Chapter 520

Although Mo Fu and others are Mo's family, and Mo Fu is an orphan accepted by Mo Yuntian's father, the world has never been warm, but very realistic. Without the blood of Mo family flowing in the body, you are not qualified to practice Mo Jiao's family martial arts. If you can't get the method of breathing and breathing, it means that you can only practice outside all your life. Even if you practice to the extreme, you are just stronger and more patient than ordinary people, and still can't be compared with those who cooperate with the method of breathing and breathing.

If you are fighting in the army, it is certainly very good to be refined to a certain extent. At least there is no problem to be a school captain or a more senior general, but if you are a real general of the unified army, like Zhou Xiangong, it is not enough to see only external refining.

External martial arts practitioners can be enemies of ten people or hundreds of people in the battle array, but they can never do the same as internal martial arts practitioners. They have a long pulse and constant strength. They kill from dawn to dark. As long as the other party has no martial arts of the corresponding level, they are fearless. No matter how many ordinary soldiers there are, they have no impact.

Whether or not every internal martial arts practitioner can reach this level depends on the realm. The reason why Zhou Xiangong is called the God of the army naturally has its superhuman side.

Now there are more than 3000 people in Manichaeism. If Mo Fu or other people go to explore, they are likely to fall into a siege and can't escape. In contrast, Mo Jiao and Li Luoyang are different. At least they have long enough Qi to escape in case of crisis.

Therefore, as soon as Li Luoyang put forward his own views, he saw Mo Jiao glaring at him, and his heart suddenly emptied, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing. I think what you said is very reasonable. Let's start when we're ready?"


Li Luoyang finally regained his mind. He lifted a stone and hit himself in the foot.

"OK." after wiping his face, Li Luoyang also knew that it was really inconvenient to refuse at this time. Everything had been done to this extent. If he refused, he would have wasted all his previous efforts and become a loss making business. From the standpoint of a businessman, Li Luoyang felt it necessary to continue.

"Then get ready."

To explore, we must wait for the opportunity. At present, the sky is not completely dark. If we move forward rashly, we may be found by the distant post. Therefore, the best way is to take advantage of the night. Although the night will affect the sight of Li Luoyang and Mo Jiao, this impact must be on both sides. When everyone can't see far, it is certainly the most favorable for Li Luoyang.

"Let's go."

Mo Jiao, who changed into night clothes, appeared in front of Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang also changed into night clothes. It's a night suit. In fact, it's a set of black clothes. With a black mask, almost only a pair of eyes leak out. Unfortunately, there is no mirror now. If you look in the mirror, Li Luoyang feels that he must be very much like a ninja in later film and television works.

"What are you doing?"


Li Luoyang was really distracted when he saw Mo Jiao, but it was not because of Mo Jiao's graceful figure under the tight night clothes, but because Li Luoyang just thought of a question - when did Ninja come into being? Is there a ninja in this world? Can I use those ninjas in film and television works to invent a genre?

However, it seems that this is not the time to consider this problem. What Ninja schools are all things in the future. Now it's best to solve the food team first.

"Let's go."

Li Luoyang tightened the steel knife around his waist, and then waved to go out with Mo Jiao. Zhang Ergou didn't have to follow this time. He stayed in place with others and waited for Mo Jiao and Li Luoyang to come back.

The night is very dark, and the moon tonight is gone. It's just the stars in the sky. It's difficult to provide enough light.

Fortunately, Mo Jiao and Li Luoyang both have good eyesight. In this case, Li Luoyang can still see a distance of about ten feet. It can only be said that some places that are too dark can't be seen too clearly, but the night also brings another benefit, silence.

In the quiet environment, even the sound of someone walking, talking or even snoring ten feet away can spread far away. Li Luoyang's five senses have improved obviously now. If he listens attentively, he can even hear the sound of flies fluttering their wings a few feet away. Mo Jiao is not bad. They look and listen, and soon get close to what Zhang Ergou said, Outside the Manichaeism camp.

An obvious fire light can be seen on the mountain in the distance. There must be the camp of Manichaeism, otherwise the fire light will not be so concentrated. From the mountain to Li Luoyang, they are almost two miles away. If it was the army of the imperial court, the camp must be heavily defended within two or three miles, but Manichaeism is not a regular army after all. At least Li Luoyang and Mo Jiao didn't find even a secret sentry here.

"Move on or what?"

Mo Jiao whispered to Li Luoyang.

"You can't give up halfway. Let's go and see if you can catch some people. Ask the situation first." Li Luoyang didn't expect that the vigilance of Manichaeism would be so relaxed. It's not as rigorous as he imagined. Therefore, the strength of the grain transportation team is really too weak, isn't it?

"It's different. When the grain transportation team meets this kind of thing, it can't move at all. Once it moves, the whole team may fall apart. Don't you know from Zhang Ergou? In fact, there are only 300 cavalry soldiers protecting the whole grain team, but there are 800 servicemen."

Eight hundred servicemen drove three hundred carts, which were filled with grain. The quantity of this batch of grain was really large. If it could be safely sent to Taiyuan City, it would greatly alleviate the disaster. As long as the people's hearts were stable, the imperial court followed by two or three more batches of grain, the disaster this year could be smooth and excessive.

But as Mo Jiao said, it's too little to ride three hundred. A cavalry protects a cart and rushes out of the enclosure, which is an impossible task.

"Don't waste your time. Let's go."

The discussion could not produce results. Mo Jiao and Li Luoyang could only continue to touch the direction of Manichaeism camp. At the same time, in the tent at the center of the three-story concentric circle formed by 300 carts in the mountain depression, the young captain Niu Gao was waving two maces and sweating.

"Martial arts is a skill that you don't practice for three days!"

Niu Gao has a tall body, dark skin, and fine red upper body. After exercise, muscles are buried one by one, and sweat beads roll on the dark skin. The whole person exudes a strong sense of strength. This sense of strength inadvertently brings a sense of security to the people around him, whether the soldiers under his account or the servicemen who see this scene.

With such generals, those Manichaeism should not be able to attack.