Chapter 180

Li Luoyang has a knife.

Different from the ferocity of the pro troops who split Huashan Mountain, Li Luoyang's knife path is more like a jumping note. Coupled with his flexible body method, many red scarf soldiers can't even see clearly, but vaguely see that they passed by wrong. The only thing that can be sure is that the pro soldiers wasted their efforts.

Of course, Li Luoyang won't waste his energy, because his physical fitness itself is very precious at the moment, and he can't waste a bit!

"He killed Li 33, put an arrow, put an arrow!"

In the forest, Li Luoyang's jump is like a monkey. His blade just passed Li 33's neck, and then rushed to an archer not far away without a moment's pause. At any time, he must first solve the other party's long-range attack. This is Li Luoyang's own military method. God knows when these archers will give him a cold shoulder, What if a blind cat hits a dead mouse?

Seeing Li Luoyang rush to kill, the archer was a little nervous and lost his accuracy. Two feather arrows in a row didn't know where to fly. When he wanted to open the bow for the third time, Li Luoyang didn't give him time. Even people rushed up with a knife. When the archer didn't have time to respond, he left three wounds on his body, splashing blood!

"He's a master. Surround him!"

Why is martial arts not important in large-scale combat? It is precisely because a large number of soldiers can form a battle array, and once the battle array is formed, it means that the surrounded fighters need to face not only the superposition of the combat effectiveness of a single soldier, but also the blessing of the battle array, which is not addition but multiplication.

Under the order of the small head, four bandits with knives quickly blocked Li Luoyang in all directions, followed by more bandits. For a moment, the light of Li Luoyang's knives flickered around. Although he could barely dodge the block, he had no chance to hurt people.

It's not that Li Jing's Sabre technique is not good, but because Li Luoyang's physical state at this time is simply unable to use the sabre technique in the sabre path. He needs "strength" and "Qi" to move. At this time, Li Luoyang is very lack of both. He doesn't have the strength to use it reluctantly. He can't kill the enemy for Li Luoyang, but it will bring him death.

"There are two more, gowardesh. You four go there. The archers are ready to dry them!"

The difference between a group of hooligans and a group of soldiers is obvious at this time. There is war and command, which not only brings heavy pressure to Li Luoyang, but also directly threatens Xiaohui and Dong Ming over there.

"Younger martial brother, take care of yourself. Elder martial brother, I'll go!"

Xiao Hui just calmed his breath a little, so he couldn't help but grasp the twin spikes and kill the thief soldiers, not only because Li Luoyang was surrounded, but also because the thief soldiers had turned their eyes to him and Dong Ming. Even if he didn't go, they would kill him.


Using the roar to stimulate the last physical fitness in his body, Xiao Hui stared at an archer not far away, burst out the fastest sprint speed in his life, and even turned a blind eye to the oncoming feather arrow.

At this time, Xiaohui has completely thrown other thieves and soldiers around him out of his mind. His only goal is the archer. Dong Ming can be safer only by killing the Archer - even at this time, Xiaohui still hasn't forgotten Li Luoyang's words and deeds. Teachers and disciples are one, and he shouldn't decide who to give up at any time, Should live and die together!


In terms of luck, Xiao Hui was a little worse, or it should be said that the archer he chose was more determined. Just as he waved the short stab of his right hand, the archer also released the last arrow in his life.

This feather arrow penetrates Xiaohui's left shoulder and makes Xiaohui's forward speed slightly stagnate, but finally Xiaohui still resists the great pain of his left shoulder and sends the short stab of his right hand into the archer's throat - the most intimate hand to hand combat weapon. Almost all killing moves are aimed at the weak parts of the human body in order to kill.

"An arrow for a life, bah, I don't lose!"

It was too late to pull out the feather arrow. The thief soldier named gowardesh had rushed to Xiao Hui with four swordsmen. The fallen Archer was still helpless to cover the wound on his throat, but everyone knew that he could never survive on this wild mountain. Therefore, apart from the silence in his heart, no red scarf offered a helping hand to him. Instead of wasting time on a dying man, We might as well seize the time to kill the enemy.

Gowardesh's momentum is very strong. With the help of four swordsmen, Xiao Hui turns around and runs as soon as he touches it! He didn't dare to run too far. He was afraid that these red scarves would deal with Dong Ming when they couldn't catch up with him. However, when he turned around, the gowardesh's face was filled with a sneer, and his left hand shook and shot a brilliance.

"Throwing Knife, little ash!"

Li Luoyang paid a little attention when Xiao Hui started. When Xiao Hui hit the arrow, Li Luoyang almost didn't cry out. Now when he saw the gowardesh shoot a throwing knife, Li Luoyang finally couldn't help it. Instead of the light knife path that had just retained his strength, he suddenly chopped at the red scarf in front of him.

"Bang Dang!"

I don't know whether it was the strength or the quality of the weapon itself. Li Luoyang's knife directly split the other party's waist knife, leaving a straight blood mark on the red scarf's face.

Zhongdao's red scarf face looked stagnant, and only two eyes seemed to be strange because he tried to see the scars he couldn't see at all.



There were two calls in a row. The one in front was a knife in a small gray ass, and the one in the back was a scream after Li Luoyang's back was cut off.

Zhongdao, such an expression is still strange to Li Luoyang, so he doesn't know whether he is light or heavy. He only knows that it hurts, which makes him tear his heart and lungs.

Sure enough, the harvest always comes at a price. Only four of the 20 pursuers have been killed, one fifth. However, Li Luoyang and Xiao Hui have been injured, especially Xiao Hui. He has feather arrows on his shoulders and flying knives on his hips.

Seven or eight red scarves surrounded Li Luoyang, five or six were dealing with Xiao Hui, and two or three were Dong Yang who could stand by holding the trunk.

In the eyes of the red scarf thieves, Dong Yang must have been injured, but it should be very important for Xiao Hui and Li Luoyang. Otherwise, how could he run all the way with him and greatly affect the speed. Since he is an important person, why not catch him and threaten him? Everyone knows that "trapped animals are still fighting" is extremely dangerous. Even rabbits will bite when they are anxious.

With this in mind, the three red scarves marched around Dong Ming with a grim smile on their faces.

Li Luoyang saw it, but he couldn't break through the snare formed by seven or eight weapons, and Xiao Hui also saw it. However, he even stumbled to escape. What can he do?

Only Dong Ming himself knew when he saw the expressions on the faces of the three red scarf thieves.