Chapter 362

Although Wu Yong and Wu ER and others failed in their mission to Luoyang in a strict sense, they received a hero's welcome after they set foot in the Shuizhai. When Liang shanpo, led by Comrade Shi Yu, came to meet them together, Wu Yong, a scholar, had the impulse to "throw his head and shed blood" for the cause of Liang shanpo, This impulse directly led to his endocrine disorder, tears uncontrolled increased production, and finally burst the bank, which is often called tears.

"I'm incompetent, I'm incompetent."

"No, the enemy is too cunning. The best result is that you can return safely!" brother Song Jiang reached out and held Wu Yong's arms.

In fact, Song Jiang, the leader of Shuizhai at this time, looks like an old farmer facing the Loess and facing the sky. He is wearing ordinary cloth clothes. The Hu Zhezi on his face has not been repaired for many days. In addition, he has a mottled old face whether he is fishing on the shore or drinking tea under the straw shed every day.

After all, the big leader basically belongs to the spiritual leader attribute of Tang monk. He has no super combat effectiveness and his IQ is only floating on the pass line. The only difference from Tang monk is that he still maintains a certain level of Eq. although it is not an extremely high level, it is at least a little higher than other people in the Shuizhai, That's why I finally became the head of the family.

"Go and receive the wind for the military division and three brothers!"


In fact, most of the heroes of Shuizhai who participated in welcoming Wu Yong, Wu ER and others said that after all, who came back is not coming back. Everyone does the business of licking blood with a knife head. It's normal that they can't come back when they go out. Ordinary people will come back when they come back. At most, it's a small circle of people who really have life and friendship, Only those who use this level are qualified to let the whole Shuizhai open the tuanyan mode. Everyone eats and drinks together and spoil the old base of the Shuizhai which is not rich enough.

Life is alive, but eating and drinking is the word, which is true for the people at the bottom. A large number of inferior wines are brought to the table. These guys with muscles all over their body and brain begin to eat and drink. They have no idea that this inferior liquor will slowly destroy their body tissues, especially brain cells, so they will become more and more stupid.

At the table where Song Jiang and others are located, their drinks are much more advanced, so their brains are not easy to be damaged, and their advantages will become more and more obvious over time.

After drinking and eating, it's a routine throwing time. At this time, it's often those big and rough guys who start to compete with each other and vent their excess energy. After all, this is a water stronghold rather than a chicken nest, and no women give them vent.

At this time, people belonging to the senior level of Shuizhai in Juyi hall are discussing the problem.

Wu Yong emphatically narrated his experience before and after going to Luoyang City. He was not afraid of losing face. Anyway, he didn't expect Wu er's three guys to shut up. Since they would be known sooner or later, it's better for him to be honest.

It seems that Zhou Xiangong's rebellion against the Imperial Army God has completely failed. Wu Yong is the initiator of the plan. At present, he says that he is unanimously glad that there are no dead after the action. He took Wu ER and others to Luoyang and finally brought them back safely, hands and feet. This is the greatest success, Anyway, when we started, general song and others had already said it. We don't expect to plot against Zhou Xiangong once.

Of course, it's best to be able to plot against Zhou Xiangong. After all, Zhou Xiangong is a military God. He is not a coach but a serious leader. Therefore, even if Song Jiang doesn't have that kind of mind, there are still people around him who have wild hopes. If Zhou Xiangong can bring an army, even tens of thousands of people, to Liangshanpo while being plotted, Maybe there's hope of breaking the sky?

Even if you can't rule the whole territory of Wuzhou in your lifetime, it's good to "rule by rowing the river". At least you can enjoy the taste of becoming a national high-level. At that time, you can eat roast whole sheep, drink wine, ask for several wives and give birth to a nest of sons every day. It's just beautiful.

This group of people can only imagine the life of the top level of the country. After all, in a sense, there is no one in the top level of Liangshanpo, either a petty official or a landlord in a small place. I'm afraid Lin Chong is even the highest administrative level among them, It is also one of the few people who have seen real prosperity.

Therefore, Lin Chong seems a little out of tune among these people, and even there is no shadow of him at the high-level meeting. During this time, Lin Chong cares about another news. His former teacher, Mr. Zhou Dong, unexpectedly appeared again, and it is said that he also took a closed door disciple.

Although Zhou Dong never thought Lin Chong was his own disciple - he admitted that Lin Chong was his student, Lin Chong thought he was Zhou Dong's disciple, so he was very concerned about Mr. Zhou Dong's movements. When Lin Chong was forced to leave the system and wander around the world, he thought about finding the old teacher Zhou Dong and serving the teacher all his life, When the teacher returned, he was looking for a place to finish his last journey safely.

But I didn't think he was followed by the people in Liangshanpo. These guys tricked him into being a bandit in the mountain. It's over. Lin Chong knows exactly what the teacher Zhou Dong is. A lawbreaker like him is a dung bucket in the eyes of the teacher. How can he stay with him again?

Lin Chong feels that since he has smelled, he can only stay with people like Liang shanpo, who have the same shit, so that everyone will not affect each other. However, when he knows that the teacher has found a closed door disciple, Lin Chong is still very curious. He wants to know what kind of hero can enter the teacher's eyes and be lucky to become a closed door disciple.

So when those people in Song Jiang were discussing what to do next and how to expand Liangshanpo, what Lin Chong thought was to go down the mountain and look around to see if he could find the teacher or the younger martial brother.

As for what to do after finding the younger martial brother, Lin Chong doesn't know yet.

The next morning, Lin Chong, who had not closed his eyes all night, ran to Song Jiang and said that he seemed to go down the mountain for some time. At first, Song Jiang certainly refused, because there were hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in Liangshanpo who needed Lin Chong as the coach. Well, Wu Yong said that "hundreds of thousands" to the outside world. The momentum must be made. Just like the atmosphere, it was actually 10000 or 20000 miscellaneous soldiers, but for song generals, these miscellaneous soldiers were his greatest capital.

But this time Lin Chong was very determined, so Song Jiang could only nod in the end. He wanted several people to go with Lin Chong, but Lin Chong didn't agree. He went home to pack up his small bag and hit Didi. Oh, he hit Ruan Xiaoqi and left.