Chapter 426

"Wang Xiaohu, if this kind of thing happens next time, don't expect me to do it again. Always use your brain and don't be impulsive."

Not long after Li Luoyang and others evacuated, Wang Xiaohu finally woke up from the shock of his injury. At this time, his two men and the master who caught up had treated his wound. Naturally, their treatment of wounds is still quite backward, not to mention that at present, there are no conditions in the wilderness. If Li Luoyang sees their rough treatment, I'm afraid he will laugh in his heart - I hope Wang Xiaohu's ancestors didn't do anything immoral and can bless him, otherwise just the wound infection will make him eat a pot, If Wang Xiaohu's body is strong enough, he may survive, otherwise he will die.

However, Wang Xiaohu still didn't know his fate and said stubbornly, "who are you? I didn't ask you to help me, and look at you. I let those people go as soon as you appeared. I didn't have a chance!"

If it's not because of Wang Dahu, if it's not because of his task to ensure that Wang Xiaohu doesn't die, Gao Mingzhen wants to slap Wang Xiaohu to death. Of course, there are two companions around Wang Xiaohu. If Li Luoyang and others don't escape, Gao Ming vows that he will do so and frame the blame on six doors at that time.

Well, that's great.

"Hey, I'm talking to you? Which of my father's men are you? Why haven't I seen you before? How's your martial arts? Do you want to hang out with me? How much does my father give you a year, fifty Liang or one hundred liang?"

Gao Ming only feels that the blood vessels under his scalp are "popping" at the moment. The only thing he can be sure of is that he is about to reach his limit. If Wang Xiaohu continues to talk, he will not help it. In order not to ruin his reputation, the clever fought back his anger and said to the two attendants:

"Take care of your young master yourself. I'm going to chase the people of six doors!"

At this moment, Gao Ming feels that his task has been completed. As long as he catches up with the man of six doors, there will certainly be no danger here. There is no problem with the idea of being clever, but Wang Xiaohu seems to be a little nervous. In fact, he is not stupid. He also sees that the reason why the people of six doors leave is entirely because of their cleverness, which can prove their excellent martial arts. It must be very clever.

Although Wang Xiaohu usually barks loudly about himself and the dog legs around him, he still knows how many kilograms he has. Although the people of six doors have retreated, who can guarantee that others will not kill back. If the people of six doors kill back, what will he rely on to resist?

"No, you can't go. You haven't answered what I just told you. Tell me, how much do you want to follow me a year?"

"How much is it a year?" the veins on Gao Ming's forehead burst out and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. "At least 1000 Liang a year. If you can afford this price, I can consider it!"

For the idiot young master who can't fight and scolds inconveniently, Gao Ming feels that he is only one line away from the start. As long as the line is stretched, he will start even if he can't finish the task!

"A thousand liang?"

Wang Xiaohu was frightened by this number!

Although Wangjiazhuang is a real "local" tyrant and has land that others envy, in fact, the silver that can be dug out from the land every year is still limited, not to mention that these lands only belong to Wangjiazhuang in name. Including Wang Dahu, the owners of Wangjiazhuang in previous dynasties are actually just managers, but this internal situation is not enough to be humane, In the eyes of outsiders and even some Zhuang Ding, the Wang family is the old wealth of the landlord, but the secret can only be known by those who really sit in the position of the villa leader.

Why did Wang Dahu try his best to save Wang Xiaohu? Isn't it because Wang Xiaohu is the only heir to Wangjiazhuang. If Wang Xiaohu dies and the Wang family can't find a second suitable person to come out, then once Wang Dahu dies, the rest of the Wang family will suddenly find that the original thousands of mu of good farmland has nothing to do with them. A group of people will suddenly emerge and take over the good farmland with a land lease in their hands. At that time, all the Wang family will be forced to leave here, From the landlord's old wealth to a poor homeless man.

Just think about this scene will make Wang Dahu feel cold. Although he is not satisfied with Wang Xiaohu's growth, he must consider it for the whole Wang family.

So when he knew that Wang Xiaohu took his lackeys to catch up with Li Luoyang and others, he knew that things would be bad.

More importantly, Wang Xiaohu's pursuit of Li Luoyang, whether he succeeds or fails, will have unimaginable consequences. If Li Luoyang can move, will Wang Dahu watch them leave? Is it difficult for him not to know that Feng Mo has hidden dangers in each other's hands?

Of course he knows. He not only knows but also understands the relationship very well. But Wang Dahu still didn't choose to do it. He felt that he could bear it, and this patience was the factor that made the Wang family stand. Sometimes, tolerance can really calm the waves.

Unfortunately, Wang Xiaohu broke all Wang Dahu's plans, which made him very helpless. He had to beg for the only thing he knew and be foolproof.

After exhausting all kinds of excuses, Gaoming finally agreed to start. At that time, Wang Dahu knew that Gaoming just wanted to make a gesture. After all, Gaoming could not fail to understand the importance of Wangjiazhuang to the organization. If Wangjiazhuang was shaken, the organization might be able to bear the loss only from the book, but the people's hearts would change, That is the incalculable loss of the organization.

You know, there are not many places similar to Wangjiazhuang around Taiyuan mansion.

Speaking of it, it is an unwritten rule that the leader of Wangjiazhuang is automatically promoted to become a member of the organization, and Gaoming, as the owner of the highest armed force of the organization in this area, has the best martial arts.

Wang Dahu went back to Chuang Tzu honestly after inviting Gao Ming. He was a little uneasy. He always felt that bad luck would come soon, so he wanted to prepare for a rainy day.

In order to prevent the incense of the Wang family from being cut off in his generation, Wang Dahu ruthlessly dismissed his concubine, who had been pregnant for five months, together with seven or eight servants. Nominally, he retired the concubine. In fact, he was ready to find another place for her to settle down. The doctors said that seventy or eight percent of the concubine's belly was a boy, In that case, Wang Dahu felt that he had nothing to worry about.

When Wang Xiaohu entered Wang Dahu's room, he was frightened by Wang Dahu's thunderous roar.

"Kneel down! You bastard!"