problem, he had to be careful at every step on this mountain, Otherwise, it is easy to be life-threatening.

The more there is no road, the easier it is to leave traces. After all, the dense vegetation doesn't leave a way for people to pass. The idiom "cutting through thorns and thorns" is used to describe the mood of Li Luoyang at this time. It's not that they want to leave traces. They can't walk without waving a knife.

"In this way, we will be caught up." Li Luoyang sat down and rested. In contrast, Xiao Hui was sweating and panting. Seeing Li Luoyang stop, he quickly put Dong Yang down, but he didn't dare to sit down and walked slowly in place to recover his strength.

This is a problem that Li Luoyang has only begun to emphasize recently. He can't turn to rest immediately after he has just experienced strenuous exercise, which can easily lead to the disease that Xiao Hui doesn't understand, varicose veins. Although he doesn't understand, Xiao Hui still chooses to believe in Li Luoyang. Who makes Li Luoyang his master.

"I'll see how far they are."

"I'd better go by myself for a while." Dong Yang beat his frustrated legs. He really didn't want to be a burden to Li Luoyang, but the wounds on his legs made him unbearable.

"Don't say these frustrating words. Since you have worshipped me as a teacher, why won't Xiao Hui and I leave you, right?"


Xiao Hui said something reluctantly. After all, he has been trained by six doors since he was young. He can't abandon his superiors. This is a dead order. However, for his peers or subordinates, this is not the case in Xiao Hui's concept. According to the will instilled by six doors, the Emperor's first general, second task and third, there is no himself or subordinates in important order, In other words, they and their subordinates can be abandoned when they affect the first three.

"Little ash!"

Li Luoyang glared at him fiercely. Xiao Hui quickly said, "yes, younger martial brother, don't think too much. We can't abandon you. Don't worry, elder martial brother, I have enough strength. Even if I go to Huashan behind your back!"

Huashan is dangerous all over the world. Leon feels that Xiaohui must be bragging. With the current development level of Huashan, it is not easy to climb up, let alone carry a person on his back. Of course, whether we can climb Huashan at this juncture is entirely to adjust our tension. After all, a group of people came after us. Li Luoyang just observed. The approximate number should be about 20.

His estimation is very accurate, but he is also very helpless. According to the current situation of him and Xiaohui, it is difficult to deal with the 20 elite red scarves. After all, they have been running around for several days. The whole person's spirit and body are quite tired. If it is not supported by willpower, they must have collapsed.

"Go on, I don't know if there will be a miracle."

Li Luoyang knew that it was wishful thinking to throw off the tail behind them according to their way of advance, and the horse that no one rode might stop because of a lawn not far ahead. In other words, once it was broken by a stone, they would face more pursuers, so the only thing that could be sure was not to stop.

Now what Li Luoyang most expects is that a stream or river can appear in front of him. Only by using the running water can they cover up the traces of the three people and give them a chance to get rid of the pursuers behind them,

But when Li Luoyang climbed to the top of the mountain and looked down, he was almost discouraged. Well, it was still a dense jungle. Where did the streams and rivers in the forest come from? It seems that the story is really deceptive. Think about it, they are already steep mountains. How can a stream suddenly appear that people need to wade through, Even if the ditch is washed out by mountain torrents, the width is estimated to be able to jump over. Why should people hide their whereabouts in the current dry season?

"I found them, brothers, work hard and catch up!"

The faint roar came behind him. Li Luoyang looked back. Although there were dense forests blocking his sight, he still saw small red dots shaking like match heads.